View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
10808 | Bug reports | Survey taking | public | 2016-03-21 17:34 | 2016-06-13 12:27 |
Reporter | ceexcerpta | Assigned To | |||
Priority | high | Severity | minor | ||
Status | closed | Resolution | fixed | ||
Product Version | 2.50.x | ||||
Summary | 10808: Array (5 point choice) Answers dissapear @ less than 800px viewport width | ||||
Description | With default responsive template, iPad portrait resolution, answer labels for Array (5 point choice) are not visible, making it impossible for participants to understand which radio is assigned which value. They should be labelled 1-5. | ||||
Steps To Reproduce | Create a Array (5 point choice) with default responsive template. Adjust viewport width w/ Chrome responsive view to width <= 800px. Array answer reference row "col-responses thead" will correctly dissapear, but labels will still not be visible. | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
Attached Files | |||||
Bug heat | 12 | ||||
Complete LimeSurvey version number (& build) | 160219 | ||||
I will donate to the project if issue is resolved | No | ||||
Browser | Chrome 48 | ||||
Database type & version | MySQL 5.5.42-37.1 | ||||
Server OS (if known) | cPanel Version 11.52.3 (build 1) | ||||
Webserver software & version (if known) | Apache 2.2.31 | ||||
PHP Version | 5.4.45 | ||||
parent of | 11350 | closed | Using EM in answer can broke Array question type |
This goes back to my argument that a responsive template should be responsive to screen size on page load and on viewport resize. |
reload the page. |
You want people to reload the page when they turn their tablet from landscape to portrait? |
hey: I love this argument ;-) |
I also have the problem, that the tooltip is empty. When rescale the page ==> reload it ==> rescale the page again ==> tooltip is visible. |
I'll add the on resize/change orientation event. |
LouisGac +1 :) |
In fact : RWD don't need javascript .... |
@DenisChenu, yes of course, in most cases CSS media queries should do the trick. However, I think in this case (and certainly in others) the labels aren't being rendered at the higher screen widths so there is nothing to apply the CSS to. |
Tested: @media (max-width: 768px) { Need some other css maybe (.no-more-table maybe for example) |
I think a nice solution would be that the core views don't use anything like .hide but use the default bootstrap classes. I solved this for the array/array question type by using visible-mobile and visible-desktop. Maybe someone can do something with it: |
There are an issue in bootstrap with "sr-only visible-xs-block" : the sr-only put outscreen, the visible-xs update only display. |
Fix committed to master branch: |
Version 2.50 Build 160613 released |
LimeSurvey: master 13ced702 2016-06-08 11:16
Details Diff |
Fixed issue 10808: Array (5 point choice) Answers dissapear @ less than 800px viewport width Dev: now that label are displayed inside a div for all arrays, it has been possible to replace totally the js "prepend logic" by a CSS logic |
Affected Issues 10808 |
mod - application/views/survey/questions/arrays/10point/rows/cells/answer_td_input.php | Diff File | ||
mod - application/views/survey/questions/arrays/5point/rows/cells/answer_td_input.php | Diff File | ||
mod - application/views/survey/questions/arrays/array/no_dropdown/rows/cells/answer_td.php | Diff File | ||
mod - application/views/survey/questions/arrays/column/answer.php | Diff File | ||
mod - application/views/survey/questions/arrays/dualscale/answer.php | Diff File | ||
mod - application/views/survey/questions/arrays/dualscale/answer_dropdown.php | Diff File | ||
mod - application/views/survey/questions/arrays/increasesamedecrease/rows/answer_row.php | Diff File | ||
mod - application/views/survey/questions/arrays/multiflexi/rows/cells/answer_td_checkboxes.php | Diff File | ||
mod - application/views/survey/questions/arrays/yesnouncertain/rows/answer_row.php | Diff File | ||
mod - templates/default/scripts/template.js | Diff File | ||
mod - templates/news_paper/scripts/template.js | Diff File | ||
mod - templates/ubuntu_orange/scripts/template.js | Diff File |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2016-03-21 17:34 | ceexcerpta | New Issue | |
2016-03-21 17:34 | ceexcerpta | File Added: limesurvey_survey_682638.lss | |
2016-03-24 12:12 | tpartner | Note Added: 36777 | |
2016-03-31 10:15 |
Note Added: 36860 | |
2016-03-31 10:16 |
Status | new => feedback |
2016-03-31 11:54 | tpartner | Note Added: 36863 | |
2016-03-31 11:58 |
Note Added: 36864 | |
2016-03-31 17:29 | ArneD | File Added: Bildschirmfoto 2016-03-31 um 17.28.37.png | |
2016-03-31 17:29 | ArneD | File Added: Bildschirmfoto 2016-03-31 um 17.24.43.png | |
2016-03-31 17:31 | ArneD | Note Added: 36872 | |
2016-03-31 17:45 |
Note Added: 36873 | |
2016-03-31 17:45 |
Note Edited: 36873 | |
2016-03-31 17:49 | tpartner | Note Added: 36874 | |
2016-04-01 08:48 | DenisChenu | Note Added: 36875 | |
2016-04-01 11:45 | tpartner | Note Added: 36911 | |
2016-05-17 14:16 | c_schmitz | Priority | none => high |
2016-05-17 14:29 | DenisChenu | Note Added: 38631 | |
2016-06-03 09:02 | leanderwp | Note Added: 39117 | |
2016-06-03 09:08 | DenisChenu | Note Added: 39118 | |
2016-06-03 15:45 |
Category | Survey design => Survey taking |
2016-06-07 15:29 |
Sticky Issue | No => Yes |
2016-06-07 18:03 |
Sticky Issue | Yes => No |
2016-06-08 10:23 |
Relationship added | parent of 11350 |
2016-06-08 10:51 |
Sticky Issue | No => Yes |
2016-06-08 11:16 |
Changeset attached | => LimeSurvey master 13ced702 |
2016-06-08 11:16 |
Note Added: 39322 | |
2016-06-08 11:16 |
Assigned To | => LouisGac |
2016-06-08 11:16 |
Resolution | open => fixed |
2016-06-08 11:17 |
Status | feedback => resolved |
2016-06-08 12:54 | c_schmitz | Sticky Issue | Yes => No |
2016-06-13 12:27 | c_schmitz | Note Added: 39487 | |
2016-06-13 12:27 | c_schmitz | Status | resolved => closed |