View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
07071 | Bug reports | Survey taking | public | 2012-12-12 20:25 | 2012-12-22 19:00 |
Reporter | helper | Assigned To | c_schmitz | ||
Priority | immediate | Severity | block | ||
Status | closed | Resolution | fixed | ||
Product Version | 2.00+ | ||||
Fixed in Version | 2.00+ | ||||
Summary | 07071: DCbException at survey entry - missing survey_timings | ||||
Description | The reported missing table is not present in the database. I expired the survey and restarted the survey with no joy. Nothing I can do seems to create the missing table. This error happens once - will not return on page reload. | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
Attached Files | index.htm (25,237 bytes)
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/> <title>CDbException</title> <style type="text/css"> /*<![CDATA[*/ html,body,div,span,applet,object,iframe,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,p,blockquote,pre,a,abbr,acronym,address,big,cite,code,del,dfn,em,font,img,ins,kbd,q,s,samp,small,strike,strong,sub,sup,tt,var,b,u,i,center,dl,dt,dd,ol,ul,li,fieldset,form,label,legend,table,caption,tbody,tfoot,thead,tr,th,td{border:0;outline:0;font-size:100%;vertical-align:baseline;background:transparent;margin:0;padding:0;} body{line-height:1;} ol,ul{list-style:none;} blockquote,q{quotes:none;} blockquote:before,blockquote:after,q:before,q:after{content:none;} :focus{outline:0;} ins{text-decoration:none;} del{text-decoration:line-through;} table{border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} body { font: normal 9pt "Verdana"; color: #000; background: #fff; } h1 { font: normal 18pt "Verdana"; 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<span class="ln">2261</span> <span class="ln">2262</span> $tableName=$model->tableName(); <span class="ln">2263</span> if(($table=$model->getDbConnection()->getSchema()->getTable($tableName))===null) <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">2264</span> throw new CDbException(Yii::t('yii','The table "{table}" for active record class "{class}" cannot be found in the database.', </span><span class="ln">2265</span> array('{class}'=>get_class($model),'{table}'=>$tableName))); <span class="ln">2266</span> if($table->primaryKey===null) <span class="ln">2267</span> { <span class="ln">2268</span> $table->primaryKey=$model->primaryKey(); <span class="ln">2269</span> if(is_string($table->primaryKey) && isset($table->columns[$table->primaryKey])) <span class="ln">2270</span> $table->columns[$table->primaryKey]->isPrimaryKey=true; <span class="ln">2271</span> else if(is_array($table->primaryKey)) <span class="ln">2272</span> { <span class="ln">2273</span> foreach($table->primaryKey as $name) <span class="ln">2274</span> { <span class="ln">2275</span> if(isset($table->columns[$name])) <span class="ln">2276</span> $table->columns[$name]->isPrimaryKey=true; </pre></div> </div> <div class="traces"> <h2>Stack Trace</h2> <table style="width:100%;"> <tr class="trace core collapsed"> <td class="number"> #0 </td> <td class="content"> <div class="trace-file"> <div class="plus">+</div> <div class="minus">–</div> C:\etc\Apache\htdocs\MSSQL\framework\db\ar\CActiveRecord.php(379): <strong>CActiveRecordMetaData</strong>-><strong>__construct</strong>(Survey_timings) </div> <div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">374</span> if(isset(self::$_models[$className])) <span class="ln">375</span> return self::$_models[$className]; <span class="ln">376</span> else <span class="ln">377</span> { <span class="ln">378</span> $model=self::$_models[$className]=new $className(null); <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">379</span> $model->_md=new CActiveRecordMetaData($model); </span><span class="ln">380</span> $model->attachBehaviors($model->behaviors()); <span class="ln">381</span> return $model; <span class="ln">382</span> } <span class="ln">383</span> } <span class="ln">384</span> </pre></div> </td> </tr> <tr class="trace core collapsed"> <td class="number"> #1 </td> <td class="content"> <div class="trace-file"> <div class="plus">+</div> <div class="minus">–</div> C:\etc\Apache\htdocs\MSSQL\framework\db\ar\CActiveRecord.php(394): <strong>CActiveRecord</strong>::<strong>model</strong>("Survey_timings") </div> <div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">389</span> public function getMetaData() <span class="ln">390</span> { <span class="ln">391</span> if($this->_md!