View Issue Details

This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
15860Bug reportsSurvey takingpublic2020-08-03 11:23
ReporterMazi Assigned To 
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version4.1.2 
Summary15860: Changing language at question preview leads to loading the wrong page

When calling the question preview at a multilingual survey and switching to a different language at the preview, it doesn't load the current question with the different language but seems to load the welcome page (though showing the welcome page is disabled).

Steps To Reproduce

Import the attached survey.
Preview a question in English
Switch the language at the preview
-> Wrong screen is loaded

TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files
Bug heat12
Complete LimeSurvey version number (& build)Version 4.1.4+200214
I will donate to the project if issue is resolvedNo
Database type & versionMySQL 5
Server OS (if known)Ubuntu 18
Webserver software & version (if known)Apache 2
PHP Version7.2.26


related to 16535 closed Changing language at question preview leads to loading the wrong page 

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2020-02-13 09:35

updater   ~55936

Multilingual survey attached.



2020-06-16 14:29

developer   ~58307

It work in 2.6lts unsure after



2020-07-28 21:03

manager   ~59132


Information about preview mode is not included in the language changer forms.
Updated the form's action when on previewgroup or previewquestion mode.

Should happen on LTS as well.
Already created a ticket for it.


2020-07-31 13:52


Tested the issue before pulling the PR, Issue exist. Tested the issue after pulling the PR, below are my findings:
Screenshot 1:Before Pulling the PR on changing the language on question preview landed in Welcome Page.
Screenshot 2:After pulling the PR I see on changing the language on preview question it landed in the question page only.
Working as expected. Please refer the attachment for more details


2020-08-03 09:43


Fix committed to master branch:



2020-08-03 11:23

administrator   ~59258

Fixed in Release 4.3.8+200803

Related Changesets

LimeSurvey: master dc4f06b5

2020-07-28 22:58


Committer: user234287

Details Diff
Fixed issue 15860: Changing language at question preview leads to loading the wrong page

Information about preview mode is not included in the language changer forms.
Updated the form's action when on previewgroup or previewquestion mode.
Affected Issues
mod - application/helpers/SurveyRuntimeHelper.php Diff File

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2020-02-13 09:34 Mazi New Issue
2020-02-13 09:35 Mazi File Added: limesurvey_survey_463648.lss
2020-02-13 09:35 Mazi Note Added: 55936
2020-02-22 20:25 cdorin Priority none => low
2020-02-22 20:25 cdorin Status new => confirmed
2020-06-16 14:29 DenisChenu Note Added: 58307
2020-07-28 21:01 gabrieljenik Issue cloned: 16535
2020-07-28 21:01 gabrieljenik Relationship added related to 16535
2020-07-28 21:03 gabrieljenik Note Added: 59132
2020-07-31 13:52 user225042 Note Added: 59231
2020-07-31 13:52 user225042 File Added: 15860_QuePreview_ChangeLang.png
2020-08-03 09:43 user234287 Changeset attached => LimeSurvey master dc4f06b5
2020-08-03 09:43 user234287 Note Added: 59246
2020-08-03 11:23 lime_release_bot Note Added: 59258
2020-08-03 11:23 lime_release_bot Status confirmed => closed
2020-08-03 11:23 lime_release_bot Resolution open => fixed