View Issue Details
ID | Project | Category | View Status | Date Submitted | Last Update |
19526 | Bug reports | Survey participants (Tokens) | public | 2024-04-22 16:50 | 2024-05-06 12:27 |
Reporter | DenisChenu | Assigned To | DenisChenu | ||
Priority | none | Severity | minor | ||
Status | closed | Resolution | fixed | ||
Product Version | 6.5.x | ||||
Summary | 19526: debug=2 PHP8.1 : unable to send email without expiry | ||||
Description | If expiry is empty : error when try to send invite or reminder via GUI | ||||
Steps To Reproduce | Steps to reproduceImport included survey Expected resultShow the send email form Actual resultPHP error str_replace(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($replace) of type array|string is deprecated | ||||
Tags | No tags attached. | ||||
Attached Files | PHP error.html (34,816 bytes)
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<span class="ln">456</span> foreach ($fieldsarray as $key => $value) { <span class="ln">457</span> $replacements[substr((string) $key, 1, -1)] = $value; <span class="ln">458</span> } <span class="ln">459</span> $text = LimeExpressionManager::ProcessString($text, null, $replacements, 2, 1, false, false, $staticReplace); <span class="ln">460</span> } else { <span class="ln">461</span> foreach ($fieldsarray as $key => $value) { <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">462</span> $text = str_replace($key, $value, (string) $text); </span><span class="ln">463</span> } <span class="ln">464</span> } <span class="ln">465</span> return $text; <span class="ln">466</span> } <span class="ln">467</span> <span class="ln">468</span> <span class="ln">469</span> /** <span class="ln">470</span> * passthruReplace() takes a string and looks for {PASSTHRU:myarg} variables <span class="ln">471</span> * which it then substitutes for parameter data sent in the initial URL and stored <span class="ln">472</span> * in the session array containing responses <span class="ln">473</span> * <span class="ln">474</span> * @param mixed $line string - the string to iterate, and then return </pre></div> </div> <div class="traces"> <h2>Stack Trace</h2> <table style="width:100%;"> <tbody><tr class="trace app expanded"> <td class="number"> #0 </td> <td class="content"> <div class="trace-file"> <div class="plus">+</div> <div class="minus">–</div> /media/shnoulle/data/webdev/master/application/helpers/replacements_helper.php(462): <strong>str_replace</strong>("{EXPIRY}", null, "Einladung zu einer Umfrage") </div> <div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">457</span> $replacements[substr((string) $key, 1, -1)] = $value; <span class="ln">458</span> } <span class="ln">459</span> $text = LimeExpressionManager::ProcessString($text, null, $replacements, 2, 1, false, false, $staticReplace); <span class="ln">460</span> } else { <span class="ln">461</span> foreach ($fieldsarray as $key => $value) { <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">462</span> $text = str_replace($key, $value, (string) $text); </span><span class="ln">463</span> } <span class="ln">464</span> } <span class="ln">465</span> return $text; <span class="ln">466</span> } <span class="ln">467</span> </pre></div> </td> </tr> <tr class="trace app expanded"> <td class="number"> #1 </td> <td class="content"> <div class="trace-file"> <div class="plus">+</div> <div class="minus">–</div> /media/shnoulle/data/webdev/master/application/views/admin/token/invite.php(106): <strong>ReplaceFields</strong>("Einladung zu einer Umfrage", array("{ADMINNAME}" => "Administrator", "{ADMINEMAIL}" => "", "{SURVEYNAME}" => "Bootstrap Dropdown Demo Survey Dolorem facilis fuga harum accu...", "{SURVEYDESCRIPTION}" => "", ...), false) </div> <div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">101</span> $fieldsarray["{ADMINEMAIL}"] = $admin_email; <span class="ln">102</span> $fieldsarray["{SURVEYNAME}"] = $oSurvey->languagesettings[$language]->surveyls_title; <span