View Issue Details

This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
18808Bug reportsSurvey takingpublic2023-06-12 10:45
Reporteradamzammit Assigned ToDenisChenu  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version5.6.x 
Summary18808: Mandatory soft only works once per survey if over multiple pages/groups

When a survey has multiple pages (displayed question by question, or group by group), and more than one question has Mandatory Soft setting set to "Yes" , then as long as one question in the survey not answered, but then set to "Continue without answering" then all subsequent questions lose their mandatory status and can be left blank without a prompt.

It appears this occurs since the pull request:

I have reverted the changes from that pull in my testing code, and the mandatory soft prompts appear as expected.

I have attached an example survey with 3 soft mandatory questions over 3 groups - you can test that the mandatory soft prompt won't appear in the second and third questions if you leave the first question blank, then continue by pressing "Continue without answering"

Additional Information

master :
5X :

TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files
Pull_2825_breaks_mandatory_soft_when_displayed_over_multiple_pages.lss (32,527 bytes)   
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <group_name><![CDATA[My first question group]]></group_name>
    <group_name><![CDATA[My second question group]]></group_name>
    <group_name><![CDATA[My third question group]]></group_name>
    <question><![CDATA[A first example question. Please answer this question:]]></question>
    <help><![CDATA[This is a question help text.]]></help>
    <question><![CDATA[second question]]></question>
    <question><![CDATA[third question]]></question>
    <surveyls_title><![CDATA[Pull 2825 breaks mandatory soft when displayed over multiple pages]]></surveyls_title>
    <surveyls_email_invite_subj><![CDATA[Invitation to participate in a survey]]></surveyls_email_invite_subj>
    <surveyls_email_invite><![CDATA[Dear {FIRSTNAME},<br />
<br />
You have been invited to participate in a survey.<br />
<br />
The survey is titled:<br />
"{SURVEYNAME}"<br />
<br />
<br />
To participate, please click on the link below.<br />
<br />
Sincerely,<br />
<br />
<br />
----------------------------------------------<br />
Click here to do the survey:<br />
<br />
If you do not want to participate in this survey and don't want to receive any more invitations please click the following link:<br />
<br />
If you are blacklisted but want to participate in this survey and want to receive invitations please click the following link:<br />
    <surveyls_email_remind_subj><![CDATA[Reminder to participate in a survey]]></surveyls_email_remind_subj>
    <surveyls_email_remind><![CDATA[Dear {FIRSTNAME},<br />
<br />
Recently we invited you to participate in a survey.<br />
<br />
We note that you have not yet completed the survey, and wish to remind you that the survey is still available should you wish to take part.<br />
<br />
The survey is titled:<br />
"{SURVEYNAME}"<br />
<br />
<br />
To participate, please click on the link below.<br />
<br />
Sincerely,<br />
<br />
<br />
----------------------------------------------<br />
Click here to do the survey:<br />
<br />
If you do not want to participate in this survey and don't want to receive any more invitations please click the following link:<br />
    <surveyls_email_register_subj><![CDATA[Survey registration confirmation]]></surveyls_email_register_subj>
    <surveyls_email_register><![CDATA[Dear {FIRSTNAME},<br />
<br />
You, or someone using your email address, have registered to participate in an online survey titled {SURVEYNAME}.<br />
<br />
To complete this survey, click on the following URL:<br />
<br />
<br />
If you have any questions about this survey, or if you did not register to participate and believe this email is in error, please contact {ADMINNAME} at {ADMINEMAIL}.]]></surveyls_email_register>
    <surveyls_email_confirm_subj><![CDATA[Confirmation of your participation in our survey]]></surveyls_email_confirm_subj>
    <surveyls_email_confirm><![CDATA[Dear {FIRSTNAME},<br />
<br />
This email is to confirm that you have completed the survey titled {SURVEYNAME} and your response has been saved. Thank you for participating.<br />
<br />
If you have any further questions about this email, please contact {ADMINNAME} on {ADMINEMAIL}.<br />
<br />
Sincerely,<br />
<br />
    <email_admin_notification_subj><![CDATA[Response submission for survey {SURVEYNAME}]]></email_admin_notification_subj>
    <email_admin_notification><![CDATA[Hello,<br />
<br />
A new response was submitted for your survey '{SURVEYNAME}'.<br />
<br />
Click the following link to see the individual response:<br />
<br />
Click the following link to edit the individual response:<br />
<br />
View statistics by clicking here:<br />
    <email_admin_responses_subj><![CDATA[Response submission for survey {SURVEYNAME} with results]]></email_admin_responses_subj>
    <email_admin_responses><![CDATA[Hello,<br />
<br />
A new response was submitted for your survey '{SURVEYNAME}'.<br />
<br />
Click the following link to see the individual response:<br />
<br />
Click the following link to edit the individual response:<br />
<br />
View statistics by clicking here:<br />
<br />
<br />
The following answers were given by the participant:<br />
Bug heat14
Complete LimeSurvey version number (& build)5.6.19
I will donate to the project if issue is resolvedNo
Database type & versionMariadb 10.5
Server OS (if known)
Webserver software & version (if known)
PHP Version8.0


related to 18332 new Feature requests Mandatory soft must be related to Question not Page 
has duplicate 18815 closedDenisChenu Bug reports Soft prompt only works one time per survey 

Users monitoring this issue

There are no users monitoring this issue.




