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This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
09505Feature requestsSurvey editingpublic2015-11-21 17:29
ReporterLion Assigned Toc_schmitz  
Status assignedResolutionopen 
Summary09505: Allow for underscore in question codes (again)

we are about to upgrade from 1.92 to 2.05.

One major problem we have is that LS 2.05 does not allow for underscores in the question code anymore.

We use LimeSurvey for large projects, generating tons of data that is automatically processed, combined with our offline questionnaires, analyzed and stored in different systems. There is lots of software and scripts that would have to be changed on our side. Even more, we use the underscore ourselves as separator character in our process and we do need some kind of separating character. Now the question code is so limited, that there is no symbol that is safe to be used as separating character anymore.

Underscore is an important character in naming variable labels and there are lots of naming conventions in place that make use of underscores. We simply cannot work without the use of underscores in variable labels and I am sure that we are not the only ones. And I cannot think of any safe way to work around that.

Therefore, I request to refactor your design decision and allow for underscores in question codes again.

If you want to change the SGQA naming to unique question codes maybe it would also be possible to just use the first underscore as separator and still allow for underscores in the code itself. Or use another special character for that purpose that is not used in the code.

Thank you in advance for your reply and suggestions.

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Bug heat16
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duplicate of 09018 closedc_schmitz Bug reports Allow Underscore (_) again in Question Codes (Variable Names) in Version 2.05+ (and future) 
duplicate of 08442 closedc_schmitz Bug reports No underscore in question code possible 
has duplicate 09959 closedDenisChenu Bug reports Set Conditions Do not function in this version 

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2015-05-13 12:29

reporter   ~32200

Last edited: 2015-05-13 12:31

I too find it unfortunate to have lost the ability to use underscores in question codes.

This was useful for obvious reasons : structure, legibility, ... (I mean compare Q1A_NB_OF_CHILDREN to Q1ANBOFCHILDREN).

I understood this choice was due to technical reasons, an issue at database level where underscores are used as a field separator.
I find it surprising that no better solution was found than to impact the end user.
It /seems/ to me (as a humble software developer) that there should be better ways to work around such limitation.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-02-09 12:14 Lion New Issue
2015-02-09 13:40 mfaber Issue Monitored: mfaber
2015-02-12 09:11 DenisChenu Assigned To => c_schmitz
2015-02-12 09:11 DenisChenu Status new => assigned
2015-05-13 12:29 lolo Note Added: 32200
2015-05-13 12:30 lolo Note Edited: 32200
2015-05-13 12:31 lolo Note Edited: 32200
2015-11-21 17:26 DenisChenu Relationship added has duplicate 09959
2015-11-21 17:29 DenisChenu Relationship added duplicate of 09018
2015-11-21 17:29 DenisChenu Relationship added duplicate of 08442
2019-11-01 17:25 c_schmitz Category Survey design => Survey editing