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This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
08125Bug reportsImport/Exportpublic2014-01-31 17:32
Reporterpetert Assigned Tomfaber  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2.00+ 
Target Version2.05+Fixed in Version2.05+ 
Summary08125: SPSS Export SDATE Date Problem

mdekkor directed me to file a bug report about this issue:

Steps To Reproduce

Use attached .lss file. Export to SPSS. Notice the difference in the date variable declarations between DATETIME23.2 which works for submitdate etc, and SDATE which does not work on my clients SPSS version. Asking them (government agency) to upgrade or troubleshoot SPSS isn't not a viable option.

Notice that date format and structure in the DB are identical per forum screenshots.

TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files
limesurvey_survey_617976.lss.xml (15,500 bytes)   
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <answer><![CDATA[No ]]></answer>
    <group_name><![CDATA[First Group]]></group_name>
    <question><![CDATA[Have you lived here your whole life?]]></question>
    <question><![CDATA[First address (18-25)]]></question>
    <question><![CDATA[What date was the paper survey completed]]></question>
    <surveyls_title><![CDATA[Residential Test]]></surveyls_title>
    <surveyls_email_invite_subj><![CDATA[Invitation to participate in a survey]]></surveyls_email_invite_subj>
    <surveyls_email_invite><![CDATA[Dear {FIRSTNAME},

you have been invited to participate in a survey.

The survey is titled:


To participate, please click on the link below.



Click here to do the survey:

If you do not want to participate in this survey and don't want to receive any more invitations please click the following link:

If you are blacklisted but want to participate in this survey and want to receive invitations please click the following link:
    <surveyls_email_remind_subj><![CDATA[Reminder to participate in a survey]]></surveyls_email_remind_subj>
    <surveyls_email_remind><![CDATA[Dear {FIRSTNAME},

Recently we invited you to participate in a survey.

We note that you have not yet completed the survey, and wish to remind you that the survey is still available should you wish to take part.

The survey is titled:


To participate, please click on the link below.



Click here to do the survey:

If you do not want to participate in this survey and don't want to receive any more invitations please click the following link:
    <surveyls_email_register_subj><![CDATA[Survey registration confirmation]]></surveyls_email_register_subj>
    <surveyls_email_register><![CDATA[Dear {FIRSTNAME},

You, or someone using your email address, have registered to participate in an online survey titled {SURVEYNAME}.

To complete this survey, click on the following URL:


If you have any questions about this survey, or if you did not register to participate and believe this email is in error, please contact {ADMINNAME} at {ADMINEMAIL}.]]></surveyls_email_register>
    <surveyls_email_confirm_subj><![CDATA[Confirmation of your participation in our survey]]></surveyls_email_confirm_subj>
    <surveyls_email_confirm><![CDATA[Dear {FIRSTNAME},

this email is to confirm that you have completed the survey titled {SURVEYNAME} and your response has been saved. Thank you for participating.

If you have any further questions about this email, please contact {ADMINNAME} on {ADMINEMAIL}.


    <email_admin_notification_subj><![CDATA[Response submission for survey {SURVEYNAME}]]></email_admin_notification_subj>

A new response was submitted for your survey '{SURVEYNAME}'.

Click the following link to reload the survey:

Click the following link to see the individual response:

Click the following link to edit the individual response:

View statistics by clicking here:
    <email_admin_responses_subj><![CDATA[Response submission for survey {SURVEYNAME} with results]]></email_admin_responses_subj>

A new response was submitted for your survey '{SURVEYNAME}'.

Click the following link to reload the survey:

Click the following link to see the individual response:

Click the following link to edit the individual response:

View statistics by clicking here:

The following answers were given by the participant:
Bug heat8
Complete LimeSurvey version number (& build)130802
I will donate to the project if issue is resolvedNo
Database type & versionmysql 5.0.96
Server OS (if known)linux
Webserver software & version (if known)apache 2
PHP Version5.2.4-2ubuntu5.25

Users monitoring this issue





2013-09-05 12:30

reporter   ~26160

Thanks for the report. I will investigate the changes and update the spss export.



2013-10-07 13:44

administrator   ~26580

Menno, what's the target version for this fix?



2013-10-07 14:09

reporter   ~26584

This needs to go into 2.05, not fixing it for 2.00+

SDATE does not accept time while DATETIME expects a different order:
SDATE: yyyy/mm/dd
DATETIME: dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss.s

This needs to be carefully changed and will be addressed when SPSS is ported to the result export plugin system.



2013-10-08 14:48

reporter   ~26624

Maybe this is related to date question now having time? If you could post here what attributes handle this i can see how to fix export to spss (as date is different from datestamp)



2013-10-08 15:52

reporter   ~26628

mdekker: there was no change to the structure of the format in the date/time question.

