View Issue Details

This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
03533Bug reportsSurvey takingpublic2009-08-12 20:57
Reporteruser4433Assigned Toc_schmitz  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version1.85+ 
Fixed in Version1.85+ 
Summary03533: Captcha Option bypass the all mandatory question

When adding the captcha option when accessing my survey, after enter the correct captcha and go to the survey page, just click the submit button, it will bypass all the mandatory questions. And go back to the captcha page.

TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files
survey.php (30,376 bytes)
Bug heat6
Complete LimeSurvey version number (& build)7337
I will donate to the project if issue is resolved
BrowserIE 6, 7, 8, firefox
Database type & versionmysql 5.1
Server OS (if known)window 2003
Webserver software & version (if known)apache 2.2
PHP Versionphp 5

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2009-08-03 21:23


@ kennethho: please attach a simple sample survey (survey structure as .csv-file), where we can reproduce the issue - Thx!


2009-08-04 03:11


I have uploaded the csv for a simple survey.
You can try after entering the correct captcha question, just click the submit button, it will bypass all the mandatory questions of the survey and go back to the captcha page. very strange. I have tried this issue on the latest build (7394) and same happended again. Anyway, thanks for your response. :)


2009-08-04 09:45


I can reproduce the issue.


2009-08-06 17:17


Dear Sir,
I know that you have your priority to fix the bugs but I really need this bugs to fix because we have a major event with the deadline this month end. Would you like to do me a favor to fix it asap. I have a little knowledge in the php but I don't know which coding to fix it. So, if you can give me some hints to find the position , I can modify myself instead of waiting on the next build. Anyway, thanks a lot for your team.



2009-08-10 18:38

administrator   ~09092

Hello Kenneth,

I attached a fixed file.
It would be great if you can make a donation in exchange for this quick service.

Thank you very much.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2009-08-03 17:38 user4433 New Issue
2009-08-03 17:38 user4433 Status new => assigned
2009-08-03 17:38 user4433 Assigned To => user372
2009-08-03 17:38 user4433 Build Number => 7337
2009-08-03 17:38 user4433 Browser => IE 6, 7, 8, firefox
2009-08-03 17:38 user4433 Database & DB-Version => mysql 5.1
2009-08-03 17:38 user4433 Operating System (Server) => window 2003
2009-08-03 17:38 user4433 Webserver => apache 2.2
2009-08-03 17:38 user4433 PHP Version => php 5
2009-08-03 21:23 user372 Note Added: 09014
2009-08-03 21:23 user372 Status assigned => feedback
2009-08-04 03:06 user4433 File Added: limesurvey_survey_16669.csv
2009-08-04 03:11 user4433 Note Added: 09016
2009-08-04 03:11 user4433 Issue Monitored: user4433
2009-08-04 09:45 user372 Note Added: 09017
2009-08-04 09:45 user372 Status feedback => assigned
2009-08-04 09:45 user372 Assigned To user372 => c_schmitz
2009-08-06 17:17 user4433 Note Added: 09037
2009-08-10 18:38 c_schmitz Note Added: 09092
2009-08-10 18:38 c_schmitz Status assigned => resolved
2009-08-10 18:38 c_schmitz Fixed in Version => 1.85+
2009-08-10 18:38 c_schmitz Resolution open => fixed
2009-08-10 18:39 c_schmitz File Added: survey.php
2009-08-12 20:57 c_schmitz Status resolved => closed
2010-10-25 00:18 c_schmitz Category Survey at Runtime => Survey taking