==null) <span class="ln">392</span> return $this->_md; <span class="ln">393</span> else <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">394</span> return $this->_md=self::model(get_class($this))->_md; </span><span class="ln">395</span> } <span class="ln">396</span> <span class="ln">397</span> /** <span class="ln">398</span> * Refreshes the meta data for this AR class. <span class="ln">399</span> * By calling this method, this AR class will regenerate the meta data needed. </pre></div> </td> </tr> <tr class="trace core collapsed"> <td class="number"> #2 </td> <td class="content"> <div class="trace-file"> <div class="plus">+</div> <div class="minus">–</div> C:\etc\Apache\htdocs\MSSQL\framework\db\ar\CActiveRecord.php(78): <strong>CActiveRecord</strong>-><strong>getMetaData</strong>() </div> <div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">73</span> if($scenario===null) // internally used by populateRecord() and model() <span class="ln">74</span> return; <span class="ln">75</span> <span class="ln">76</span> $this->setScenario($scenario); <span class="ln">77</span> $this->setIsNewRecord(true); <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">78</span> $this->_attributes=$this->getMetaData()->attributeDefaults; </span><span class="ln">79</span> <span class="ln">80</span> $this->init(); <span class="ln">81</span> <span class="ln">82</span> $this->attachBehaviors($this->behaviors()); <span class="ln">83</span> $this->afterConstruct(); </pre></div> </td> </tr> <tr class="trace app expanded"> <td class="number"> #3 </td> <td class="content"> <div class="trace-file"> <div class="plus">+</div> <div class="minus">–</div> C:\etc\Apache\htdocs\MSSQL\application\helpers\expressions\em_manager_helper.php(4469): <strong>CActiveRecord</strong>-><strong>__construct</strong>() </div> <div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">4464</span> $message .= $this->gT("Unable to insert record into survey table"); // TODO - add SQL error? <span class="ln">4465</span> } <span class="ln">4466</span> //Insert Row for Timings, if needed <span class="ln">4467</span> if ($this->surveyOptions['savetimings']) { <span class="ln">4468</span> Survey_timings::sid($this->sid); <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">4469</span> $oSurveyTimings = new Survey_timings; </span><span class="ln">4470</span> <span class="ln">4471</span> $tdata = array( <span class="ln">4472</span> 'id'=>$srid, <span class="ln">4473</span> 'interviewtime'=>0 <span class="ln">4474</span> ); </pre></div> </td> </tr> <tr class="trace app expanded"> <td class="number"> #4 </td> <td class="content"> <div class="trace-file"> <div class="plus">+</div> <div class="minus">–</div> C:\etc\Apache\htdocs\MSSQL\application\helpers\expressions\em_manager_helper.php(4299): <strong>LimeExpressionManager</strong>-><strong>_UpdateValuesInDatabase</strong>(array(), false) </div> <div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">4294</span> continue; <span class="ln">4295</span> } <span class="ln">4296</span> else <span class="ln">4297</span> { <span class="ln">4298</span> // display new group <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">4299</span> $message .