class="ln">103</span> $fieldsarray["{SURVEYDESCRIPTION}"] = $oSurvey->languagesettings[$language]->surveyls_description; <span class="ln">104</span> $fieldsarray["{EXPIRY}"] = $oSurvey->expires; <span class="ln">105</span> <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">106</span> $subject = Replacefields($oSurvey->languagesettings[$language]->surveyls_email_invite_subj, $fieldsarray, false); </span><span class="ln">107</span> $textarea = Replacefields($oSurvey->languagesettings[$language]->surveyls_email_invite, $fieldsarray, false); <span class="ln">108</span> if ($ishtml !== true) { <span class="ln">109</span> $textarea = str_replace(array('<x>', '</x>'), array(''), (string) $textarea); <span class="ln">110</span> } <span class="ln">111</span> ?> </pre></div> </td> </tr> <tr class="trace core collapsed"> <td class="number"> #2 </td> <td class="content"> <div class="trace-file"> <div class="plus">+</div> <div class="minus">–</div> /media/shnoulle/data/webdev/master/vendor/yiisoft/yii/framework/web/CBaseController.php(126): <strong>require</strong>("/media/shnoulle/data/webdev/master/application/views/admin/token...") </div> <div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">121</span> $data=$_data_; <span class="ln">122</span> if($_return_) <span class="ln">123</span> { <span class="ln">124</span> ob_start(); <span class="ln">125</span> ob_implicit_flush(false); <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">126</span> require($_viewFile_); </span><span class="ln">127</span> return ob_get_clean(); <span class="ln">128</span> } <span class="ln">129</span> else <span class="ln">130</span> require($_viewFile_); <span class="ln">131</span> } </pre></div> </td> </tr> <tr class="trace core collapsed"> <td class="number"> #3 </td> <td class="content"> <div class="trace-file"> <div class="plus">+</div> <div class="minus">–</div> /media/shnoulle/data/webdev/master/vendor/yiisoft/yii/framework/web/CBaseController.php(95): <strong>CBaseController</strong>-><strong>renderInternal</strong>("/media/shnoulle/data/webdev/master/application/views/admin/token...", array("sidemenu" => array("state" => false, "token_menu" => true, "landOnSideMenuTab" => "settings"), "title_bar" => array("title" => "Bootstrap Dropdown Demo Survey Dolorem facilis fuga harum accu..."), "thissurvey" => array("sid" => 893992, "owner_id" => 1, "gsid" => 1, "admin" => "Administrator", ...), "surveyid" => 893992, ...), true) </div> <div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">090</span> { <span class="ln">091</span> $widgetCount=count($this->_widgetStack); <span class="ln">092</span> if(($renderer=Yii::app()->getViewRenderer())!==null && $renderer->fileExtension==='.'.CFileHelper::getExtension($viewFile)) <span class="ln">093</span> $content=$renderer->renderFile($this,$viewFile,$data,$return); <span class="ln">094</span> else <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">095</span> $content=$this->renderInternal($viewFile,$data,$return); </span><span class="ln">096</span> if(count($this->_widgetStack)===$widgetCount) <span class="ln">097</span> return $content; <span class="ln">098</span> else <span class="ln">099</span> { <span class="ln">100</span> $widget=end($this->_widgetStack); </pre></div> </td> </tr> <tr class="trace core collapsed"> <td class="number"> #4 </td> <td class="content"> <div class="trace-file"> <div class="plus">+</div> <div class="minus">–</div> /media/shnoulle/data/webdev/master/vendor/yiisoft/yii/framework/web/CController.php(872): <strong>CBaseController</strong>-><strong>renderFile</strong>("/media/shnoulle/data/webdev/master/application/views/admin/token...", array("sidemenu" => array("state" => false, "token_menu" => true, "landOnSideMenuTab" => "settings"), "title_bar" => array("title" => "Bootstrap Dropdown Demo Survey Dolorem facilis fuga harum accu..."), "thissurvey" => array("sid" => 893992, "owner_id" => 1, "gsid" => 1, "admin" => "Administrator", ...), "surveyid" => 893992, ...), true) </div> <div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">867</span> */ <span class="ln">868</span> public function renderPartial($view,$data=null,$return=false,$processOutput=false) <span class="ln">869</span> { <span class="ln">870</span> if(($viewFile=$this->getViewFile($view))!