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This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
04085Bug reportsOtherpublic2010-02-13 15:11
Reporterbdizzle Assigned Torakete  
Status closedResolutionno change required 
Product Version1.87+ 
Summary04085: sCreateSurvey uses German as new survey language, despite different settings in LS configuration

I am using lsrc.testclient-new.php to test the RemoteControl features, and I noticed that my new survey (created with sCreateSurvey) uses German as the base language, although in LS' admin panel I see that my setup's default language is English.

Is there a quick fix to this? I'm thinking it might be somewhere in lsrc.helper.php.


TagsNo tags attached.
Bug heat2
Complete LimeSurvey version number (& build)8310
I will donate to the project if issue is resolved
Database type & versionMySQL 5.0.87-community
Server OS (if known)Linux kernel
Webserver software & version (if known)httpd (2.2.14 (Unix))
PHP Version5.2.11

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2010-02-13 15:10

reporter   ~11078

I do not see the connection.

If you "create" a survey via lsrc you technically import a survey-"template", which is nothing more than a previously exported survey as csv file located in the remotecontrol/surveys directory.

So as long as the imported csv file has German as the base language, it's not a bug, but a feature...

set $export4lsrc = true; in config.php and you can export created surveys from the admin panel. There will be an extra option to export surveys, groups and questions directly to the lsrc folders in the export menu.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2010-02-02 04:00 bdizzle New Issue
2010-02-02 04:00 bdizzle Status new => assigned
2010-02-02 04:00 bdizzle Assigned To => rakete
2010-02-02 04:00 bdizzle LimeSurvey build number => 8310
2010-02-02 04:00 bdizzle Database & DB-Version => MySQL 5.0.87-community
2010-02-02 04:00 bdizzle Operating System (Server) => Linux kernel
2010-02-02 04:00 bdizzle Webserver => httpd (2.2.14 (Unix))
2010-02-02 04:00 bdizzle PHP Version => 5.2.11
2010-02-13 15:10 rakete Note Added: 11078
2010-02-13 15:11 rakete Status assigned => closed
2010-02-13 15:11 rakete Resolution open => no change required
2011-10-20 18:29 c_schmitz Category RemoteControl => (No Category)