View Issue Details

This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
13880Bug reportsSurvey takingpublic2021-04-01 08:11
ReporterLimesqueezing123 Assigned Toollehar  
Status closedResolutionunable to reproduce 
Product Version3.12.x 
Summary13880: Error when restarting a not yet finished survey

Hello Everybody!

What worries me in my latest survey is the following error message. What we know is that if somebody starts the survey, closes it and restarts it at a later moment:
a) he or she can’t go farer than the first page after the welcome message (ID 118) (unless he opens the link in a new browser)
b) we receive the error message you can see below (via email).
Unfortunately none of the users who reported the problem did send us a screenshot. I tried to duplicate the problem myself, but it worked totally fine for me. I would like to avoid making an update right now as the survey is running and this may cause problems for participants who want to answer it right during the update process.

Maybe interesting: We did create a cookie to track the time and to end the survey automatically after 50 minutes. I don’t think that this might cause problems because the cookie is set only on page 10 and none of the persons did reach page 10. Just for you to know…

Is this a known bug, is there maybe a simple way to fix it or can anyone just tell me why this is happening at all?

Thanks in advance!

„Beim Speichern Ihrer Fragebogen-Zugangsschlüssel ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Name of Test - 583555

token: i4kK7MaSASJhyzN
583555X120X1148: N/A
583555X121X1149: N/A
583555X145X1176: N/A
583555X145X1177: N/A
583555X122X1150: N/A
583555X146X1178: N/A
583555X146X1179: N/A
583555X123X1151: N/A
583555X147X1181: N/A
583555X147X1180: N/A
583555X144X1152: N/A
583555X119X1143: N/A
583555X124X1155: N/A
583555X125X1156: N/A
583555X126X1157: N/A
583555X127X1158: N/A
583555X128X1159: N/A
583555X129X1160: N/A
583555X130X1161: N/A
583555X131X1162: N/A
583555X132X1163: N/A
583555X133X1164: N/A
583555X134X1165: N/A
583555X135X1166: N/A
583555X136X1167: N/A
583555X137X1168: N/A
583555X138X1169: N/A
583555X139X1170: N/A
583555X140X1171: N/A
583555X141X1172: N/A
583555X142X1173: N/A
583555X143X1174: N/A
583555X143X1175: N/A
583555X120X1148: N/A
583555X121X1149: N/A
583555X145X1176: N/A
583555X145X1177: N/A
583555X122X1150: N/A
583555X146X1178: N/A
583555X146X1179: N/A
583555X123X1151: N/A
583555X147X1181: N/A
583555X147X1180: N/A
583555X144X1152: N/A
583555X119X1143: N/A
583555X124X1155: N/A
583555X125X1156: N/A
583555X126X1157: N/A
583555X127X1158: N/A
583555X128X1159: N/A
583555X129X1160: N/A
583555X130X1161: N/A
583555X131X1162: N/A
583555X132X1163: N/A
583555X133X1164: N/A
583555X134X1165: N/A
583555X135X1166: N/A
583555X136X1167: N/A
583555X137X1168: N/A
583555X138X1169: N/A
583555X139X1170: N/A
583555X140X1171: N/A
583555X141X1172: N/A
583555X142X1173: N/A
583555X143X1174: N/A
583555X143X1175: N/A


UPDATE {{survey_583555}} SET lastpage=0, datestamp='2018-07-15 19:39:19', ipaddr='anipv6address:9d87' WHERE ID=182


TagsNo tags attached.
Bug heat30
Complete LimeSurvey version number (& build)3.12.2+180625
I will donate to the project if issue is resolvedNo
Database type & versionmysql 5.6.19
Server OS (if known)linux
Webserver software & version (if known)Apache 2.4.29
PHP Version5.6.31


has duplicate 13946 closedcdorin SQL error when saving a response 

Users monitoring this issue

cdorin, ArneD, segui




2018-07-17 19:36

developer   ~48524

I update the ip adresse to set a false ip adress.

Else did you have access to the DB ? If yes : can you validate you have datestamp + ipaddr columns ?



2018-07-18 09:31

reporter   ~48526

Thanks for your reply! Yes, I have datestamp and ipaddr and I am able to run the SQL command manually on the DB. The problems only exists for the cases I described - when somebody closes and reopens the survey. And as you can see, there is not even an error message at the end of the email I posted above.



2021-03-02 19:48

administrator   ~62621

Please check if this bug still exists in the latest patch release. Thank you.



2021-04-01 08:11

administrator   ~63771

Closed due to missing feeback.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2018-07-17 13:15 Limesqueezing123 New Issue
2018-07-17 19:35 DenisChenu Description Updated
2018-07-17 19:36 DenisChenu Note Added: 48524
2018-07-18 09:31 Limesqueezing123 Note Added: 48526
2018-07-24 14:23 ArneD Issue Monitored: ArneD
2019-01-12 11:05 DenisChenu Category Accessibility => Survey taking
2019-11-26 17:43 cdorin Assigned To => cdorin
2019-11-26 17:43 cdorin Status new => assigned
2020-03-04 23:20 c_schmitz Relationship added has duplicate 13946
2020-03-04 23:20 c_schmitz Issue Monitored: segui
2020-03-04 23:20 c_schmitz Issue Monitored: cdorin
2020-12-28 18:56 cdorin Assigned To cdorin =>
2020-12-28 18:56 cdorin Status assigned => new
2021-03-02 19:48 ollehar Assigned To => ollehar
2021-03-02 19:48 ollehar Status new => feedback
2021-03-02 19:48 ollehar Note Added: 62621
2021-04-01 08:11 c_schmitz Status feedback => closed
2021-04-01 08:11 c_schmitz Resolution open => unable to reproduce
2021-04-01 08:11 c_schmitz Note Added: 63771