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This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
10152Bug reportsCentral participant databasepublic2016-02-06 00:35
Reporterc_schmitz Assigned Toollehar  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2.50.x 
Target Version2.50.xFixed in Version2.50.x 
Summary10152: CPDB attribute fields not configurable if dropdown

When edding a field of type dropdown in 2.06 there are options to add/edit/delete entries for the dropdown attribute field.
This function is currently completely lost, please restore.

TagsNo tags attached.
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Bug heat8
Complete LimeSurvey version number (& build)latest_git_version
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2015-12-16 17:05

developer   ~34020

screenshots of 2.06 please



2015-12-17 09:17

administrator   ~34029

Screenshot won't help - please have a look at the general function in 2.06 around the select box field.



2015-12-18 11:37

administrator   ~34058

Fix committed to 2.5 branch:



2015-12-21 14:32

administrator   ~34066

Fixed, but needs feedback for further fine-tuning.



2015-12-23 12:15

administrator   ~34104

Input boxes for values are too narrowm and are struggling on the left side.

At least the old appearance should be restored.



2015-12-23 12:19

developer   ~34106

Olle noticed that this functionality wasn't working at all in 2.06.
You should also have a look to the fix he committed to 2.06.



2015-12-29 19:01

reporter   ~34126

Can't configure the dropdowns for attributes in Version 2.5RC4 Build 15120, there are no buttons in the "actions" column.... is there a different version I should look at?
I need to set up a new instance of Limesurvey because our old one has been broken for ages. Was hoping to move to 2.5 but is it ready for real use?



2016-01-04 17:00

administrator   ~34134

@ttenbergen, you should pull the most recent version of 2.5. But no, it's still a work-in-progress.



2016-01-04 17:16

administrator   ~34135

Fix committed to 2.5 branch:



2016-01-04 18:55

reporter   ~34140

Hi Olle, thanks for the update about Limesurvey not being ready for real use. I had to finish setting up our new version so went with 2.06 and have stopped using dropdowns. Hopefully that will keep us out of some trouble, but we already have problems again with different admins not being able to update each others attributes. I hope that a bunch of the CPDB related issues will get cleared up when 2.5 comes out. Not sure if I am optimistic, they have not had any responses.



2016-01-11 10:09

administrator   ~34261

@ttenbergen, that's an interesting issue, could you please post a bug report about it? perhaps you did already?



2016-01-11 20:15

reporter   ~34264

Well, they are all superadmins, yet I would need to change the participants for them to be able to edit.
Then, I can't share more than 500 at a time (bug 10196).
I have had ongoing problems deleting attributes (bug 10192), and sometimes attributes would copy HTML form mark up into the field value instead (bug 09947).
I can't see more than 10 attributes at a time (bug 09946).

And there re more, submitted as ttenbergen, but a lot still list as "new", I can't make them heard it seems.



2016-02-06 00:35

administrator   ~34659

2.50+ Build 160206 released

Related Changesets

LimeSurvey: 2.5 c7ec5741

2015-12-18 11:36


Details Diff
Fixed issue 10152: Add edit- and delete-button to action cell Affected Issues
mod - application/views/admin/participants/participantsPanel_view.php Diff File
mod - scripts/admin/attributeControl.js Diff File
mod - styles/Sea_Green/css/lime-admin.css Diff File
mod - styles/Sea_Green/css/ Diff File
mod - styles/Sea_Green/css/lime-admin.scss Diff File

LimeSurvey: 2.5 dd3ce021

2016-01-04 17:15


Details Diff
Fixed issue 10152: New attribute values need more space and size Affected Issues
mod - application/views/admin/participants/viewAttribute_view.php Diff File
mod - scripts/admin/viewAttribute.js Diff File

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-12-15 23:54 c_schmitz New Issue
2015-12-15 23:54 c_schmitz Status new => assigned
2015-12-15 23:54 c_schmitz Assigned To => LouisGac
2015-12-16 17:05 LouisGac Note Added: 34020
2015-12-16 17:05 LouisGac Status assigned => feedback
2015-12-17 09:17 c_schmitz Note Added: 34029
2015-12-17 09:17 c_schmitz Status feedback => assigned
2015-12-17 16:06 ollehar Assigned To LouisGac => ollehar
2015-12-18 11:37 ollehar Changeset attached => LimeSurvey 2.5 c7ec5741
2015-12-18 11:37 ollehar Note Added: 34058
2015-12-18 11:37 ollehar Resolution open => fixed
2015-12-21 14:32 ollehar Note Added: 34066
2015-12-21 14:32 ollehar Status assigned => resolved
2015-12-21 14:32 ollehar Fixed in Version => 2.5
2015-12-23 12:15 c_schmitz Note Added: 34104
2015-12-23 12:15 c_schmitz Status resolved => feedback
2015-12-23 12:15 c_schmitz Resolution fixed => reopened
2015-12-23 12:16 c_schmitz File Added: FireShot Screen Capture #028 - 'LimeSurvey' - localhost_limesurvey206_index_php_admin_participants_sa_viewAttribute_aid_3#.png
2015-12-23 12:19 LouisGac Note Added: 34106
2015-12-29 19:01 ttenbergen Note Added: 34126
2016-01-04 17:00 ollehar Note Added: 34134
2016-01-04 17:16 ollehar Changeset attached => LimeSurvey 2.5 dd3ce021
2016-01-04 17:16 ollehar Note Added: 34135
2016-01-04 18:55 ttenbergen Note Added: 34140
2016-01-11 10:09 ollehar Note Added: 34261
2016-01-11 20:15 ttenbergen Note Added: 34264
2016-02-04 17:14 ollehar Status feedback => resolved
2016-02-04 17:14 ollehar Resolution reopened => fixed
2016-02-06 00:35 c_schmitz Note Added: 34659
2016-02-06 00:35 c_schmitz Status resolved => closed