2023-05-09 08:14

developer   ~74889

The issue is here :

just remove this, and it fixed :)

OK, got it.



2023-05-09 12:43

developer   ~74891

test to be added



2023-05-14 19:57

developer   ~74961

Auto test added



2023-05-14 19:58

developer   ~74962




2023-06-02 16:44

developer   ~75397

Fix committed to 5.x branch:;id=34766



2023-06-02 16:44

developer   ~75398

Fix committed to 5.x branch:;id=34767



2023-06-02 16:46

administrator   ~75399

tested and merged



2023-06-02 17:11

developer   ~75400

Fix committed to master branch:;id=34769



2023-06-02 17:11

developer   ~75401

Fix committed to master branch:;id=34768



2023-06-05 11:08

administrator   ~75412

Fix committed to master branch:;id=34772



2023-06-05 11:34

administrator   ~75415

Slight confusion from my side of which PR actually broke the CI. This is one of the PRs I reverted (to master branch).



2023-06-09 12:48

developer   ~75510

Fix committed to master branch:;id=34789



2023-06-09 12:48

developer   ~75511

Fix committed to master branch:;id=34790



2023-06-12 10:45

administrator   ~75540

Fixed in Release 6.1.3+230612

Related Changesets

LimeSurvey: 5.x 6f7464fe

2023-06-02 16:42:45


Committer: GitHub Details Diff
Fixed issue 18808: Mandatory soft only works once per survey if over multiple pages/groups (#3120)

* Fixed issue 18808: Mandatory soft only works once per survey if over multiple pages/groups
Dev: not used currently, to be used for feature 18332

* Dev: Add test
Affected Issues
mod - application/helpers/SurveyRuntimeHelper.php Diff File
add - tests/data/surveys/limesurvey_survey_MandatorySoftMultiPage.lss Diff File
mod - tests/functional/frontend/MandatorySoftTest.php Diff File

LimeSurvey: 5.x 6f7464fe

2023-06-02 16:42:45


Committer: GitHub Details Diff
Fixed issue 18808: Mandatory soft only works once per survey if over multiple pages/groups (#3120)

* Fixed issue 18808: Mandatory soft only works once per survey if over multiple pages/groups
Dev: not used currently, to be used for feature 18332

* Dev: Add test
Affected Issues
mod - application/helpers/SurveyRuntimeHelper.php Diff File
add - tests/data/surveys/limesurvey_survey_MandatorySoftMultiPage.lss Diff File
mod - tests/functional/frontend/MandatorySoftTest.php Diff File

LimeSurvey: master 6439cb13

2023-06-02 16:46:30


Committer: GitHub Details Diff
Fixed issue 18808: Mandatory soft only works once per survey if over multiple pages/groups (#3119)

* Fixed issue 18808: Mandatory soft only works once per survey if over multiple pages/groups

* Dev: Add test

* Dev: wait for clickable status

* Dev: wait for move next button
Dev: wait for mandatory soft link

* Dev: max 1 second

* Dev: oups

* Dev: Use
Affected Issues
mod - application/helpers/SurveyRuntimeHelper.php Diff File
mod - tests/LimeSurveyWebDriver.php Diff File
add - tests/data/surveys/limesurvey_survey_MandatorySoftMultiPage.lss Diff File
mod - tests/functional/frontend/MandatorySoftTest.php Diff File

LimeSurvey: master 6439cb13

2023-06-02 16:46:30


Committer: GitHub Details Diff
Fixed issue 18808: Mandatory soft only works once per survey if over multiple pages/groups (#3119)

* Fixed issue 18808: Mandatory soft only works once per survey if over multiple pages/groups

* Dev: Add test

* Dev: wait for clickable status

* Dev: wait for move next button
Dev: wait for mandatory soft link

* Dev: max 1 second

* Dev: oups

* Dev: Use
Affected Issues
mod - application/helpers/SurveyRuntimeHelper.php Diff File
mod - tests/LimeSurveyWebDriver.php Diff File
add - tests/data/surveys/limesurvey_survey_MandatorySoftMultiPage.lss Diff File
mod - tests/functional/frontend/MandatorySoftTest.php Diff File

LimeSurvey: master 1b9b844c

2023-06-05 11:08:16


Details Diff
Revert "Fixed issue 18808: Mandatory soft only works once per survey if over multiple pages/groups (#3119)"

This reverts commit 6439cb13c6a5a72dfe44f23085b63228be1de0f1.
Affected Issues
mod - application/helpers/SurveyRuntimeHelper.php Diff File
mod - tests/LimeSurveyWebDriver.php Diff File
rm - tests/data/surveys/limesurvey_survey_MandatorySoftMultiPage.lss Diff File
mod - tests/functional/frontend/MandatorySoftTest.php Diff File

