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This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
19985Bug reportsRemoteControlpublic2025-02-28 16:41
Reporterginosupport Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version6.6.x 
Summary19985: RemoteControl invite_participants returns HTTP 500 error

We have a few surveys that have a decent amount (>30k) of participants use RemoteControl invite_participants to send invitations to fill in the surveys.

We're using the invite_participants function without specifying which exact participants should be invited.
We're supplying iSurveyID = some number, bEmail = true, continueOnError = true, aTokenIds = null.

The expectation is "LimeSurvey will send emails to everyone that is eligible for an invitation". However, instead we're getting a HTTP 500 error. It's hard to pinpoint the exact cause.

Steps To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce

Not 100% sure. It consistently fails for some surveys, but consistently works for others (with fewer participants?). It's not immediately obvious what the problem is.

My hunch is:

  • create a survey
  • add > 10001 participants with valid emailaddresses and valid tokens (so they are eligible for an invitation)
  • call invite_participants without specifying specific participants to invite (aTokenIds = null). I'm not sure if this will already fail. It might work
  • call invite_participants again with aTokenIds = null. Probably error, because it returns information about the first 5k participants that already got an email without actually sending any new emails?

Alternative possibility:

  • create a survey
  • add > 10001 participants with valid emailaddresses, of which the first 5k are expired (or not valid yet)
  • call invite_participants without specifying specific participants to invite (aTokenIds = null). I have a feeling this will fail

Expected result

Multiple things:

  • I expect it to completely ignore participants that are not valid anymore or not valid yet. I don't expect those in the response at all, or at least let me specify whether i want to know about those.
  • I expect the docs to mention something about a limitation to 5000 participants. Nice to have would be if that limitation was removed
  • If there are more than some limit people to invite, i expect it to at least invite participants up to that limit. It should not matter if there are also more than that limit of expired/not valid yet/already invited participants. If there are 1000 expired participants and 6000 that are eligible for an invitation and the limit of emails to send if 5000, i expect 5000 emails to be sent, not just 4000 because there are 1000 irrelevant participants.

Actual result

  • HTTP 500 response without an explanation of what's wrong


  • It seems to limit the result to 5000 participants, which is not mentioned anywhere in the docs. There seems to be no way around this without specifying specific participants?

Note: I have a feeling the same problem might occur under specific circumstances in remind_participants, but did not actively run into that. If you find the cause, please check if remind_participants is also affected

TagsNo tags attached.
Bug heat0
Complete LimeSurvey version number (& build)6.10.0+250106
I will donate to the project if issue is resolvedNo
Database type & versionPostgreSQL
Server OS (if known)RHEL 9
Webserver software & version (if known)
PHP Version8.0.x

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-02-28 16:41 ginosupport New Issue