View Issue Details

This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
13750Bug reportsSurvey editingpublic2018-06-27 15:29
ReporterJohn_K Assigned Toc_schmitz  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version3.8.x 
Summary13750: (PHP warning)Set template permission for this user- Error LS 3.8.1

Hi LS,
Attempting to Set template permission for new user, but keep getting a PHP error.

--1st error snip- Attached is full error page in html.
PHP warning
count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable
714 return false;
715 }
716 }
718 private function _refreshtemplates()
719 {
720 $template_a = getTemplateList();
721 foreach ($template_a as $tp => $fullpath) {
722 // check for each folder if there is already an entry in the database
723 // if not create it with current user as creator (user with rights "create user" can assign template rights)
724 $result = Template::model()->findByPk($tp);
726 if (count($result) == 0) {
727 $post = new Template;
728 $post->folder = $tp;
729 $post->owner_id = Yii::app()->session['loginID'];
731 try {
732 $post->save();
733 } catch (Exception $ex) {
734 Yii::app()->setFlashMessage(
735 sprintf(
736 gT('Could not save theme %s: %s'),
737 $tp,
738 $ex->getMessage()

Steps To Reproduce

1-Log in to LS
2-Click on 'Set template permission for this user' icon, to set template perms.
I Get this debug error.

Additional Information

I am able to set 'Set global permission for this user' but
Not 'Set template permission for this user'

TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files
PHP warning(Set template permission for this user- Error LS 3.8.1).htm (18,842 bytes)   
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<div class="container">
	<h1>PHP warning</h1>

	<p class="message">
		count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable	</p>

	<div class="source">
		<p class="file">G:\Apache24\htdocs\limesurvey\application\controllers\admin\useraction.php(726)</p>
		<div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">714</span>             return false;
<span class="ln">715</span>         }
<span class="ln">716</span>     }
<span class="ln">717</span> 
<span class="ln">718</span>     private function _refreshtemplates()
<span class="ln">719</span>     {
<span class="ln">720</span>         $template_a = getTemplateList();
<span class="ln">721</span>         foreach ($template_a as $tp =&gt; $fullpath) {
<span class="ln">722</span>             // check for each folder if there is already an entry in the database
<span class="ln">723</span>             // if not create it with current user as creator (user with rights &quot;create user&quot; can assign template rights)
<span class="ln">724</span>             $result = Template::model()-&gt;findByPk($tp);
<span class="ln">725</span> 
<span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">726</span>             if (count($result) == 0) {
</span><span class="ln">727</span>                 $post = new Template;
<span class="ln">728</span>                 $post-&gt;folder = $tp;
<span class="ln">729</span>                 $post-&gt;owner_id = Yii::app()-&gt;session[&#039;loginID&#039;];
<span class="ln">730</span> 
<span class="ln">731</span>                 try {
<span class="ln">732</span>                     $post-&gt;save();
<span class="ln">733</span>                 } catch (Exception $ex) {
<span class="ln">734</span>                     Yii::app()-&gt;setFlashMessage(
<span class="ln">735</span>                         sprintf(
<span class="ln">736</span>                             gT(&#039;Could not save theme %s: %s&#039;),
<span class="ln">737</span>                             $tp,
<span class="ln">738</span>                             $ex-&gt;getMessage()
</pre></div>	</div>

	<div class="traces">
		<h2>Stack Trace</h2>
				<table style="width:100%;">
						<tr class="trace app expanded">
			<td class="number">
				#0			</td>
			<td class="content">
				<div class="trace-file">
											<div class="plus">+</div>
						<div class="minus">–</div>
										&nbsp;G:\Apache24\htdocs\limesurvey\application\controllers\admin\useraction.php(536): <strong>UserAction</strong>-><strong>_refreshtemplates</strong>()				</div>

				<div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">531</span>         if (!$oUser) {
<span class="ln">532</span>             // @todo : review to send a 403
<span class="ln">533</span>             $this-&gt;getController()-&gt;redirect(array(&quot;admin/user/sa/index&quot;));
<span class="ln">534</span>         }
<span class="ln">535</span>         $aData[&#039;oUser&#039;] = $oUser;
<span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">536</span>         $this-&gt;_refreshtemplates();
</span><span class="ln">537</span>         $templaterights = array();
<span class="ln">538</span> 
<span class="ln">539</span>         $trights = Permission::model()-&gt;findAllByAttributes(array(&#039;uid&#039; =&gt; $oUser-&gt;uid, &#039;entity&#039;=&gt;&#039;template&#039;));
<span class="ln">540</span>         foreach ($trights as $srow) {
<span class="ln">541</span>             $templaterights[$srow[&quot;permission&quot;]] = array(&quot;use&quot;=&gt;$srow[&quot;read_p&quot;]);
</pre></div>			</td>
						<tr class="trace core collapsed">
			<td class="number">
				#1			</td>
			<td class="content">
				<div class="trace-file">
										&nbsp;unknown(0): <strong>UserAction</strong>-><strong>setusertemplates</strong>()				</div>