==false) <span class="ln">871</span> { <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">872</span> $output=$this->renderFile($viewFile,$data,true); </span><span class="ln">873</span> if($processOutput) <span class="ln">874</span> $output=$this->processOutput($output); <span class="ln">875</span> if($return) <span class="ln">876</span> return $output; <span class="ln">877</span> else </pre></div> </td> </tr> <tr class="trace app expanded"> <td class="number"> #5 </td> <td class="content"> <div class="trace-file"> <div class="plus">+</div> <div class="minus">–</div> /media/shnoulle/data/webdev/master/application/controllers/AdminController.php(261): <strong>CController</strong>-><strong>renderPartial</strong>("/admin/token/invite", array("sidemenu" => array("state" => false, "token_menu" => true, "landOnSideMenuTab" => "settings"), "title_bar" => array("title" => "Bootstrap Dropdown Demo Survey Dolorem facilis fuga harum accu..."), "thissurvey" => array("sid" => 893992, "owner_id" => 1, "gsid" => 1, "admin" => "Administrator", ...), "surveyid" => 893992, ...), true, false) </div> <div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">256</span> $view = $sModulePath; <span class="ln">257</span> } <span class="ln">258</span> } <span class="ln">259</span> } <span class="ln">260</span> <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">261</span> return parent::renderPartial($view, $data, $return, $processOutput); </span><span class="ln">262</span> } <span class="ln">263</span> <span class="ln">264</span> /** <span class="ln">265</span> * Routes all the actions to their respective places <span class="ln">266</span> * </pre></div> </td> </tr> <tr class="trace app collapsed"> <td class="number"> #6 </td> <td class="content"> <div class="trace-file"> <div class="plus">+</div> <div class="minus">–</div> /media/shnoulle/data/webdev/master/application/core/SurveyCommonAction.php(273): <strong>AdminController</strong>-><strong>renderPartial</strong>("/admin/token/invite", array("sidemenu" => array("state" => false, "token_menu" => true, "landOnSideMenuTab" => "settings"), "title_bar" => array("title" => "Bootstrap Dropdown Demo Survey Dolorem facilis fuga harum accu..."), "thissurvey" => array("sid" => 893992, "owner_id" => 1, "gsid" => 1, "admin" => "Administrator", ...), "surveyid" => 893992, ...), true) </div> <div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">268</span> $content = ""; <span class="ln">269</span> <span class="ln">270</span> foreach ($aViewUrls as $sViewKey => $viewUrl) { <span class="ln">271</span> if (empty($sViewKey) || !in_array($sViewKey, array('message', 'output'))) { <span class="ln">272</span> if (is_numeric($sViewKey)) { <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">273</span> $content .= Yii::app()->getController()->renderPartial($sViewPath . $viewUrl, $aData, true); </span><span class="ln">274</span> } elseif (is_array($viewUrl)) { <span class="ln">275</span> foreach ($viewUrl as $aSubData) { <span class="ln">276</span> $aSubData = array_merge($aData, $aSubData); <span class="ln">277</span> $content .