View Issue Details

This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
15599Bug reportsOtherpublic2019-11-27 14:29
Reportercdorin Assigned Toc_schmitz  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version3.20.x 
Fixed in Version3.20.x 
Summary15599: Ajax mode still ON when importing old survey which has it enabled

Important because it causes survey-related issues (e.g., quotas & autoload URLs do not work correctly).

Steps To Reproduce

Import the below survey and click on quota -> check if the redirect works.

Additional Information

It affects self-hosted instances

TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files
Bug heat4
Complete LimeSurvey version number (& build)irrelevant
I will donate to the project if issue is resolvedNo
Database type & versionirrelevant
Server OS (if known)
Webserver software & version (if known)
PHP Versionirrelevant

Users monitoring this issue

There are no users monitoring this issue.




2019-11-20 14:47

administrator   ~54709

Fix committed to master branch:



2019-11-27 14:29

administrator   ~54820

Fixed in Release 4.0.0-RC9+191125

Related Changesets

LimeSurvey: master 0abf282a

2019-11-20 15:46


Details Diff
Fixed issue 15599: Ajax mode being activated when importing an old survey which has it enabled Affected Issues
mod - application/controllers/admin/themeoptions.php Diff File
mod - application/core/LsDefaultDataSets.php Diff File
mod - themes/survey/vanilla/views/layout_global.twig Diff File
mod - themes/survey/vanilla/views/layout_survey_list.twig Diff File
mod - themes/survey/vanilla/views/subviews/header/head.twig Diff File
mod - themes/survey/vanilla/views/subviews/header/start_form.twig Diff File

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2019-11-20 14:42 cdorin New Issue
2019-11-20 14:42 cdorin Status new => assigned
2019-11-20 14:42 cdorin Assigned To => c_schmitz
2019-11-20 14:42 cdorin File Added: limesurvey_survey_667847.lss
2019-11-20 14:47 c_schmitz Changeset attached => LimeSurvey master 0abf282a
2019-11-20 14:47 c_schmitz Note Added: 54709
2019-11-20 14:47 c_schmitz Resolution open => fixed
2019-11-20 14:47 c_schmitz Status assigned => resolved
2019-11-20 14:47 c_schmitz Fixed in Version => 3.20.x
2019-11-27 14:29 lime_release_bot Note Added: 54820
2019-11-27 14:29 lime_release_bot Status resolved => closed