View Issue Details

This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
11732Bug reportsSurvey takingpublic2017-07-21 17:08
ReporterDenisChenu Assigned ToDenisChenu  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2.52.x 
Target Version3.0.x 
Summary11732: Slider reset don't reset to default position

When click on slider reset : the position must be that if session don't have value

Steps To Reproduce

Import included survey or compare:
2.06 :
2.50 :
answershtml :

The template for 2.06 don't use specific js for slider

Additional Information

I think : with reset

  • if slider_default is set : must reset to this value
  • if slider_middlestart is set must reset to middle
    More : the reset must really reset the value (in 2.50 it's not resetted

In 2.06 : slider_middlestart don't set the value , and the number is not shown : think iot can be done with just a class more in slider : slider-notset . Can be done for 3.0.X or 3.0.0 if i found time

In 2.06 : slider_default set the value (i don't found a clean way or i don't take time to do it) : maybe we can fiond a way to do this :) for 3.0 or 3.X

Attached Files
Bug heat8
Complete LimeSurvey version number (& build)20160930
I will donate to the project if issue is resolvedNo
Browsernot relevant
Database type & versionnot relevant
Server OS (if known)not relevant
Webserver software & version (if known)not relevant
PHP Versionnot relevant


related to 11849 closedmarkusfluer Numeric valid item with , show as error 
related to 11850 closedDenisChenu Some slider settings broken when min value is negative or 0 

Users monitoring this issue





2016-09-30 02:20

partner   ~41039

You really put a lot of effort in preparing this bug ticket.

"the reset must really reset the value (in 2.50 it's not resetted"
That is a big issue. Wonder if the issue was introduced lately. That could have an impact on LS 2.5 studies already conducted.

I'm not so sure about reset anymore. A "no answer" option seems to be more useful.
The slider with default values are often the field of discussion, if they where really answered by the proband. Speaking of LS 3.X.



2016-09-30 08:01

developer   ~41040

You mean a "no answer" checkbox : can not really have it if question is mandatory.

"That could have an impact on LS 2.5 studies already conducted." I don't think, it was fixed in 2.0, but slider exist since 1.80 ....

for slider_default, maybe a attribute more "Set the value"



2016-09-30 14:10

partner   ~41044

That the slider reset won't reset value and wrong value is then saved in LS 2.5 sounds like a high impact bug to me. Or I don't get it. No impact for LTS users, but for LS 2.5 users?

Lately we had a lot of discussions around sliders, default values, reset and no answer situation.

Wouldn't a no answer radiobutton or no answer slider area be a good idea? I think the reset button can than be neglected. Is there a high usage user case for reset when you can click no-answer?

I don't unterstand your statement "Can not really have it if question is mandatory." Why? That depends on the default position, right?
Without a explicit "no answer"



2016-09-30 14:30

partner   ~41045

If the option "Slider starts at the middle position" really shouldn't set the default value, the bar has to be not filled as well.

And the intended behavior is described as "The handle is displayed at the middle of the slider except if Slider initial value is set (this will not set the initial value)." So it is just change of handle position of an unanswered question.

The default colors don't show the bar at all. Without the handle nothing can be seen. See slider.ui.jpg for an example of a clear optical indication.

slider.ui.jpg (17,767 bytes)   
slider.ui.jpg (17,767 bytes)   


2016-09-30 14:40

developer   ~41046

default color can be set in template, not really an issue
ANd before we have same behaviour for colo



2016-09-30 14:41

developer   ~41048

That the slider reset won't reset value and wrong value is then saved in LS 2.5 sounds like a high impact bug to me. Seems only in JS, added some event on submit



2016-10-04 18:58

developer   ~41126

Fix committed to master branch:



2016-10-04 18:59

developer   ~41127

Fixed only "" not set with EM



2016-11-14 11:44

developer   ~41872

Remove default value with , : it's 11849 bug



2016-11-14 13:21

developer   ~41878

Fix committed to develop branch:



2017-07-21 17:08

administrator   ~44162

Version 3.0.0-beta.1 released

Related Changesets

LimeSurvey: master cf6bf399

2016-10-04 20:58


Details Diff
Fixed issue 11732: (partial) Slider reset don't reset to default position
Dev: reset set '' and trigger keyup
Dev: all orther for 3.0.(X)
Affected Issues
mod - application/views/survey/questions/multiplenumeric/rows/sliders/answer_row.php Diff File

LimeSurvey: develop 39ad1176

2016-11-14 14:07


Details Diff
Fixed issue 11732: Slider reset don't reset to default position
New feature : slider_default can set or not the value
Dev: must do more test with , for radix, but 11849
Affected Issues
11732, 11850
mod - application/helpers/qanda_helper.php Diff File
mod - application/helpers/questionHelper.php Diff File
mod - application/views/survey/questions/multiplenumeric/rows/sliders/answer_row.php Diff File
mod - scripts/numeric-slider.js Diff File

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-09-30 00:37 DenisChenu New Issue
2016-09-30 00:37 DenisChenu File Added: limesurvey_survey_sliderReset.lss
2016-09-30 00:59 DenisChenu Steps to Reproduce Updated
2016-09-30 02:20 jelo Note Added: 41039
2016-09-30 08:01 DenisChenu Note Added: 41040
2016-09-30 14:10 jelo Note Added: 41044
2016-09-30 14:30 jelo File Added: slider.ui.jpg
2016-09-30 14:30 jelo Note Added: 41045
2016-09-30 14:40 DenisChenu Note Added: 41046
2016-09-30 14:41 DenisChenu Note Added: 41048
2016-10-04 16:50 jelo Issue Monitored: jelo
2016-10-04 18:58 DenisChenu Changeset attached => LimeSurvey master cf6bf399
2016-10-04 18:58 DenisChenu Note Added: 41126
2016-10-04 18:58 DenisChenu Assigned To => DenisChenu
2016-10-04 18:58 DenisChenu Resolution open => fixed
2016-10-04 18:58 DenisChenu Status new => assigned
2016-10-04 18:59 DenisChenu Target Version => 3.0.x
2016-10-04 18:59 DenisChenu Note Added: 41127
2016-10-05 10:25 DenisChenu Tag Attached: answers_html
2016-11-04 14:45 DenisChenu Relationship added related to 11850
2016-11-14 11:43 DenisChenu Relationship added related to 11849
2016-11-14 11:43 DenisChenu Summary Slider reset don't reset to default position + default value with a dot : broken => Slider reset don't reset to default position
2016-11-14 11:44 DenisChenu Note Added: 41872
2016-11-14 13:21 DenisChenu Changeset attached => LimeSurvey develop 39ad1176
2016-11-14 13:21 DenisChenu Note Added: 41878
2016-11-14 13:21 DenisChenu Status assigned => resolved
2016-11-14 13:21 DenisChenu Fixed in Version => 3.0
2017-07-21 17:08 c_schmitz Note Added: 44162
2017-07-21 17:08 c_schmitz Status resolved => closed