= Yii::app()->getController()->renderPartial($sViewPath . $sViewKey, $aSubData, true); <span class="ln">278</span> } </pre></div> </td> </tr> <tr class="trace app collapsed"> <td class="number"> #7 </td> <td class="content"> <div class="trace-file"> <div class="plus">+</div> <div class="minus">–</div> /media/shnoulle/data/webdev/master/application/core/SurveyCommonAction.php(395): <strong>SurveyCommonAction</strong>-><strong>renderCentralContents</strong>("token", array("invite"), array("sidemenu" => array("state" => false, "token_menu" => true, "landOnSideMenuTab" => "settings"), "title_bar" => array("title" => "Bootstrap Dropdown Demo Survey Dolorem facilis fuga harum accu..."), "thissurvey" => array("sid" => 893992, "owner_id" => 1, "gsid" => 1, "admin" => "Administrator", ...), "surveyid" => 893992, ...)) </div> <div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">390</span> $renderFile = $basePath . '/layout_main.php'; <span class="ln">391</span> } <span class="ln">392</span> } else { <span class="ln">393</span> $renderFile = $basePath . '/' . $sRenderFile; <span class="ln">394</span> } <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">395</span> $content = $this->renderCentralContents($sAction, $aViewUrls, $aData); </span><span class="ln">396</span> $out = $this->renderInternal($renderFile, ['content' => $content, 'aData' => $aData], true); <span class="ln">397</span> <span class="ln">398</span> App()->getClientScript()->render($out); <span class="ln">399</span> echo $out; <span class="ln">400</span> } </pre></div> </td> </tr> <tr class="trace app collapsed"> <td class="number"> #8 </td> <td class="content"> <div class="trace-file"> <div class="plus">+</div> <div class="minus">–</div> /media/shnoulle/data/webdev/master/application/controllers/admin/Tokens.php(2926): <strong>SurveyCommonAction</strong>-><strong>renderWrappedTemplate</strong>("token", array("invite"), array("sidemenu" => array("state" => false, "token_menu" => true, "landOnSideMenuTab" => "settings"), "title_bar" => array("title" => "Bootstrap Dropdown Demo Survey Dolorem facilis fuga harum accu..."), "thissurvey" => array("sid" => 893992, "owner_id" => 1, "gsid" => 1, "admin" => "Administrator", ...), "surveyid" => 893992, ...), false) </div> <div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">2921</span> <span class="ln">2922</span> if (!empty($aData['surveyid'])) { <span class="ln">2923</span> $aData['returnUrl'] = Yii::app()->createUrl('admin/tokens/sa/index/surveyid/' . $aData['surveyid']); <span class="ln">2924</span> } <span class="ln">2925</span> <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">2926</span> parent::renderWrappedTemplate($sAction, $aViewUrls, $aData, $sRenderFile); </span><span class="ln">2927</span> } <span class="ln">2928</span> <span class="ln">2929</span> /** <span class="ln">2930</span> * @return string SQL condition <span class="ln">2931</span> */ </pre></div> </td> </tr> <tr class="trace app collapsed"> <td class="number"> #9 </td> <td class="content"> <div class="trace-file"> <div class="plus">+</div> <div class="minus">–</div> /media/shnoulle/data/webdev/master/application/controllers/admin/Tokens.php(3081): <strong>Tokens</strong>-><strong>renderWrappedTemplate</strong>("token", array("invite"), array("sidemenu" => array("state" => false, "token_menu" => true), "title_bar" => array("title" => "Bootstrap Dropdown Demo Survey Dolorem facilis fuga harum accu..."), "thissurvey" => array("sid" => 893992, "owner_id" => 1, "gsid" => 1, "admin" => "Administrator", ...), "surveyid" => 893992, ...)) </div> <div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">3076</span> '/surveyAdministration/partial/topbar_tokens/rightSideButtons', <span class="ln">3077</span> $topbarData, <span class="ln">3078</span> true <span class="ln">3079</span> ); <span class="ln">3080</span> <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">3081</span> $this->renderWrappedTemplate('token', array($sSubAction), $aData); </span><span class="ln">3082</span> } <span class="ln">3083</span> <span class="ln">3084</span> /** <span class="ln">3085</span> * Reminders that are send are stored in session, so that they <span class="ln">3086</span> * are not send twice by accident in case of an unpredicted page </pre></div> </td> </tr> <tr class="trace app collapsed"> <td