Had a look at the code and to me it seems that the conversion for date/time answers is missing. SPSS-type for these variables is SDATE but conversion to SPSS-dateformat only is applied to variables with spss-type DATETIME23.2

starting line 121 in exporthelper:

$fieldno = strtoupper($field['sql_name']);
if ($field['SPSStype']=='DATETIME23.2'){
#convert mysql datestamp (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) to SPSS datetime (dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss) format
if (isset($row[$fieldno]))
list( $year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second ) = preg_split( '([^0-9])', $row[$fieldno] );
if ($year != '' && (int)$year >= 1970)
echo $'d-m-Y H:i:s', mktime( $hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year ) ).$q;
} else
echo ($na);
} else
echo ($na);

Now if you have a look at line 344, where the SPSS-type for the date/time question is assigned, you'll notice its size 19 and SDATE, which DOES not go through conversion.


As the date/time question can also be used to create times, I would recommend to change this type to datetime23.2. (whatever 23.2 means)

So then these date/time question dates should be properly converted to spss format and the full timestamps (e.g. 23-12-2013 18:00) are supported as well.



2014-01-11 09:30

reporter   ~27833

Hey Menno,
changing SDATE to DATETIME23.2 should fix this issue. Could you have another look? If you're busy these days I'm happy to look into it and do the changes.



2014-01-20 10:37

reporter   ~28021

Could you please apply the fix? I can help to test a little if you like.



2014-01-20 11:40

reporter   ~28023

Fix committed to master branch:



2014-01-20 11:42

reporter   ~28024

mdekker, just committed a fix to master. If you could test it would be really helpful as I do not have SPSS myself. Thanks, M



2014-01-28 08:44

reporter   ~28241

Will try to check it out later today, sorry for the delay



2014-01-28 09:46

reporter   ~28243

No worries, mdekker…



2014-01-28 11:00

reporter   ~28249

Fix committed to master branch:



2014-01-28 11:01

reporter   ~28250

Just added a line to disable log output, works perfect for me. Thanks mfaber!



2014-01-31 17:32

administrator   ~28346

LimeSurvey 2-05+ Build 140131 released

Related Changesets

LimeSurvey: master 9a0923fb

2014-01-20 11:39


Committer: mfaber

Details Diff
Fixed issue 08125: Wrong SPSS date format for date question results

Dev: All date/time question results are exported as a
Dev: full timestamp (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss).
Dev: May add differential treatment of dates/times/datetimes
Dev: (SPSS: SDATE vs. TIMEw vs. DATEw, etc...)
Affected Issues
mod - application/helpers/export_helper.php Diff File

LimeSurvey: master 0048972b

2014-01-28 11:00


Details Diff
Fixed 08125: SPSS Export SDATE Date Problem
dev: added disablehtmllogging so syntax and data are clean
Affected Issues
mod - application/controllers/admin/export.php Diff File

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2013-09-03 14:55 petert New Issue
2013-09-03 14:55 petert File Added: limesurvey_survey_617976.lss.xml
2013-09-05 11:58 Mazi Assigned To => mdekker
2013-09-05 11:58 Mazi Status new => assigned
2013-09-05 12:30 mdekker Note Added: 26160
2013-10-07 13:44 c_schmitz Note Added: 26580
2013-10-07 14:09 mdekker Note Added: 26584
2013-10-07 14:09 mdekker Target Version => 2.05 RC
2013-10-08 14:48 mdekker Note Added: 26624
2013-10-08 14:48 mdekker Assigned To mdekker => mfaber
2013-10-08 14:48 mdekker Status assigned => feedback
2013-10-08 15:52 mfaber Note Added: 26628
2013-10-08 15:54 mfaber Issue Monitored: mfaber
2013-10-08 15:55 mfaber Assigned To mfaber => mdekker
2013-10-08 15:55 mfaber Status feedback => assigned
2014-01-11 09:30 mfaber Note Added: 27833
2014-01-20 10:37 mdekker Note Added: 28021
2014-01-20 11:40 mfaber Changeset attached => LimeSurvey master 9a0923fb
2014-01-20 11:40 mfaber Note Added: 28023
2014-01-20 11:40 mfaber Assigned To mdekker => mfaber
2014-01-20 11:40 mfaber Resolution open => fixed
2014-01-20 11:42 mfaber Note Added: 28024
2014-01-21 16:05 mfaber Assigned To mfaber => mdekker
2014-01-21 16:05 mfaber Status assigned => feedback
2014-01-21 16:05 mfaber Target Version 2.05 RC => 2.05+
2014-01-28 08:44 mdekker Note Added: 28241
2014-01-28 09:46 mfaber Note Added: 28243
2014-01-28 11:00 mdekker Changeset attached => LimeSurvey master 0048972b
2014-01-28 11:00 mdekker Note Added: 28249
2014-01-28 11:01 mdekker Note Added: 28250
2014-01-28 11:01 mdekker Status feedback => resolved
2014-01-28 11:01 mdekker Fixed in Version => 2.05+
2014-01-28 11:01 mdekker Assigned To mdekker => mfaber
2014-01-31 17:32 c_schmitz Note Added: 28346
2014-01-31 17:32 c_schmitz Status resolved => closed
2021-08-05 00:44 guest Bug heat 6 => 8