View Issue Details

This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
19829Bug reportsTranslationpublic2024-11-19 15:10
ReporterPrakasch Assigned Toc_schmitz  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version6.5.x 
Summary19829: Lokal dialects in LS are not represented in the google cloud translation API

LS distinguishes between Norwegian Bokmal "nb" and Norwegian Nynorsk "nn", whereas google codes Norwegian as "no". This results in an error message.
Analogously, the same error message appears for Serbian: LS distinguishes between Serbian Latin " sr-Latn" and Serbian Cyrillic " sr-Cyrl", whereas google codes Serbian as "sr".

Steps To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce

(Replace this text with detailed step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce the issue)

Expected result

(Write here what you expected to happen)

Actual result

(Write here what happened instead)

TagsNo tags attached.
Bug heat10
Complete LimeSurvey version number (& build)6.5.1+240708
I will donate to the project if issue is resolvedYes
Database type & versionCommunity edition version
Server OS (if known)
Webserver software & version (if known)
PHP Version8.2.21

Users monitoring this issue





2024-11-11 09:35

updater   ~81369

@tibor.pacalat: My guess is that this may show up for other languages as well. E.g. "de-informal" or "de-easy" may fail to map when using Google translation API.
I do not have a solution at hand but I think some kind of mapping (Limesurvey language code <--> Google language code) could do the trick for such special cases. What do you think?



2024-11-12 07:32

reporter   ~81371

I agree with @tibor.pacalat: likely a mismatch between the LS and Google language codes. Could the LS codes be adapted accordingly?



2024-11-18 18:29

administrator   ~81417

Fix committed to master branch:



2024-11-18 20:39

administrator   ~81418

Fix committed to master branch:



2024-11-19 15:10

administrator   ~81436

Fixed in Release 6.8.0+241119

Related Changesets

LimeSurvey: master e588472a

2024-11-18 19:29


Details Diff
Fixed issue 19829: Norwegian & Serbian not working in Quick translation Affected Issues
mod - application/controllers/QuickTranslationController.php Diff File
mod - vendor/gtranslate-api/GTranslate.php Diff File
mod - vendor/gtranslate-api/languages.v2.ini Diff File

LimeSurvey: master 9820ce0b

2024-11-18 21:39


Details Diff
Fixed issue 19829: Norwegian & Serbian not working in Quick translation
Dev Support Serbian-Latin properly
Affected Issues
mod - application/controllers/QuickTranslationController.php Diff File
mod - composer.json Diff File
add - vendor/anper/iuliia/bin/build.php Diff File
add - vendor/anper/iuliia/build/ala_lc.php Diff File
add - vendor/anper/iuliia/build/ala_lc_alt.php Diff File
add - vendor/anper/iuliia/build/bgn_pcgn.php Diff File
add - vendor/anper/iuliia/build/bgn_pcgn_alt.php Diff File
add - vendor/anper/iuliia/build/bs_2979.php Diff File
add - vendor/anper/iuliia/build/bs_2979_alt.php Diff File
add - vendor/anper/iuliia/build/gost_16876.php Diff File
add - vendor/anper/iuliia/build/gost_16876_alt.php Diff File
add - vendor/anper/iuliia/build/gost_52290.php Diff File
add - vendor/anper/iuliia/build/gost_52535.php Diff File
add - vendor/anper/iuliia/build/gost_7034.php Diff File
add - vendor/anper/iuliia/build/gost_779.php Diff File
add - vendor/anper/iuliia/build/gost_779_alt.php Diff File
add - vendor/anper/iuliia/build/icao_doc_9303.php Diff File
add - vendor/anper/iuliia/build/iso_9_1954.php Diff File
add - vendor/anper/iuliia/build/iso_9_1968.php Diff File
add - vendor/anper/iuliia/build/iso_9_1968_alt.php Diff File
add - vendor/anper/iuliia/build/mosmetro.php Diff File
add - vendor/anper/iuliia/build/mvd_310.php Diff File
add - vendor/anper/iuliia/build/mvd_310_fr.php Diff File
add - vendor/anper/iuliia/build/mvd_782.php Diff File
add - vendor/anper/iuliia/build/scientific.php Diff File
add - vendor/anper/iuliia/build/telegram.php Diff File
add - vendor/anper/iuliia/build/ungegn_1987.php Diff File
add - vendor/anper/iuliia/build/wikipedia.php Diff File
add - vendor/anper/iuliia/build/yandex_maps.php Diff File
add - vendor/anper/iuliia/build/yandex_money.php Diff File
add - vendor/anper/iuliia/composer.json Diff File
add - vendor/anper/iuliia/phpcs.xml.dist Diff File
add - vendor/anper/iuliia/phpstan.neon.dist Diff File
add - vendor/anper/iuliia/src/Builder.php Diff File
add - vendor/anper/iuliia/src/Engine.php Diff File
add - vendor/anper/iuliia/src/Iuliia.php Diff File
add - vendor/anper/iuliia/src/Map.php Diff File
add - vendor/anper/iuliia/src/Schema.php Diff File
mod - vendor/composer/autoload_psr4.php Diff File
mod - vendor/composer/autoload_static.php Diff File
mod - vendor/composer/include_paths.php Diff File
mod - vendor/composer/installed.php Diff File

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-11-08 21:08 Prakasch New Issue
2024-11-11 09:35 Mazi Note Added: 81369
2024-11-11 09:35 Mazi Bug heat 0 => 2
2024-11-12 07:29 Prakasch Issue Monitored: Prakasch
2024-11-12 07:29 Prakasch Bug heat 2 => 4
2024-11-12 07:32 Prakasch Note Added: 81371
2024-11-12 07:32 Prakasch Bug heat 4 => 6
2024-11-13 17:30 tibor.pacalat Assigned To => gabrieljenik
2024-11-13 17:30 tibor.pacalat Status new => assigned
2024-11-18 18:29 c_schmitz Changeset attached => LimeSurvey master e588472a
2024-11-18 18:29 c_schmitz Note Added: 81417
2024-11-18 18:29 c_schmitz Assigned To gabrieljenik => c_schmitz
2024-11-18 18:29 c_schmitz Resolution open => fixed
2024-11-18 18:29 c_schmitz Bug heat 6 => 8
2024-11-18 18:29 c_schmitz Status assigned => resolved
2024-11-18 20:39 c_schmitz Changeset attached => LimeSurvey master 9820ce0b
2024-11-18 20:39 c_schmitz Note Added: 81418
2024-11-19 15:10 LimeBot Note Added: 81436
2024-11-19 15:10 LimeBot Status resolved => closed
2024-11-19 15:10 LimeBot Bug heat 8 => 10
2024-11-19 15:10 guest Bug heat 10 => 8
2024-11-19 15:16 guest Bug heat 8 => 10