						<tr class="trace core collapsed">
			<td class="number">
				#2			</td>
			<td class="content">
				<div class="trace-file">
											<div class="plus">+</div>
						<div class="minus">–</div>
										&nbsp;G:\Apache24\htdocs\limesurvey\framework\web\actions\CAction.php(109): <strong>ReflectionMethod</strong>-><strong>invokeArgs</strong>(UserAction, array())				</div>

				<div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">104</span>             elseif($param-&gt;isDefaultValueAvailable())
<span class="ln">105</span>                 $ps[]=$param-&gt;getDefaultValue();
<span class="ln">106</span>             else
<span class="ln">107</span>                 return false;
<span class="ln">108</span>         }
<span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">109</span>         $method-&gt;invokeArgs($object,$ps);
</span><span class="ln">110</span>         return true;
<span class="ln">111</span>     }
<span class="ln">112</span> }
</pre></div>			</td>
						<tr class="trace app expanded">
			<td class="number">
				#3			</td>
			<td class="content">
				<div class="trace-file">
											<div class="plus">+</div>
						<div class="minus">–</div>
										&nbsp;G:\Apache24\htdocs\limesurvey\application\core\Survey_Common_Action.php(83): <strong>CAction</strong>-><strong>runWithParamsInternal</strong>(UserAction, ReflectionMethod, array(&quot;sa&quot; =&gt; &quot;setusertemplates&quot;))				</div>

				<div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">78</span>             $oMethod = new ReflectionMethod($this, $sDefault);
<span class="ln">79</span>         }
<span class="ln">80</span> 
<span class="ln">81</span>         // We&#039;re all good to go, let&#039;s execute it
<span class="ln">82</span>         // runWithParamsInternal would automatically get the parameters of the method and populate them as required with the params
<span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">83</span>         return parent::runWithParamsInternal($this, $oMethod, $params);
</span><span class="ln">84</span>     }
<span class="ln">85</span> 
<span class="ln">86</span>     /**
<span class="ln">87</span>      * Some functions have different parameters, which are just an alias of the
<span class="ln">88</span>      * usual parameters we&#039;re getting in the url. This function just populates
</pre></div>			</td>
						<tr class="trace core collapsed">
			<td class="number">
				#4			</td>
			<td class="content">
				<div class="trace-file">
											<div class="plus">+</div>
						<div class="minus">–</div>
										&nbsp;G:\Apache24\htdocs\limesurvey\framework\web\CController.php(308): <strong>Survey_Common_Action</strong>-><strong>runWithParams</strong>(array(&quot;sa&quot; =&gt; &quot;setusertemplates&quot;))				</div>

				<div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">303</span>     {
<span class="ln">304</span>         $priorAction=$this-&gt;_action;
<span class="ln">305</span>         $this-&gt;_action=$action;
<span class="ln">306</span>         if($this-&gt;beforeAction($action))
<span class="ln">307</span>         {
<span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">308</span>             if($action-&gt;runWithParams($this-&gt;getActionParams())===false)
</span><span class="ln">309</span>                 $this-&gt;invalidActionParams($action);
<span class="ln">310</span>             else
<span class="ln">311</span>                 $this-&gt;afterAction($action);
<span class="ln">312</span>         }
<span class="ln">313</span>         $this-&gt;_action=$priorAction;
</pre></div>			</td>
						<tr class="trace core collapsed">
			<td class="number">
				#5			</td>
			<td class="content">
				<div class="trace-file">
											<div class="plus">+</div>
						<div class="minus">–</div>
										&nbsp;G:\Apache24\htdocs\limesurvey\framework\web\CController.php(286): <strong>CController</strong>-><strong>runAction</strong>(UserAction)				</div>

				<div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">281</span>      * @see runAction
<span class="ln">282</span>      */
<span class="ln">283</span>     public function runActionWithFilters($action,$filters)
<span class="ln">284</span>     {
<span class="ln">285</span>         if(empty($filters))
<span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">286</span>             $this-&gt;runAction($action);
</span><span class="ln">287</span>         else
<span class="ln">288</span>         {
<span class="ln">289</span>             $priorAction=$this-&gt;_action;
<span class="ln">290</span>             $this-&gt;_action=$action;
<span class="ln">291</span>             CFilterChain::create($this,$action,$filters)-&gt;run();
</pre></div>			</td>
						<tr class="trace core collapsed">
			<td class="number">
				#6			</td>
			<td class="content">
				<div class="trace-file">
											<div class="plus">+</div>
						<div class="minus">–</div>
										&nbsp;G:\Apache24\htdocs\limesurvey\framework\web\CController.php(265): <strong>CController</strong>-><strong>runActionWithFilters</strong>(UserAction, array())				</div>

