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This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
11020Feature requestsLabel setspublic2024-07-04 08:59
Reporterkeunes Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary11020: Add 'other' option to gender question

Gender is a cultural concept and not binary; and many people do not feel they are strictly 'man' or 'woman'. Survey administrators should have the option to switch on

  • 'other' (with as icon just a circle) and
  • 'no answer' (without an icon)

options for the gender question type (I would expect this under the 'general options', just as is the case with a radio list).

This would allow them to ask for Sex (which is - kinda - binary) or Gender (not binary at all).

Additional Information

To understand the complexity of the subject, see for example:

And academic material:
Measuring Sexual Orientation Identity and Gender Identity in a Self-Administered Survey: Results from Cognitive Research with Older Adults (

TagsNo tags attached.
Bug heat20
Story point estimate2
Users affected %50

Users monitoring this issue

keunes, tassoman




2018-07-27 03:58

reporter   ~48587

I would like to add my vote for this request. Many organisations and governments are now mandated to provide these options.



2018-08-30 15:18

partner   ~48918

Just remove the gender question-type. Depending on the cultural background you will be forced to have a different wording or options. There might be countries, where "Other" would raise trouble. So you would end up with a radio list anyway, which could need some improvement as well. A questions theme of different gender questiontype would still be possible, when using radio list question type.



2018-09-01 22:25

reporter   ~48929

I support Jelo.
Now having the bootstrap button option this question type is easily displayed with all needed answer options using the normal radio list question type.



2019-02-06 10:39

reporter   ~50421

I support jelo as well



2019-03-27 10:24

reporter   ~51148

For my organization, gender issues are very important. At least there should a third option like "inter / divers" or "other"

Judgment of the German Federal Constitutional Court on this topic:

German Law "Gesetz zur Änderung der in das Geburtenregister einzutragenden Angaben":



2019-03-28 09:53

reporter   ~51180

"Much Ado about Nothing" (Shakespeare)
It is really, really not mandatory to use the "Gender" question type, when asking for gender.
Gender is a simple single punch question. So anybody can use a "list (radio)" with as many precoded answer options as desired and additionally an "Other" option.
Same as you would ask for religious denomination.

In my opinion these question types (Gender and Y/N) are obsolet and should be removed - supporting Jelo.
Some "special" array types as well like "array(Y/N)" and "array(Increase/Decrease)".



2019-03-29 17:11

reporter   ~51205

@gn1571, the code is quite old and everyone is afraid to touch it. Moreoever, people with different cultural backgrounds interpret the gender question differently. We always recommend our users to use a list (radio) question as a workaround since it gives you the possibility to edit the predefined answers and to add many other answer options (as mentioned above by other community members).

Its removal could prove to be an efficient solution though.



2019-04-01 08:41

developer   ~51230

My opinion : lets' all question to be in plugin/theme/etc … with «options»
Then :

  1. we can have different Gender question
  2. specific system can create / update a new one
  3. etc …

BUT : this need a complete rewrite of Question system with QuestionObject with

  1. Answers list (here) and answer restriction (list,date, string, numeric …)
  2. Core attribute allowed : mandatory, other …
  3. Some base question included in core and that can not be deactivated (free text + single choice + multiple (free text + single choice) + array (free text + single choice))
  4. See if this 2 one are ok for extending ( for example multiple question type is a multiple single choice (Y or N) ; numeric is a free text with restriction)
  5. Create some other one : multiple date for example
  6. See how to create some other (or do we need a new core Quetsion) : list with comment + multiple with comment
  7. etc : even the moon is not so far …


2019-04-01 17:49

partner   ~51256

@Denis: The decoupling of questions-types is the right direction. That was the promise (being able to create your own questionstypes) of the first LS2 (with the different PHP framework). Then the porting to Yii1 happened. Perhaps when Yii1 will reach EOL and the WYSIWYG mode is in beta, the refactoring will reach a new level. Or LimeSurvey will become EOL.



2019-04-01 17:54

developer   ~51257




2023-02-09 01:11

partner   ~73762

Remove the gender question type. Convert the gender question to a single choice question.
Or allow it only for imported and existing surveys. No new questions with this question type.
Warning for EOL of this question type in the next version of LS.
Everybody can create their own gender question with more generic questions types.

What metric is used in "Users affected in %"?
How is that measured?



2024-07-02 18:23

reporter   ~80520

Agree with @Joffm and @cdorin. The general problem for "button question" is usually the button icon itself.
Sometimes yes/no don't fit with actual symbols. The same is for gender buttons.

I expect in the future they can be removed for a general "buttons" answers, having customizable icons. Today we can use UTF8 icons, maybe they can fit in the button's label.


Just raising bug's heat �



2024-07-03 08:09

developer   ~80521

@tassoman : with Button theme : you can add icon from Font awesome, no ?



2024-07-03 20:04

reporter   ~80539

Furthermore you can use all bootstrap 5 icons on bootstrap buttons or other UTF-8 icons

In my opinion all predefined question types like "arrays (5-point, 10-point, Yes/No/Uncertain, Increase/Same/Decrease)", "Yes/No", "Gender" are obsolete.
How often do we read in the forum "There is only a 5-point array, but I need 7 points". The generic type "array" is sufficient.

And since there are bootstrap buttons we do not need the two "button questions". Another advantage: I can use the codes I like.

a1.PNG (3,146 bytes)   
a1.PNG (3,146 bytes)   
a3.PNG (3,940 bytes)   
a3.PNG (3,940 bytes)   


2024-07-04 08:59

developer   ~80540

Another advantage: I can use the codes I like.

Remind of A11Y here ;)

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-04-22 18:43 keunes New Issue
2016-04-22 18:44 keunes Issue Monitored: keunes
2018-07-27 03:58 DeveloperChris Note Added: 48587
2018-08-30 15:18 jelo Note Added: 48918
2018-09-01 22:25 Joffm Note Added: 48929
2019-02-06 10:39 ritapas Note Added: 50421
2019-03-27 10:24 gn1571 Note Added: 51148
2019-03-28 09:53 Joffm Note Added: 51180
2019-03-29 17:11 cdorin Note Added: 51205
2019-04-01 08:41 DenisChenu Note Added: 51230
2019-04-01 17:49 jelo Note Added: 51256
2019-04-01 17:54 DenisChenu Note Added: 51257
2023-02-03 18:05 ollehar Story point estimate => 2
2023-02-03 18:05 ollehar Users affected % => 50
2023-02-09 01:11 jelo Note Added: 73762
2024-07-02 18:11 tassoman Issue Monitored: tassoman
2024-07-02 18:11 tassoman Bug heat 16 => 18
2024-07-02 18:23 tassoman Note Added: 80520
2024-07-02 18:23 tassoman Bug heat 18 => 20
2024-07-03 08:09 DenisChenu Note Added: 80521
2024-07-03 20:04 Joffm Note Added: 80539
2024-07-03 20:04 Joffm File Added: a1.PNG
2024-07-03 20:04 Joffm File Added: a3.PNG
2024-07-04 08:59 DenisChenu Note Added: 80540