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This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
14329Feature requestsSurvey editingpublic2018-12-20 11:39
Reportermarkusd1984 Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary14329: Built in Templates of survey questions similar to the copy function but available for all users

Currently for users to use survey template of predefined set of questions and answers one either needs to manually import a survey structure file or can copy an existing survey if they have access to it.

The solution could be to provide a template function to simply select them from a dedicated drop down list, similar to the copy function, perhaps under a separate tab next to "Create, Import, Copy, Templates" to distinguish it more clearly from the other surveys for easier access (which basically just copies the template survey but is different from normal copying as the survey is also available to anybody).

This would make frequent used survey creation so much easier and more user friendly as no access to files is required for import, no permission needs to be given to individual surveys to make available for the user to be able to copy them and especially no options required to exclude aspects of it.

Additional Information

Given we already have most of the code already due to the copy page, this might be a low hanging fruit to implement with a big practical impact and benefit to most users.

To make template creation simple, it could be an option on the copy page to "copy as template" based on an existing survey that only copies questions & answers, which has permission to be used by all users.

Only the person creating the template should have edit access to the template created.
(Perhaps without the option to publish it, to avoid issues, given it's purpose is for template only and this way can always be edited).

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Bug heat4
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2018-12-07 11:15

reporter   ~49905

Alternative to a separate tab could be to list the templates in the "Select survey to copy:" list under "Templates", with a button to enable "copy as template" so when to press copy the new templates will be added that way.

However a separate tab would likely make it much easier to relate to (copy vs template) and having templates listed separately would be also much cleaner (as one list can grow easily with creation of new surveys).



2018-12-07 11:26

reporter   ~49906

In the bigger picture we might want to consider whether this would be beneficial for a built option also for the question set templates vs Import questions.

Although I would think this would probably operate differently as this is inside a survey and might only suit on a user level (question sets available of all surveys created by the user or question sets that the user copied specifically as templates).

The overall survey question template is what likely more users would benefit as there are always some frequent used surveys.



2018-12-07 14:39

reporter   ~49908

Templates probably shouldn't show up in the survey list, thus separate tab is likely most ideal.

Looking at the permission model, i realised even currently there is no work around, because even when using a group it actually only adds the users individually (not as a real group per say) and thus additional users added later on won't be added automatically in the survey permission.

Perhaps best would be a separate template flag to be implemented and an exception therefore in the permission model/checks to allow any user to access those surveys with read / export rights.



2018-12-20 11:39

developer   ~50027

lots of great ideas here. I'd rather go to something like "import survey template as set of questions" (pretty similar logic as "import file as new layer" in graphical software )
so creating a survey group of survey templates, and then adding a new item in the import modal.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2018-12-07 11:08 markusd1984 New Issue
2018-12-07 11:15 markusd1984 Note Added: 49905
2018-12-07 11:26 markusd1984 Note Added: 49906
2018-12-07 14:39 markusd1984 Note Added: 49908
2018-12-20 11:39 LouisGac Note Added: 50027
2019-11-01 17:25 c_schmitz Category Survey design => Survey editing