				<div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">260</span>         {
<span class="ln">261</span>             if(($parent=$this-&gt;getModule())===null)
<span class="ln">262</span>                 $parent=Yii::app();
<span class="ln">263</span>             if($parent-&gt;beforeControllerAction($this,$action))
<span class="ln">264</span>             {
<span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">265</span>                 $this-&gt;runActionWithFilters($action,$this-&gt;filters());
</span><span class="ln">266</span>                 $parent-&gt;afterControllerAction($this,$action);
<span class="ln">267</span>             }
<span class="ln">268</span>         }
<span class="ln">269</span>         else
<span class="ln">270</span>             $this-&gt;missingAction($actionID);
</pre></div>			</td>
						<tr class="trace app expanded">
			<td class="number">
				#7			</td>
			<td class="content">
				<div class="trace-file">
											<div class="plus">+</div>
						<div class="minus">–</div>
										&nbsp;G:\Apache24\htdocs\limesurvey\application\controllers\AdminController.php(158): <strong>CController</strong>-><strong>run</strong>(&quot;user&quot;)				</div>

				<div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">153</span>                     $this-&gt;redirect(array(&#039;/admin/authentication/sa/login&#039;));
<span class="ln">154</span>                 }
<span class="ln">155</span>             }
<span class="ln">156</span>         }
<span class="ln">157</span> 
<span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">158</span>         return parent::run($action);
</span><span class="ln">159</span>     }
<span class="ln">160</span> 
<span class="ln">161</span>     /**
<span class="ln">162</span>      * Routes all the actions to their respective places
<span class="ln">163</span>      *
</pre></div>			</td>
						<tr class="trace core collapsed">
			<td class="number">
				#8			</td>
			<td class="content">
				<div class="trace-file">
											<div class="plus">+</div>
						<div class="minus">–</div>
										&nbsp;G:\Apache24\htdocs\limesurvey\framework\web\CWebApplication.php(282): <strong>AdminController</strong>-><strong>run</strong>(&quot;user&quot;)				</div>

				<div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">277</span>         {
<span class="ln">278</span>             list($controller,$actionID)=$ca;
<span class="ln">279</span>             $oldController=$this-&gt;_controller;
<span class="ln">280</span>             $this-&gt;_controller=$controller;
<span class="ln">281</span>             $controller-&gt;init();
<span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">282</span>             $controller-&gt;run($actionID);
</span><span class="ln">283</span>             $this-&gt;_controller=$oldController;
<span class="ln">284</span>         }
<span class="ln">285</span>         else
<span class="ln">286</span>             throw new CHttpException(404,Yii::t(&#039;yii&#039;,&#039;Unable to resolve the request &quot;{route}&quot;.&#039;,
<span class="ln">287</span>                 array(&#039;{route}&#039;=&gt;$route===&#039;&#039;?$this-&gt;defaultController:$route)));
</pre></div>			</td>
						<tr class="trace core collapsed">
			<td class="number">
				#9			</td>
			<td class="content">
				<div class="trace-file">
											<div class="plus">+</div>
						<div class="minus">–</div>
										&nbsp;G:\Apache24\htdocs\limesurvey\framework\web\CWebApplication.php(141): <strong>CWebApplication</strong>-><strong>runController</strong>(&quot;admin/user/sa/setusertemplates&quot;)				</div>

				<div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">136</span>             foreach(array_splice($this-&gt;catchAllRequest,1) as $name=&gt;$value)
<span class="ln">137</span>                 $_GET[$name]=$value;
<span class="ln">138</span>         }
<span class="ln">139</span>         else
<span class="ln">140</span>             $route=$this-&gt;getUrlManager()-&gt;parseUrl($this-&gt;getRequest());
<span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">141</span>         $this-&gt;runController($route);
</span><span class="ln">142</span>     }
<span class="ln">143</span> 
<span class="ln">144</span>     /**
<span class="ln">145</span>      * Registers the core application components.
<span class="ln">146</span>      * This method overrides the parent implementation by registering additional core components.
</pre></div>			</td>
						<tr class="trace core collapsed">
			<td class="number">
				#10			</td>
			<td class="content">
				<div class="trace-file">
											<div class="plus">+</div>
						<div class="minus">–</div>
										&nbsp;G:\Apache24\htdocs\limesurvey\framework\base\CApplication.php(185): <strong>CWebApplication</strong>-><strong>processRequest</strong>()				</div>