= $LEM->_UpdateValuesInDatabase($updatedValues,false); </span><span class="ln">4300</span> $LEM->runtimeTimings[] = array(__METHOD__,(microtime(true) - $now)); <span class="ln">4301</span> $LEM->lastMoveResult = array( <span class="ln">4302</span> 'finished'=>false, <span class="ln">4303</span> 'message'=>$message, <span class="ln">4304</span> 'gseq'=>$LEM->currentGroupSeq, </pre></div> </td> </tr> <tr class="trace app expanded"> <td class="number"> #5 </td> <td class="content"> <div class="trace-file"> <div class="plus">+</div> <div class="minus">–</div> C:\etc\Apache\htdocs\MSSQL\application\helpers\SurveyRuntimeHelper.php(190): <strong>LimeExpressionManager</strong>::<strong>NavigateForwards</strong>() </div> <div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">185</span> unset($moveResult); // so display welcome page again <span class="ln">186</span> } <span class="ln">187</span> } <span class="ln">188</span> if (isset($move) && $move == "movenext") <span class="ln">189</span> { <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">190</span> $moveResult = LimeExpressionManager::NavigateForwards(); </span><span class="ln">191</span> } <span class="ln">192</span> if (isset($move) && ($move == 'movesubmit')) <span class="ln">193</span> { <span class="ln">194</span> if ($surveyMode == 'survey') <span class="ln">195</span> { </pre></div> </td> </tr> <tr class="trace app collapsed"> <td class="number"> #6 </td> <td class="content"> <div class="trace-file"> <div class="plus">+</div> <div class="minus">–</div> C:\etc\Apache\htdocs\MSSQL\application\controllers\survey\index.php(662): <strong>SurveyRuntimeHelper</strong>-><strong>run</strong>("518477", array("surveyid" => "518477", "thissurvey" => array("surveyls_survey_id" => "518477", "surveyls_language" => "en", "surveyls_title" => "Patient Connect - PHQ", "surveyls_description" => "", ...), "thisstep" => "0", "clienttoken" => "ngd6ij57qcattj8ixerbmkam2", ...)) </div> <div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">657</span> //Send local variables to the appropriate survey type <span class="ln">658</span> unset($redata); <span class="ln">659</span> $redata = compact(array_keys(get_defined_vars())); <span class="ln">660</span> Yii::import('application.helpers.SurveyRuntimeHelper'); <span class="ln">661</span> $tmp = new SurveyRuntimeHelper(); <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">662</span> $tmp->run($surveyid,$redata); </span><span class="ln">663</span> <span class="ln">664</span> if (isset($_POST['saveall']) || isset($flashmessage)) <span class="ln">665</span> { <span class="ln">666</span> echo "<script type='text/javascript'> $(document).ready( function() { alert('".$clang->gT("Your responses were successfully saved.","js")."');}) </script>"; <span class="ln">667</span> } </pre></div> </td> </tr> <tr class="trace app collapsed"> <td class="number"> #7 </td> <td class="content"> <div class="trace-file"> <div class="plus">+</div> <div class="minus">–</div> C:\etc\Apache\htdocs\MSSQL\application\controllers\survey\index.php(18): <strong>index</strong>-><strong>action</strong>() </div> <div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">13</span> <span class="ln">14</span> class index extends CAction { <span class="ln">15</span> <span class="ln">16</span> public function run() <span class="ln">17</span> { <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">18</span> $this->action(); </span><span class="ln">19</span> } <span class="ln">20</span> <span class="ln">21</span> function action() <span class="ln">22</span> { <span class="ln">23</span> global $surveyid; </pre></div> </td> </tr> <tr class="trace core collapsed"> <td class="number"> #8 </td> <td class="content"> <div class="trace-file"> <div class="plus">+</div> <div class="minus">–</div> C:\etc\Apache\htdocs\MSSQL\framework\web\actions\CAction.php(75): <strong>index</strong>-><strong>run</strong>() </div> <div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">70</span> { <span class="ln">71</span> $method=new ReflectionMethod($this, 'run'); <span class="ln">72</span> if($method->getNumberOfParameters()>0) <span class="ln">73</span> return $this->runWithParamsInternal($this, $method, $params); <span class="ln">74</span> else <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">75</span> return $this->run(); </span><span class="ln">76</span> } <span class="ln">77</span> <span class="ln">78</span> /** <span class="ln">79</span> * Executes a method of an object with the supplied named parameters. <span class="ln">80</span> * This method is internally used. </pre></div> </td> </tr> <tr class="trace core collapsed"> <td class="number"> #9 </td> <td class="content"> <div class="trace-file"> <div class="plus">+</div> <div class="minus">–</div> C:\etc\Apache\htdocs\MSSQL\framework\web\CController.php(309): <strong>CAction</strong>-><strong>runWithParams</strong>(array()) </div> <div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">304</span> { <span class="ln">305</span> $priorAction=$this->_action; <span class="ln">306</span> $this->_action=$action; <span class="ln">307</span> if($this->beforeAction($action)) <span class="ln">308</span> { <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">309</span> if($action->runWithParams($this->getActionParams())===false) </span><span class="ln">310</span> $this->invalidActionParams($action); <span class="ln">311</span> else <span class="ln">312</span> $this->afterAction($action); <span class="ln">313</span> } <span class="ln">314</span> $this->_action=$priorAction; </pre></div> </td> </tr> <tr class="trace core collapsed"> <td class="number"> #10 </td> <td class="content"> <div class="trace-file"> <div class="plus">+</div> <div class="minus">–</div> C:\etc\Apache\htdocs\MSSQL\framework\web\CController.php(287): <strong>CController</strong>-><strong>runAction</strong>(index) </div> <div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">282</span> * @see runAction <span class="ln">283</span> */ <span class="ln">284</span> public function runActionWithFilters($action,$filters) <span class="ln">285</span> { <span class="ln">286</span> if(empty($filters)) <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">287</span> $this->runAction($action); </span><span class="ln">288</span> else <span class="ln">289</span> { <span class="ln">290</span> $priorAction=$this->_action; <span class="ln">291</span> $this->_action=$action; <span class="ln">292</span> CFilterChain::create($this,$action,$filters)->run(); </pre></div> </td> </tr> <tr class="trace core collapsed"> <td class="number"> #11 </td> <td class="content"> <div class="trace-file"> <div class="plus">+</div> <div class="minus">–</div> C:\etc\Apache\htdocs\MSSQL\framework\web\CController.php(266): <strong>CController</strong>-><strong>runActionWithFilters</strong>(index, array()) </div> <div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">261</span> { <span class="ln">262</span> if(($parent=$this->getModule())===null) <span class="ln">263</span> $parent=Yii::app(); <span class="ln">264</span> if($parent->beforeControllerAction($this,$action)) <span class="ln">265</span> { <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">266</span> $this->runActionWithFilters($action,$this->filters()); </span><span class="ln">267</span> $parent->afterControllerAction($this,$action); <span class="ln">268</span> } <span class="ln">269</span> } <span class="ln">270</span> else <span class="ln">271</span> $this->missingAction($actionID); </pre></div> </td> </tr> <tr class="trace core collapsed"> <td class="number"> #12 </td> <td class="content"> <div class="trace-file"> <div class="plus">+</div> <div class="minus">–</div> C:\etc\Apache\htdocs\MSSQL\framework\web\CWebApplication.php(276): <strong>CController</strong>-><strong>run</strong>("index") </div> <div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">271</span> { <span class="ln">272</span> list($controller,$actionID)=$ca; <span class="ln">273</span> $oldController=$this->_controller; <span class="ln">274</span> $this->_controller=$controller; <span class="ln">275</span> $controller->init(); <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">276</span> $controller->run($actionID); </span><span class="ln">277</span> $this->_controller=$oldController; <span class="ln">278</span> } <span class="ln">279</span> else <span class="ln">280</span> throw new CHttpException(404,Yii::t('yii','Unable to resolve the request "{route}".', <span class="ln">281</span> array('{route}'=>$route===''?