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This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
11621Bug reportsInstallationpublic2016-10-04 17:11
Reportertomsop Assigned Toc_schmitz  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Fixed in Version2.52.x 
Summary11621: Errors during installation (database population)

Following error occurs when installator tries to populate MySQL database

CDbCommand nie zdołał wykonać instrukcji SQL: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci' at line 1

This problem is present in the latest version, but also in older version (tried it with 2.06).

I have a db naming policy that requires db's to have dots in their names. Eliminating the dots solved the problem.

Steps To Reproduce

Create database with dots in it's name (for example my.limesurvey.db) and try to install LimeSurvey

TagsNo tags attached.
Bug heat6
Complete LimeSurvey version number (& build)limesurvey2.51.1+160901
I will donate to the project if issue is resolvedNo
Database type & versionMySQL 5.5.50-0+deb8u1
Server OS (if known)Debian GNU/Linux
Webserver software & version (if known)Apache 2.4.10-10+deb8u5
PHP Version5.6.24+dfsg-0+deb8u1

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2016-09-07 15:51

administrator   ~40723

Fix committed to master branch:



2016-09-07 15:52

administrator   ~40724

We will not allow dots in database names because it will create all kind of problems.
Fixed the installert to give a poper message in installation.



2016-09-08 12:27

administrator   ~40726

Version 2.51.4 released.



2016-09-22 17:33

updater   ~40920

This commit breaks DB names with dashed like "DB1234-lime" which is a pretty common DB naming scheme for several providers. PLease include "-" as valid character.



2016-09-22 17:39

partner   ~40921

Leading numbers are another case. Static databasenames with leading numbers
are quite common when dealing with provider for the masses

At least in MySQL no problems with leading numbers in database names.
MS SQL can be a different beast.



2016-09-28 19:25

updater   ~41013

This really has to be fixed for the next release!

Standard naming scheme e.g. for Host Europe for DB names (if you are not running your own server) is "db12701329-lime".
You can NOT install with the current release and the provider does not allow to use a different naming scheme.



2016-09-29 14:03

administrator   ~41030

Fix committed to master branch:



2016-10-04 17:11

administrator   ~41113

Version 2.53+161004 released

Related Changesets

LimeSurvey: master 321dca97

2016-09-07 15:50


Details Diff
Fixed issue 11621: INstaller allows invalid database names Affected Issues
mod - application/models/InstallerConfigForm.php Diff File

LimeSurvey: master f6280744

2016-09-29 16:02


Details Diff
Fixed issue 11621: Dashes and leading numbers not allowed in database names Affected Issues
mod - application/models/InstallerConfigForm.php Diff File

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-09-05 16:11 tomsop New Issue
2016-09-07 15:51 c_schmitz Changeset attached => LimeSurvey master 321dca97
2016-09-07 15:51 c_schmitz Note Added: 40723
2016-09-07 15:51 c_schmitz Assigned To => c_schmitz
2016-09-07 15:51 c_schmitz Resolution open => fixed
2016-09-07 15:52 c_schmitz Note Added: 40724
2016-09-07 15:52 c_schmitz Status new => resolved
2016-09-07 15:52 c_schmitz Fixed in Version => 2.52.x
2016-09-08 12:27 c_schmitz Note Added: 40726
2016-09-08 12:27 c_schmitz Status resolved => closed
2016-09-22 17:33 Mazi Status closed => feedback
2016-09-22 17:33 Mazi Resolution fixed => reopened
2016-09-22 17:33 Mazi Note Added: 40920
2016-09-22 17:39 jelo Note Added: 40921
2016-09-23 12:25 Mazi Status feedback => assigned
2016-09-28 19:23 Mazi Severity partial_block => crash
2016-09-28 19:25 Mazi Note Added: 41013
2016-09-29 14:03 c_schmitz Changeset attached => LimeSurvey master f6280744
2016-09-29 14:03 c_schmitz Note Added: 41030
2016-09-29 14:16 c_schmitz Status assigned => resolved
2016-09-29 14:16 c_schmitz Resolution reopened => fixed
2016-10-04 17:11 c_schmitz Note Added: 41113
2016-10-04 17:11 c_schmitz Status resolved => closed