class="number"> #10 </td> <td class="content"> <div class="trace-file"> <div class="plus">+</div> <div class="minus">–</div> /media/shnoulle/data/webdev/master/application/controllers/admin/Tokens.php(1517): <strong>Tokens</strong>-><strong>showInviteOrReminderEmailForm</strong>(893992, array("de"), array("sidemenu" => array("state" => false, "token_menu" => true), "title_bar" => array("title" => "Bootstrap Dropdown Demo Survey Dolorem facilis fuga harum accu..."), "thissurvey" => array("sid" => 893992, "owner_id" => 1, "gsid" => 1, "admin" => "Administrator", ...), "surveyid" => 893992, ...)) </div> <div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">1512</span> $aData['topBar']['name'] = 'tokensTopbar_view'; <span class="ln">1513</span> <span class="ln">1514</span> // TODO: Rename 'ok' to something meaningful. <span class="ln">1515</span> if (!Yii::app()->request->getPost('ok')) { <span class="ln">1516</span> $this->clearEmailSessionCache($iSurveyId); <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">1517</span> $this->showInviteOrReminderEmailForm($iSurveyId, $aSurveyLangs, $aData); </span><span class="ln">1518</span> } else { <span class="ln">1519</span> $aData['topBar']['hide'] = true; <span class="ln">1520</span> <span class="ln">1521</span> $SQLemailstatuscondition = $this->getSQLemailstatuscondition(); <span class="ln">1522</span> $SQLremindercountcondition = $this->getSQLremindercountcondition(); </pre></div> </td> </tr> <tr class="trace core collapsed"> <td class="number"> #11 </td> <td class="content"> <div class="trace-file"> unknown(0): <strong>Tokens</strong>-><strong>email</strong>(893992) </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="trace core collapsed"> <td class="number"> #12 </td> <td class="content"> <div class="trace-file"> <div class="plus">+</div> <div class="minus">–</div> /media/shnoulle/data/webdev/master/vendor/yiisoft/yii/framework/web/actions/CAction.php(114): <strong>ReflectionMethod</strong>-><strong>invokeArgs</strong>(Tokens, array(893992)) </div> <div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">109</span> elseif($param->isDefaultValueAvailable()) <span class="ln">110</span> $ps[]=$param->getDefaultValue(); <span class="ln">111</span> else <span class="ln">112</span> return false; <span class="ln">113</span> } <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">114</span> $method->invokeArgs($object,$ps); </span><span class="ln">115</span> return true; <span class="ln">116</span> } <span class="ln">117</span> } </pre></div> </td> </tr> <tr class="trace app collapsed"> <td class="number"> #13 </td> <td class="content"> <div class="trace-file"> <div class="plus">+</div> <div class="minus">–</div> /media/shnoulle/data/webdev/master/application/core/SurveyCommonAction.php(83): <strong>CAction</strong>-><strong>runWithParamsInternal</strong>(Tokens, ReflectionMethod, array("r" => "admin/tokens/sa/email/surveyid/893992", "sa" => "email", "surveyid" => 893992, "iSurveyId" => 893992, ...)) </div> <div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">78</span> $oMethod = new ReflectionMethod($this, $sDefault); <span class="ln">79</span> } <span class="ln">80</span> <span class="ln">81</span> // We're all good to go, let's execute it <span class="ln">82</span> // runWithParamsInternal would automatically get the parameters of the method and populate them as required with the params <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">83</span> return parent::runWithParamsInternal($this, $oMethod, $params); </span><span class="ln">84</span> } <span class="ln">85</span> <span class="ln">86</span> /** <span class="ln">87</span> * Some functions have different parameters, which are just an alias of the <span class="ln">88</span> * usual parameters we're getting in the url. This function just populates </pre></div> </td> </tr> <tr class="trace core collapsed"> <td class="number"> #14 </td> <td class="content"> <div class="trace-file"> <div class="plus">+</div> <div class="minus">–</div> /media/shnoulle/data/webdev/master/vendor/yiisoft/yii/framework/web/CController.php(308): <strong>SurveyCommonAction</strong>-><strong>runWithParams</strong>(array("r" => "admin/tokens/sa/email/surveyid/893992", "sa" => "email", "surveyid" => 893992, "iSurveyId" => 893992, ...)) </div> <div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">303</span> { <span class="ln">304</span> $priorAction=$this->_action; <span class="ln">305</span> $this->_action=$action; <span class="ln">306</span> if($this->beforeAction($action)) <span class="ln">307</span> { <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">308</span> if($action->runWithParams($this->getActionParams())===false) </span><span class="ln">309</span> $this->invalidActionParams($action); <span class="ln">310</span> else <span class="ln">311</span> $this->afterAction($action); <span class="ln">312</span> } <span class="ln">313</span> $this->_action=$priorAction; </pre></div> </td> </tr> <tr class="trace core collapsed"> <td class="number"> #15 </td> <td class="content"> <div class="trace-file"> <div class="plus">+</div> <div class="minus">–</div> /media/shnoulle/data/webdev/master/vendor/yiisoft/yii/framework/web/CController.php(286): <strong>CController</strong>-><strong>runAction</strong>(Tokens) </div> <div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">281</span> * @see runAction <span class="ln">282</span> */ <span class="ln">283</span> public function runActionWithFilters($action,$filters) <span class="ln">284</span> { <span class="ln">285</span> if(empty($filters)) <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">286</span> $this->runAction($action); </span><span class="ln">287</span> else <span class="ln">288</span> { <span class="ln">289</span> $priorAction=$this->_action; <span class="ln">290</span> $this->_action=$action; <span class="ln">291</span> CFilterChain::create($this,$action,$filters)->run(); </pre></div> </td> </tr> <tr class="trace core collapsed"> <td class="number"> #16 </td> <td class="content"> <div class="trace-file"> <div class="plus">+</div> <div class="minus">–</div> /media/shnoulle/data/webdev/master/vendor/yiisoft/yii/framework/web/CController.php(265): <strong>CController</strong>-><strong>runActionWithFilters</strong>(Tokens, array()) </div> <div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">260</span> { <span class="ln">261</span> if(($parent=$this->getModule())===null) <span class="ln">262</span> $parent=Yii::app(); <span class="ln">263</span> if($parent->beforeControllerAction($this,$action)) <span class="ln">264</span> { <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">265</span> $this->runActionWithFilters($action,$this->filters()); </span><span class="ln">266</span> $parent->afterControllerAction($this,$action); <span class="ln">267</span> } <span class="ln">268</span> } <span class="ln">269</span> else <span class="ln">270</span> $this->missingAction($actionID); </pre></div> </td> </tr> <tr class="trace app collapsed"> <td class="number"> #17 </td> <td class="content"> <div class="trace-file"> <div class="plus">+</div> <div class="minus">–</div> /media/shnoulle/data/webdev/master/application/controllers/AdminController.php(202): <strong>CController</strong>-><strong>run</strong>("tokens") </div> <div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">197</span> } <span class="ln">198</span> <span class="ln">199</span> $this->runModuleController($action); <span class="ln">200</span> <span class="ln">201</span> <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">202</span> return parent::run($action); </span><span class="ln">203</span> } <span class="ln">204</span> <span class="ln">205</span> /** <span class="ln">206</span> * Starting with LS4, 3rd party developer can extends any of the LimeSurve controllers. <span