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This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
07948Bug reportsInstallationpublic2013-08-16 13:54
Reporterkevinb Assigned Tomdekker  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2.05 RC 
Fixed in Version2.05 RC 
Summary07948: Unable to change email server settings

Hey all, just installed 2.05 beta 4 and while the install went fine and everything seems to be working (i can create surveys/groups/questions fine) I cannot set the server settings for either the email or bounce settings in the general area. If I place the cursor over the fields for SMTP host, SMTP username or SMTP password I get the circle with a line through it and they are not accessible to change anything in. I also have this same behavior with server name and port, user name and password in the bounce settings area. Any idea why this is a problem? Am I missing something else that needs to be turned on here? PHP settings are fine, the IMAP module is loaded, and I have other scripts on this server that send and receive emails no problem. Thanks.


TagsNo tags attached.
Bug heat4
Complete LimeSurvey version number (& build)130609
I will donate to the project if issue is resolvedNo
Database type & versionMysql 5.1
Server OS (if known)Centos 6.3 x64
Webserver software & version (if known)Apache 2.2.21
PHP Version5.3.8

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2013-07-02 13:12

reporter   ~25697

Fix committed to 2.05 branch:



2013-07-02 13:16

reporter   ~25698

Thanks for reporting, it will be fixed in next beta release



2013-08-16 13:54

administrator   ~26014

2.05 beta 6 released

Related Changesets

LimeSurvey: 2.05 e14b3b93

2013-07-02 13:12


Details Diff
Fixed 07948: Unable to change email server settings
dev: maybe more scripts need a change like this due to jquery update
Affected Issues
mod - scripts/admin/globalsettings.js Diff File

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2013-06-23 16:08 kevinb New Issue
2013-07-02 12:59 mdekker Assigned To => mdekker
2013-07-02 12:59 mdekker Status new => assigned
2013-07-02 13:12 mdekker Changeset attached => LimeSurvey 2.05 e14b3b93
2013-07-02 13:12 mdekker Note Added: 25697
2013-07-02 13:12 mdekker Resolution open => fixed
2013-07-02 13:16 mdekker Note Added: 25698
2013-07-02 13:16 mdekker Status assigned => resolved
2013-07-02 13:16 mdekker Fixed in Version => 2.05 RC
2013-08-16 13:54 c_schmitz Note Added: 26014
2013-08-16 13:54 c_schmitz Status resolved => closed