Viewing Issues 1051 - 1100 / 2005

    PIDStatusUpdated Summary
assigned (c_schmitz)
2021-04-07Order of groups not correct when being selected for statistics
2021-04-07Set permissions (or role) for new users automatically
confirmed (c_schmitz)
2021-04-07Question group information is lost when selecting a different question type
2021-04-06Consecutive group-edit actions in survey lists
2021-03-30Same theme option for all theme
assigned (ollehar)
2021-03-29Logic register suddenly changes
2021-03-29incorrect data structure for multiple choice question
2021-03-26Multiple issues with template name and (uppet|lower)case
assigned (c_schmitz)
2021-03-24SPSS data export not functional with config[debug] => 1
assigned (c_schmitz)
2021-03-23Bad HTML after import bad label set with bad extension or not a valid XML label set
2021-03-21Label set show error when adding new label
feedback (vharris)
2021-03-20.txt export i18n issue with other-label
2021-03-20Possible code duplication - survey page bar
assigned (c_schmitz)
2021-03-19Create users and manage a group - confidentiality
feedback (LimeBot)
2021-03-19plugin manager ommits installation of files in path upload/plugins/limeMpdf/views/subview/svg when installing limeMpdf
confirmed (vharris)
2021-03-19Slider with emoticon not accessible using keyboard
confirmed (c_schmitz)
2021-03-19Make number input configurable to have left and right alignment
2021-03-12[question template] Some core attribute disable existing template
assigned (ollehar)
2021-03-11Survey opened twice at same time causes double database entry and makes results blank
assigned (ollehar)
2021-03-11More information in default log
assigned (ollehar)
2021-03-11Loop somewhere save model in afterPluginLoad
2021-03-11EM javascript are shown in home page
assigned (LouisGac)
2021-03-11Unable to use QID SGQ … in validation equation tip
2021-03-11google map without API broke
2021-03-11After reset menu configuration, unabe to reset menu entries
2021-03-11Upgrade from an old old instance : 2.6 OK, 3.16 not ok at 255
2021-03-11Upload popup can not be twigged
2021-03-11Previous button shown on Welcome page editor
2021-03-10userideditable flag in config.php not functional in LS2 and LS3
assigned (ollehar)
2021-03-10LimeStore extension report shows blank page
assigned (c_schmitz)
2021-03-10use og Back to adminpanel or Close?
assigned (LouisGac)
2021-03-10Welcome message is shown in all-in-one mode even though it was turned off at the survey settings
assigned (LouisGac)
2021-03-10new admin themes can't be activated without editing AdminTheme.php
assigned (vharris)
2021-03-10Responses from users with non-valid Text in the E-Mail field are not registered in participant table
2021-03-10Can't submit question if ranking question uses both min/max and mandatory
assigned (markusfluer)
2021-03-10Problem with inserting variables in email template editor
assigned (ollehar)
2021-03-10Missing test suite for survey group permissions
assigned (ollehar)
2021-03-10Show policy checkbox use admin css
2021-03-10Colums (still) can't be hidden in Array (numbers) questions
2021-03-08Allow superadmin to access all permissions together in a single view
assigned (c_schmitz)
2021-03-08Default survey admin name & email not set in installation phase
confirmed (c_schmitz)
2021-03-07Rewrite Word export
2021-03-05Bounce process menu entry should not be enabled
2021-03-04Plugin event : update "default core string"
confirmed (ollehar)
2021-03-04strlen() function for counting characters has problems with special characters
assigned (c_schmitz)
2021-03-03RemoteControl add_participants validFrom date format fails
assigned (ollehar)
2021-03-03Can't see inherited value of variations in theme options
2021-03-03Data policy vs. welcome-page, show or not
2021-02-28Bad order of VV and database column with randomiza
2021-02-28Bad order of VV and database column with randomiza