class="ln">207</span> * </pre></div> </td> </tr> <tr class="trace core collapsed"> <td class="number"> #18 </td> <td class="content"> <div class="trace-file"> <div class="plus">+</div> <div class="minus">–</div> /media/shnoulle/data/webdev/master/vendor/yiisoft/yii/framework/web/CWebApplication.php(282): <strong>AdminController</strong>-><strong>run</strong>("tokens") </div> <div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">277</span> { <span class="ln">278</span> list($controller,$actionID)=$ca; <span class="ln">279</span> $oldController=$this->_controller; <span class="ln">280</span> $this->_controller=$controller; <span class="ln">281</span> $controller->init(); <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">282</span> $controller->run($actionID); </span><span class="ln">283</span> $this->_controller=$oldController; <span class="ln">284</span> } <span class="ln">285</span> else <span class="ln">286</span> throw new CHttpException(404,Yii::t('yii','Unable to resolve the request "{route}".', <span class="ln">287</span> array('{route}'=>$route===''?$this->defaultController:$route))); </pre></div> </td> </tr> <tr class="trace core collapsed"> <td class="number"> #19 </td> <td class="content"> <div class="trace-file"> <div class="plus">+</div> <div class="minus">–</div> /media/shnoulle/data/webdev/master/vendor/yiisoft/yii/framework/web/CWebApplication.php(141): <strong>CWebApplication</strong>-><strong>runController</strong>("admin/tokens/sa/email/surveyid/893992") </div> <div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">136</span> foreach(array_splice($this->catchAllRequest,1) as $name=>$value) <span class="ln">137</span> $_GET[$name]=$value; <span class="ln">138</span> } <span class="ln">139</span> else <span class="ln">140</span> $route=$this->getUrlManager()->parseUrl($this->getRequest()); <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">141</span> $this->runController($route); </span><span class="ln">142</span> } <span class="ln">143</span> <span class="ln">144</span> /** <span class="ln">145</span> * Registers the core application components. <span class="ln">146</span> * This method overrides the parent implementation by registering additional core components. </pre></div> </td> </tr> <tr class="trace core collapsed"> <td class="number"> #20 </td> <td class="content"> <div class="trace-file"> <div class="plus">+</div> <div class="minus">–</div> /media/shnoulle/data/webdev/master/vendor/yiisoft/yii/framework/base/CApplication.php(185): <strong>CWebApplication</strong>-><strong>processRequest</strong>() </div> <div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">180</span> public function run() <span class="ln">181</span> { <span class="ln">182</span> if($this->hasEventHandler('onBeginRequest')) <span class="ln">183</span> $this->onBeginRequest(new CEvent($this)); <span class="ln">184</span> register_shutdown_function(array($this,'end'),0,false); <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">185</span> $this->processRequest(); </span><span class="ln">186</span> if($this->hasEventHandler('onEndRequest')) <span class="ln">187</span> $this->onEndRequest(new CEvent($this)); <span class="ln">188</span> } <span class="ln">189</span> <span class="ln">190</span> /** </pre></div> </td> </tr> <tr class="trace app collapsed"> <td class="number"> #21 </td> <td class="content"> <div class="trace-file"> <div class="plus">+</div> <div class="minus">–</div> /media/shnoulle/data/webdev/master/index.php(161): <strong>CApplication</strong>-><strong>run</strong>() </div> <div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">156</span> require_once APPPATH . 'core/LSYii_Application' . EXT; <span class="ln">157</span> <span class="ln">158</span> $config = require_once(APPPATH . 