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This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
07102Bug reportsInstallationpublic2013-01-15 14:21
Reportercheryl Assigned Tomdekker  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2.00+ 
Fixed in Version2.00+ 
Summary07102: Endless loop at installer

A re-occurrence of bug 05825. Upgrading from version 1.97 to version 2.0 build 121213. Using IIS 7, PHP 5.2.13 and MySQL 5.1. During installation, after clicking next on Configuration screen (Step 4), a message is displayed saying, "The database you specified is up to date. You'll be redirected in 5 seconds. If not, click here." and then I'm redirected back to Step 1: Welcome.

TagsNo tags attached.
Bug heat10
Complete LimeSurvey version number (& build)121213
I will donate to the project if issue is resolvedNo
Database type & versionMySQL 5.1
Server OS (if known)Windows Server 2008 (32-bit)
Webserver software & version (if known)IIS 7
PHP Version5.2.13

Users monitoring this issue





2012-12-17 20:18

reporter   ~23262

also occurs using IE 9



2012-12-19 10:18

reporter   ~23274

Was a config.php file written at /application/config? Did you see any errors?



2012-12-19 19:25

reporter   ~23287

I do not see a config.php file, but I do see a config-defaults.php file? No errors.



2012-12-20 13:03

reporter   ~23306

please make sure the application/config directory is writable try 777 during install and set it back to what it was before if you feel that is safer.



2012-12-20 18:01

updater   ~23319

Please also check if the set at your php.ini file is correct and if the folder defined there is writeable.



2012-12-22 19:12

administrator   ~23366

Additional session save check in installer by mdekker



2013-01-02 20:47

reporter   ~23404

This issue has not been resolved.
@mdekker, there is not a config.php file written at /application/config. I do not know what you mean by "try 777" unless you are referring to setting CHMOD to 777, in which case, I am not using Linux. However, I am using IIS 7 and have confirmed that IUSR has writeable permission to the /application/config directory.
@Mazi, I have checked in my php.ini file and it is set to C:\inetpub\temp, which is also writeable to IUSR.



2013-01-02 20:50

reporter   ~23405




2013-01-03 08:50

reporter   ~23424

Did you try again with the last release? And if so, could you go past the session save check?

Does a clean install (so with a new database or table prefix) work for you?



2013-01-03 15:04

reporter   ~23439

I did a clean install and had to use the ip address instead of the url to walk through the installation steps, but it worked! I'm so happy to finally have this done. Thanks for your suggestions, mdekker.



2013-01-15 14:21

reporter   ~23689

session check is now in master and 2.1

possible improvement is to tell that the 'normal' paths are relative to the root of the limesurvey install while session savepath is a path relative to server root

Related Changesets

LimeSurvey: master 4369f6fe

2012-12-21 13:07


Details Diff
Fixed issue: session write check is unreliable
dev: now write something to session and check if present in the next request
Affected Issues
mod - application/controllers/InstallerController.php Diff File
mod - application/views/installer/precheck_view.php Diff File

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-12-17 20:10 cheryl New Issue
2012-12-17 20:12 cheryl Issue Monitored: cheryl
2012-12-17 20:18 cheryl Note Added: 23262
2012-12-19 10:18 mdekker Note Added: 23274
2012-12-19 19:25 cheryl Note Added: 23287
2012-12-20 13:03 mdekker Note Added: 23306
2012-12-20 18:01 Mazi Note Added: 23319
2012-12-22 19:12 c_schmitz Note Added: 23366
2012-12-22 19:12 c_schmitz Status new => resolved
2012-12-22 19:12 c_schmitz Fixed in Version => 2.00+
2012-12-22 19:12 c_schmitz Resolution open => fixed
2012-12-22 19:12 c_schmitz Assigned To => c_schmitz
2012-12-22 19:13 c_schmitz Changeset attached => LimeSurvey master 4369f6fe
2013-01-02 20:47 cheryl Note Added: 23404
2013-01-02 20:50 cheryl Note Added: 23405
2013-01-02 20:50 cheryl Status resolved => feedback
2013-01-02 20:50 cheryl Resolution fixed => reopened
2013-01-02 21:25 c_schmitz Assigned To c_schmitz => mdekker
2013-01-02 21:25 c_schmitz Status feedback => assigned
2013-01-03 08:50 mdekker Note Added: 23424
2013-01-03 15:04 cheryl Note Added: 23439
2013-01-15 14:21 mdekker Note Added: 23689
2013-01-15 14:21 mdekker Status assigned => closed
2013-01-15 14:21 mdekker Resolution reopened => fixed
2021-08-04 18:52 guest Bug heat 8 => 10