$this->defaultController:$route))); </pre></div> </td> </tr> <tr class="trace core collapsed"> <td class="number"> #13 </td> <td class="content"> <div class="trace-file"> <div class="plus">+</div> <div class="minus">–</div> C:\etc\Apache\htdocs\MSSQL\framework\web\CWebApplication.php(135): <strong>CWebApplication</strong>-><strong>runController</strong>("survey/index") </div> <div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">130</span> foreach(array_splice($this->catchAllRequest,1) as $name=>$value) <span class="ln">131</span> $_GET[$name]=$value; <span class="ln">132</span> } <span class="ln">133</span> else <span class="ln">134</span> $route=$this->getUrlManager()->parseUrl($this->getRequest()); <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">135</span> $this->runController($route); </span><span class="ln">136</span> } <span class="ln">137</span> <span class="ln">138</span> /** <span class="ln">139</span> * Registers the core application components. <span class="ln">140</span> * This method overrides the parent implementation by registering additional core components. </pre></div> </td> </tr> <tr class="trace core collapsed"> <td class="number"> #14 </td> <td class="content"> <div class="trace-file"> <div class="plus">+</div> <div class="minus">–</div> C:\etc\Apache\htdocs\MSSQL\framework\base\CApplication.php(162): <strong>CWebApplication</strong>-><strong>processRequest</strong>() </div> <div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">157</span> */ <span class="ln">158</span> public function run() <span class="ln">159</span> { <span class="ln">160</span> if($this->hasEventHandler('onBeginRequest')) <span class="ln">161</span> $this->onBeginRequest(new CEvent($this)); <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">162</span> $this->processRequest(); </span><span class="ln">163</span> if($this->hasEventHandler('onEndRequest')) <span class="ln">164</span> $this->onEndRequest(new CEvent($this)); <span class="ln">165</span> } <span class="ln">166</span> <span class="ln">167</span> /** </pre></div> </td> </tr> <tr class="trace app collapsed"> <td class="number"> #15 </td> <td class="content"> <div class="trace-file"> <div class="plus">+</div> <div class="minus">–</div> C:\etc\Apache\htdocs\MSSQL\index.php(178): <strong>CApplication</strong>-><strong>run</strong>() </div> <div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">173</span> * <span class="ln">174</span> */ <span class="ln">175</span> require_once BASEPATH . 'yii' . EXT; <span class="ln">176</span> require_once APPPATH . 'core/LSYii_Application' . EXT; <span class="ln">177</span> <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">178</span> Yii::createApplication('LSYii_Application', APPPATH . 'config/config' . EXT)->run(); </span><span class="ln">179</span> <span class="ln">180</span> /* End of file index.php */ <span class="ln">181</span> /* Location: ./index.php */ </pre></div> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <div class="version"> 2012-12-12 13:44:19 Apache/2.4.3 (Win32) OpenSSL/0.9.8x PHP/5.4.8 <a href="">Yii Framework</a>/1.1.10 </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> /*<![CDATA[*/ var traceReg = new RegExp("(^|\\s)trace-file(\\s|$)"); var collapsedReg = new RegExp("(^|\\s)collapsed(\\s|$)"); var e = document.getElementsByTagName("div"); for(var j=0,len=e.length;j<len;j++){ if(traceReg.test(e[j].className)){ e[j].onclick = function(){ var trace = this.parentNode.parentNode; if(collapsedReg.test(trace.className)) trace.className = trace.className.replace("collapsed", "expanded"); else trace.className = trace.className.replace("expanded", "collapsed"); } } } /*]]>*/ </script> </body> </html> | ||||
Bug heat | 22 | ||||