LimeSurvey: master 5231c873

2023-06-09 12:48:25


Committer: GitHub Details Diff
Fixed issue 18808: Mandatory soft only works once per survey if over multiple pages/groups (#3195) Affected Issues
mod - application/helpers/SurveyRuntimeHelper.php Diff File
mod - tests/LimeSurveyWebDriver.php Diff File
add - tests/data/surveys/limesurvey_survey_MandatorySoftMultiPage.lss Diff File
mod - tests/functional/frontend/MandatorySoftTest.php Diff File

LimeSurvey: master 5231c873

2023-06-09 12:48:25


Committer: GitHub Details Diff
Fixed issue 18808: Mandatory soft only works once per survey if over multiple pages/groups (#3195) Affected Issues
mod - application/helpers/SurveyRuntimeHelper.php Diff File
mod - tests/LimeSurveyWebDriver.php Diff File
add - tests/data/surveys/limesurvey_survey_MandatorySoftMultiPage.lss Diff File
mod - tests/functional/frontend/MandatorySoftTest.php Diff File

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-05-09 05:27 adamzammit New Issue
2023-05-09 05:27 adamzammit File Added: Pull_2825_breaks_mandatory_soft_when_displayed_over_multiple_pages.lss
2023-05-09 05:27 adamzammit Relationship added related to 18332
2023-05-09 08:14 DenisChenu Note Added: 74889
2023-05-09 08:14 DenisChenu Bug heat 0 => 2
2023-05-09 09:23 DenisChenu Assigned To => DenisChenu
2023-05-09 09:23 DenisChenu Status new => assigned
2023-05-09 12:43 DenisChenu Note Added: 74891
2023-05-09 17:57 DenisChenu Assigned To DenisChenu => gabrieljenik
2023-05-09 17:57 DenisChenu Status assigned => ready for code review
2023-05-09 17:57 DenisChenu Additional Information Updated
2023-05-09 22:07 gabrieljenik Assigned To gabrieljenik => DenisChenu
2023-05-09 22:07 gabrieljenik Status ready for code review => ready for testing
2023-05-12 00:46 adamzammit Relationship added has duplicate 18815
2023-05-12 00:46 adamzammit Bug heat 2 => 8
2023-05-12 10:49 ollehar Bug heat 8 => 10
2023-05-14 19:57 DenisChenu Note Added: 74961
2023-05-14 19:58 DenisChenu Note Added: 74962
2023-05-18 18:22 DenisChenu Assigned To DenisChenu => tibor.pacalat
2023-06-02 16:44 DenisChenu Changeset attached => LimeSurvey 5.x 6f7464fe
2023-06-02 16:44 DenisChenu Note Added: 75397
2023-06-02 16:44 DenisChenu Assigned To tibor.pacalat => DenisChenu
2023-06-02 16:44 DenisChenu Resolution open => fixed
2023-06-02 16:44 DenisChenu Changeset attached => LimeSurvey 5.x 6f7464fe
2023-06-02 16:44 DenisChenu Note Added: 75398
2023-06-02 16:46 tibor.pacalat Status ready for testing => closed
2023-06-02 16:46 tibor.pacalat Note Added: 75399
2023-06-02 16:46 tibor.pacalat Bug heat 10 => 12
2023-06-02 17:11 DenisChenu Changeset attached => LimeSurvey master 6439cb13
2023-06-02 17:11 DenisChenu Changeset attached => LimeSurvey master 6439cb13
2023-06-02 17:11 DenisChenu Note Added: 75400
2023-06-02 17:11 DenisChenu Note Added: 75401
2023-06-02 17:11 DenisChenu Bug heat 12 => 10
2023-06-02 17:16 guest Bug heat 10 => 12
2023-06-05 11:08 ollehar Changeset attached => LimeSurvey master 1b9b844c
2023-06-05 11:08 ollehar Note Added: 75412
2023-06-05 11:08 ollehar Assigned To DenisChenu => ollehar
2023-06-05 11:34 ollehar Note Added: 75415
2023-06-05 11:34 ollehar Status closed => new
2023-06-05 11:34 ollehar Resolution fixed => reopened
2023-06-09 12:48 DenisChenu Changeset attached => LimeSurvey master 5231c873
2023-06-09 12:48 DenisChenu Changeset attached => LimeSurvey master 5231c873
2023-06-09 12:48 DenisChenu Note Added: 75510
2023-06-09 12:48 DenisChenu Note Added: 75511
2023-06-09 12:48 DenisChenu Assigned To ollehar => DenisChenu
2023-06-09 12:48 DenisChenu Assigned To ollehar => DenisChenu
2023-06-09 12:48 DenisChenu Resolution reopened => fixed
2023-06-09 12:48 DenisChenu Resolution reopened => fixed
2023-06-12 10:45 LimeBot Note Added: 75540
2023-06-12 10:45 LimeBot Status new => closed
2023-06-12 10:45 LimeBot Bug heat 12 => 14