'config/internal' . EXT); <span class="ln">159</span> <span class="ln">160</span> Yii::$enableIncludePath = false; <span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">161</span> Yii::createApplication('LSYii_Application', $config)->run(); </span><span class="ln">162</span> <span class="ln">163</span> /* End of file index.php */ <span class="ln">164</span> /* Location: ./index.php */ </pre></div> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> </div> <div class="version"> 2024-04-22 16:44:10 nginx/1.22.1 <a href="">Yii Framework</a>/1.1.29 </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> /*<![CDATA[*/ var traceReg = new RegExp("(^|\\s)trace-file(\\s|$)"); var collapsedReg = new RegExp("(^|\\s)collapsed(\\s|$)"); var e = document.getElementsByTagName("div"); for(var j=0,len=e.length;j<len;j++){ if(traceReg.test(e[j].className)){ e[j].onclick = function(){ var trace = this.parentNode.parentNode; if(collapsedReg.test(trace.className)) trace.className = trace.className.replace("collapsed", "expanded"); else trace.className = trace.className.replace("expanded", "collapsed"); } } } /*]]>*/ </script> </body></html> | ||||
Bug heat | 6 | ||||
Complete LimeSurvey version number (& build) | 6.5.3 | ||||
I will donate to the project if issue is resolved | No | ||||
Browser | not relevant | ||||
Database type & version | not relevant | ||||
Server OS (if known) | not relevant | ||||
Webserver software & version (if known) | not relevant | ||||
PHP Version | not relevant | ||||
Found when work on |
master : |
Tested and merged. |
Fix committed to master branch: |
Fix committed to master branch: |
Fixed in Release 6.5.6+240506 |
LimeSurvey: master a5ebdc33 2024-05-02 16:31 Committer: GitHub Details Diff |
Fixed issue 19526: debug=2 PHP8.1 - unable to send email without expiry (03827) |
Affected Issues 19526 |
mod - application/models/Survey.php | Diff File | ||
mod - application/views/admin/token/invite.php | Diff File | ||
mod - application/views/admin/token/remind.php | Diff File | ||
LimeSurvey: master a5ebdc33 2024-05-02 16:31 Committer: GitHub Details Diff |
Fixed issue 19526: debug=2 PHP8.1 - unable to send email without expiry (03827) |
Affected Issues 19526 |
mod - application/models/Survey.php | Diff File | ||
mod - application/views/admin/token/invite.php | Diff File | ||
mod - application/views/admin/token/remind.php | Diff File |
Date Modified | Username | Field | Change |
2024-04-22 16:50 | DenisChenu | New Issue | |
2024-04-22 16:50 | DenisChenu | File Added: PHP error.html | |
2024-04-22 16:50 | DenisChenu | File Added: survey_archive_893992.lsa | |
2024-04-22 16:50 | DenisChenu | Assigned To | => DenisChenu |
2024-04-22 16:50 | DenisChenu | Status | new => assigned |
2024-04-22 16:50 | DenisChenu | Note Added: 79962 | |
2024-04-22 16:50 | DenisChenu | Bug heat | 0 => 2 |
2024-04-26 19:20 | DenisChenu | Note Added: 80026 | |
2024-04-26 19:20 | DenisChenu | Status | assigned => ready for code review |
2024-04-27 11:05 | DenisChenu | Assigned To | DenisChenu => gabrieljenik |
2024-05-01 15:45 | gabrieljenik | Assigned To | gabrieljenik => tibor.pacalat |
2024-05-01 15:45 | gabrieljenik | Status | ready for code review => ready for testing |
2024-05-02 14:32 | tibor.pacalat | Status | ready for testing => resolved |
2024-05-02 14:32 | tibor.pacalat | Resolution | open => fixed |
2024-05-02 14:32 | tibor.pacalat | Note Added: 80065 | |
2024-05-02 14:32 | tibor.pacalat | Bug heat | 2 => 4 |
2024-05-02 15:13 | DenisChenu | Changeset attached | => LimeSurvey master a5ebdc33 |
2024-05-02 15:13 | DenisChenu | Changeset attached | => LimeSurvey master a5ebdc33 |
2024-05-02 15:13 | DenisChenu | Note Added: 80067 | |
2024-05-02 15:13 | DenisChenu | Note Added: 80068 | |
2024-05-02 15:13 | DenisChenu | Assigned To | tibor.pacalat => DenisChenu |
2024-05-02 15:13 | DenisChenu | Assigned To | tibor.pacalat => DenisChenu |
2024-05-06 12:27 | LimeBot | Note Added: 80078 | |
2024-05-06 12:27 | LimeBot | Status | resolved => closed |
2024-05-06 12:27 | LimeBot | Bug heat | 4 => 6 |