Complete LimeSurvey version number (& build) | 121211 | ||||
I will donate to the project if issue is resolved | No | ||||
Browser | Chrome | ||||
Database type & version | Microsoft SQL Server 2008 | ||||
Server OS (if known) | Windows 2008 | ||||
Webserver software & version (if known) | Apache 2.4 | ||||
PHP Version | 3.4 | ||||
Also, with these tables missing the following stats page is failing: admin -> Responses & statistics -> Get time statistics from these responses |
Occurs in both MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server 2008. |
Most probably the table is missing. This results from a bug in early 2.0 version. |
The issue is the Database Integrity check is showing all surveys as orphaned - if you take the recommended action the timings tables are gone... |
Thank you - it's even worse. Just visiting the integrity check is causing the timing tables to be renamed. |
Fix committed to master branch: |
Fix committed to 2.1 branch: |
2.00+ Build 121213 released |
Fix committed to master branch: |
Fix committed to 2.1 branch: |
LimeSurvey: master ae53492c 2012-12-12 21:47 Details Diff |
Fixed issue 07071: Survey timing tables are archived and offered for deletion when visiting the integrity check |
Affected Issues 07071 |
mod - application/controllers/admin/checkintegrity.php | Diff File | ||
LimeSurvey: 2.1 0d432b0f 2012-12-12 22:22 Details Diff |
Fixed issue 07071: Survey timing tables are archived and offered for deletion when visiting the integrity check |
Affected Issues 07071 |
mod - application/controllers/admin/checkintegrity.php | Diff File | ||
LimeSurvey: master 227acbbd 2012-12-19 18:00 Details Diff |
Fixed issue 07071: Survey timing tables are archived and offered for deletion when visiting the integrity check |
Affected Issues 07071 |
mod - application/controllers/admin/checkintegrity.php | Diff File | ||
LimeSurvey: 2.1 0601d283 2012-12-22 18:58 Details Diff |
Fixed issue 07071: Survey timing tables are archived and offered for deletion when visiting the integrity check |
Affected Issues 07071 |
mod - application/controllers/admin/checkintegrity.php | Diff File |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2012-12-12 20:25 | helper | New Issue | |
2012-12-12 20:25 | helper | File Added: index.htm | |
2012-12-12 20:26 | helper | File Added: limesurvey_survey_518477.lss | |
2012-12-12 20:58 | helper | Note Added: 23185 | |
2012-12-12 20:59 | helper | Note Added: 23186 | |
2012-12-12 21:04 | c_schmitz | Note Added: 23187 | |
2012-12-12 21:04 | c_schmitz | Status | new => closed |
2012-12-12 21:04 | c_schmitz | Assigned To | => c_schmitz |
2012-12-12 21:04 | c_schmitz | Resolution | open => fixed |
2012-12-12 21:07 | helper | Note Added: 23189 | |
2012-12-12 21:07 | helper | Status | closed => feedback |
2012-12-12 21:07 | helper | Resolution | fixed => reopened |
2012-12-12 21:44 | c_schmitz | Note Added: 23191 | |
2012-12-12 21:47 | c_schmitz | Changeset attached | => LimeSurvey master ae53492c |
2012-12-12 21:47 | c_schmitz | Note Added: 23192 | |
2012-12-12 21:56 | c_schmitz | Priority | high => immediate |
2012-12-12 21:56 | c_schmitz | Status | feedback => resolved |
2012-12-12 21:56 | c_schmitz | Fixed in Version | => 2.00+ |
2012-12-12 21:56 | c_schmitz | Resolution | reopened => fixed |
2012-12-12 22:23 | c_schmitz | Changeset attached | => LimeSurvey 2.1 0d432b0f |
2012-12-12 22:23 | c_schmitz | Note Added: 23195 | |
2012-12-13 09:24 | c_schmitz | Note Added: 23203 | |
2012-12-13 09:24 | c_schmitz | Status | resolved => closed |
2012-12-13 09:46 | c_schmitz | Relationship added | has duplicate 07072 |
2012-12-19 18:01 | c_schmitz | Changeset attached | => LimeSurvey master 227acbbd |
2012-12-19 18:01 | c_schmitz | Note Added: 23284 | |
2012-12-20 23:39 | c_schmitz | Relationship added | has duplicate 07113 |
2012-12-22 19:00 | c_schmitz | Changeset attached | => LimeSurvey 2.1 0601d283 |
2012-12-22 19:00 | c_schmitz | Note Added: 23356 | |
2021-08-03 00:57 | guest | Bug heat | 20 => 22 |