View Issue Details

This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
12072Bug reportsData Entry (non public)public2017-06-16 13:52
Reporterbodonne2 Assigned Toc_schmitz  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2.58.x 
Fixed in Version2.63.x 
Summary12072: Conditions dialog very slow when creating/editing surveys

We have several user reports that trying to add or modify conditions on a survey question can take up to three minutes between the user's click and the UI's response. All other aspects of the UI seem to be responsive.

Unfortunately I don't have a lot of detailed information from the users, but I also don't know where to start looking, so any help would be appreciated.

TagsNo tags attached.
Bug heat6
Complete LimeSurvey version number (& build)2.58.2
I will donate to the project if issue is resolvedNo
BrowserIE, Firefox, Chrome
Database type & versionMysql 5.5
Server OS (if known)RHEL 6
Webserver software & version (if known)Apache 2.4 / RHEL 7
PHP Version5.4.16

Users monitoring this issue





2017-01-20 11:40

administrator   ~42785

Can you please provide the LSS file of a particular survey that is affected? If it is sensitive you can also send it to carsten.schmitz (at) .



2017-02-03 14:08

administrator   ~42952

Closed due to missing feedback.



2017-03-09 21:18

reporter   ~43245

I emailed the requested LSS file to on 2/3/2017. Please investigate this issue.



2017-03-10 11:09

administrator   ~43247

We did not get that file. Please read what I wrote above.



2017-03-13 10:51

administrator   ~43274

Fix committed to master branch:

Related Changesets

LimeSurvey: master f05b5242

2017-03-13 11:51


Details Diff
Fixed issue 12072: Conditions dialog very slow when creating/editing surveys Affected Issues
mod - application/controllers/admin/conditionsaction.php Diff File
mod - application/core/Survey_Common_Action.php Diff File
mod - application/views/admin/super/_configuration_menu.php Diff File
rm - tmp/runtime/cache/index.html Diff

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2017-01-19 21:01 bodonne2 New Issue
2017-01-20 11:40 c_schmitz Assigned To => c_schmitz
2017-01-20 11:40 c_schmitz Status new => feedback
2017-01-20 11:40 c_schmitz Note Added: 42785
2017-02-03 14:08 c_schmitz Status feedback => closed
2017-02-03 14:08 c_schmitz Resolution open => unable to reproduce
2017-02-03 14:08 c_schmitz Note Added: 42952
2017-03-09 21:18 bodonne2 Status closed => feedback
2017-03-09 21:18 bodonne2 Resolution unable to reproduce => reopened
2017-03-09 21:18 bodonne2 Note Added: 43245
2017-03-09 21:21 bodonne2 Issue Monitored: bodonne2
2017-03-10 11:09 c_schmitz Note Added: 43247
2017-03-13 10:46 c_schmitz Assigned To c_schmitz => DenisChenu
2017-03-13 10:51 c_schmitz Changeset attached => LimeSurvey master f05b5242
2017-03-13 10:51 c_schmitz Note Added: 43274
2017-03-13 10:51 c_schmitz Assigned To DenisChenu => c_schmitz
2017-06-16 13:52 c_schmitz Status feedback => closed
2017-06-16 13:52 c_schmitz Resolution reopened => fixed
2017-06-16 13:52 c_schmitz Fixed in Version => 2.63.x
2021-08-02 23:48 guest Bug heat 4 => 6