				<div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">180</span>     public function run()
<span class="ln">181</span>     {
<span class="ln">182</span>         if($this-&gt;hasEventHandler(&#039;onBeginRequest&#039;))
<span class="ln">183</span>             $this-&gt;onBeginRequest(new CEvent($this));
<span class="ln">184</span>         register_shutdown_function(array($this,&#039;end&#039;),0,false);
<span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">185</span>         $this-&gt;processRequest();
</span><span class="ln">186</span>         if($this-&gt;hasEventHandler(&#039;onEndRequest&#039;))
<span class="ln">187</span>             $this-&gt;onEndRequest(new CEvent($this));
<span class="ln">188</span>     }
<span class="ln">189</span> 
<span class="ln">190</span>     /**
</pre></div>			</td>
						<tr class="trace app collapsed">
			<td class="number">
				#11			</td>
			<td class="content">
				<div class="trace-file">
											<div class="plus">+</div>
						<div class="minus">–</div>
										&nbsp;G:\Apache24\htdocs\limesurvey\index.php(194): <strong>CApplication</strong>-><strong>run</strong>()				</div>

				<div class="code"><pre><span class="ln">189</span> require_once APPPATH . &#039;core/LSYii_Application&#039; . EXT;
<span class="ln">190</span> 
<span class="ln">191</span> $config = require_once(APPPATH . &#039;config/internal&#039; . EXT);
<span class="ln">192</span> 
<span class="ln">193</span> Yii::$enableIncludePath = false;
<span class="error"><span class="ln error-ln">194</span> Yii::createApplication(&#039;LSYii_Application&#039;, $config)-&gt;run();
</span><span class="ln">195</span> 
<span class="ln">196</span> /* End of file index.php */
<span class="ln">197</span> /* Location: ./index.php */
</pre></div>			</td>

	<div class="version">
		2018-06-07 22:52:55 Apache/2.4.33 (Win64) OpenSSL/1.1.0h PHP/7.2.5 <a href="">Yii Framework</a>/1.1.19	</div>

<script type="text/javascript">
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var e = document.getElementsByTagName("div");
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Bug heat4
Complete LimeSurvey version number (& build)Version 3.8.1+180524
I will donate to the project if issue is resolvedNo
BrowserChrome, Edge, IE11
Database type & versionMS SQL Server 2014 SP1(64bit)
Server OS (if known)Windows Server 2012 r2(64bit)
Webserver software & version (if known)Apache 2.4.33(64bit)
PHP VersionPHP 7.2.5(64bit)

Users monitoring this issue

There are no users monitoring this issue.




2018-06-21 19:38

reporter   ~48272

Hi LS Bug Team,- Update & Fyi....
I tested this 'Set template permission for this user' feature on LS312, & it works. Am able to Set template permission for a user in LS312.

However, LS390 also generates this same PHP error as LS381 does.

PHP warning
count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable
714 return false;
715 }
716 }
718 private function _refreshtemplates()
719 {
720 $template_a = getTemplateList();
721 foreach ($template_a as $tp => $fullpath) {
722 // check for each folder if there is already an entry in the database
723 // if not create it with current user as creator (user with rights "create user" can assign template rights)
724 $result = Template::model()->findByPk($tp);
726 if (count($result) == 0) {
727 $post = new Template;
728 $post->folder = $tp;
729 $post->owner_id = Yii::app()->session['loginID'];
731 try {
732 $post->save();
733 } catch (Exception $ex) {
734 Yii::app()->setFlashMessage(
735 sprintf(
736 gT('Could not save theme %s: %s'),
737 $tp,
738 $ex->getMessage()



2018-06-26 19:17

administrator   ~48308

Fix committed to master branch:



2018-06-27 15:29

administrator   ~48327

Version 3.12.3+180627 released

Related Changesets

LimeSurvey: master 40ddc914

2018-06-26 21:17


Details Diff
Fixed issue 13750: PHP warning when setting template permission for a user Affected Issues
mod - application/controllers/admin/useraction.php Diff File

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2018-06-08 01:01 John_K New Issue
2018-06-08 01:01 John_K File Added: PHP warning(Set template permission for this user- Error LS 3.8.1).htm
2018-06-18 12:53 LouisGac Assigned To => dominikvitt
2018-06-18 12:53 LouisGac Status new => assigned
2018-06-18 12:53 LouisGac Assigned To dominikvitt =>
2018-06-21 19:38 John_K Note Added: 48272
2018-06-26 13:53 LouisGac Assigned To => c_schmitz
2018-06-26 19:17 c_schmitz Changeset attached => LimeSurvey master 40ddc914
2018-06-26 19:17 c_schmitz Note Added: 48308
2018-06-26 19:17 c_schmitz Resolution open => fixed
2018-06-26 19:17 c_schmitz Status assigned => resolved
2018-06-27 15:29 c_schmitz Note Added: 48327
2018-06-27 15:29 c_schmitz Status resolved => closed
2019-11-01 17:25 c_schmitz Category Survey design => Survey editing