View Issue Details

This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
18900Bug reportsUser / Groups / Rolespublic2024-04-23 14:41
ReporterJmantysalo Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version6.1.x 
Summary18900: Wrong charset in a mail to a new admin

I set Finnish as the default language on a LimeSurvey 6 server. I did an account for me; my name is Mäntysalo, i.e. with dots over first a. I got a confirmation email

Heippa Mäntysalo,
Tämä on automaattinen sähköposti, - -

and it should be

Heippa Mäntysalo,
Tämä on automaattinen sähköposti, - -

The mail contained a header "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit" which probably explains this.

TagsNo tags attached.
Bug heat2
Complete LimeSurvey version number (& build)6.1.4+230620
I will donate to the project if issue is resolvedNo
Database type & versionN/A
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PHP VersionN/A

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-06-21 13:47 Jmantysalo New Issue
2024-04-23 14:41 tibor.pacalat Note Added: 79990
2024-04-23 14:41 tibor.pacalat Bug heat 0 => 2