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This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
04124Bug reportsDocumentationpublic2010-03-16 09:51
Reporterstefan2k Assigned Tomdekker  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version1.87+ 
Summary04124: Insufficent documentation of spss scaletypes

Need more information on the available scaletypes. What do the different types exactly mean and what is default? Is scale compareable to "interval scale" as seen in statistics?

Thanks in advance.

TagsNo tags attached.
Bug heat4
Complete LimeSurvey version number (& build)8366
I will donate to the project if issue is resolved
Database type & versionunknown
Server OS (if known)unknown
Webserver software & version (if known)unknown
PHP Version5 or higher

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2010-02-22 10:41

reporter   ~11143

The link can be added to the wiki, but when doesn't know what it means then he doesn't need it :p

I just made it possible to change the default setting (done by SPSS) by adding a question attribute as requested to override the default guess SPSS does so you don't have to change the scale on every new export you do. If you dont'have a problem, just leave it as is. You can always change the scale later on if needed.



2010-03-10 21:56

administrator   ~11297

Hi Menno,

can you please add this information to the wiki and close this issue if done?
Thank you!



2010-03-16 09:51

reporter   ~11388
updated to include link and clarify it overrides SPSS defaults.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-02-10 23:04 stefan2k New Issue
2010-02-10 23:04 stefan2k Status new => assigned
2010-02-10 23:04 stefan2k Assigned To => user372
2010-02-10 23:04 stefan2k LimeSurvey build number => 8366
2010-02-10 23:04 stefan2k Database & DB-Version => unknown
2010-02-10 23:04 stefan2k Operating System (Server) => unknown
2010-02-10 23:04 stefan2k Webserver => unknown
2010-02-10 23:04 stefan2k PHP Version => 5 or higher
2010-02-11 16:06 c_schmitz Assigned To user372 => mdekker
2010-02-22 10:41 mdekker Note Added: 11143
2010-03-10 21:56 c_schmitz Note Added: 11297
2010-03-16 09:51 mdekker Note Added: 11388
2010-03-16 09:51 mdekker Status assigned => closed
2010-03-16 09:51 mdekker Resolution open => fixed