View Issue Details

This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
08121Bug reportsSurvey takingpublic2013-09-24 14:20
ReporterMazi Assigned ToDenisChenu  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2.05 RC 
Target Version2.05 RCFixed in Version2.05 RC 
Summary08121: Missing classes for "resume later" button cause template elements to look different

At Limesurvey 2.0 the "resume later" button has the following classes assigned:
class="saveall ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all"

At Limesurvey 2.05 we only have:

This causes template elements to look different, see attached screen shot.

Steps To Reproduce

Start a survey at Limesurvey 2.05 and check the "resume later" button.

TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files
resume.png (4,626 bytes)   
resume.png (4,626 bytes)   
Bug heat6
Complete LimeSurvey version number (& build)130816
I will donate to the project if issue is resolvedNo
Database type & versionMySQL 5
Server OS (if known)Linux
Webserver software & version (if known)Apache 2
PHP Version5.3.1


child of 07967 closedc_schmitz Without javascript there are still present button that don't work in the survey : back, clear the survey, send it incomplete. 

Users monitoring this issue

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2013-09-02 13:55

developer   ~26124

Last edited: 2013-09-02 13:57


I think we add to add class only on JS.

And need to fix "07967: Without javascript there are still present button that don't work in the survey : back, clear the survey, send it incomplete." before too ....



2013-09-02 14:32

updater   ~26125

Denis, I think for a first start we should just consider this a simple bug and assign the classes as it was done at Limesurvey 2.0.



2013-09-02 15:11

developer   ~26126

You're right : i lost a class="save" button ...



2013-09-02 15:38

updater   ~26127

Thanks, Denis!



2013-09-24 14:20

administrator   ~26350

2.05RC1 released

Related Changesets

LimeSurvey: 2.05 5dc457f0

2013-09-02 15:10


Details Diff
Dixed issue 08121: Missing classes for "resume later" button cause template elements to look different Affected Issues
mod - application/helpers/replacements_helper.php Diff File

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2013-09-02 12:45 Mazi New Issue
2013-09-02 12:45 Mazi Status new => assigned
2013-09-02 12:45 Mazi Assigned To => DenisChenu
2013-09-02 12:45 Mazi File Added: resume.png
2013-09-02 13:55 DenisChenu Note Added: 26124
2013-09-02 13:56 DenisChenu Relationship added child of 07967
2013-09-02 13:57 DenisChenu Note Edited: 26124
2013-09-02 14:32 Mazi Note Added: 26125
2013-09-02 14:38 Mazi Issue Monitored: sammousa
2013-09-02 15:10 DenisChenu Changeset attached => LimeSurvey 2.05 5dc457f0
2013-09-02 15:11 DenisChenu Note Added: 26126
2013-09-02 15:12 DenisChenu Status assigned => resolved
2013-09-02 15:12 DenisChenu Fixed in Version => 2.05 RC
2013-09-02 15:12 DenisChenu Resolution open => fixed
2013-09-02 15:38 Mazi Note Added: 26127
2013-09-24 14:20 c_schmitz Note Added: 26350
2013-09-24 14:20 c_schmitz Status resolved => closed