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This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
10020Feature requestsSurvey editingpublic2015-11-21 17:31
ReporterSchreuder Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary10020: New question type: unlimited answers

New question type is similar to question type - Long free text. With the addition of a button "next item". When this button is pushed (and the text field is filled), a new long free text field will appear, with a button next to it. This can be repeated up to a number of times as defined by the survey designer. It results in a number of answers to the same question.
Note: if the "next item" button is pushed and the text field is not yet filled, an error message should be given: "please give answer, before adding a next item".

Additional Information

The need for this new question type comes up in a survey in which respondents are asked to come up with ideas, suggestions or proposals. Rather than giving them a very long text field in which they can enter all items, this question type lets the respondent give separate answers per item. The items can be re-used in a next round for voting, etc.

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Bug heat4
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2015-11-06 12:46

developer   ~33518

And in the DB ?



2015-11-08 10:37

reporter   ~33536

Hi Denis, I'm not a developer, but a user. DB is database?
One solution would be to create a number of sub-questions as defined by the survey-designer.



2015-11-19 12:38

developer   ~33601

Last edited: 2015-11-21 17:31

Then :
Javascript workaround
EM workaround :

PS : and then : it's not unlimited .....

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-11-06 12:22 Schreuder New Issue
2015-11-06 12:46 DenisChenu Note Added: 33518
2015-11-08 10:37 Schreuder Note Added: 33536
2015-11-19 12:38 DenisChenu Note Added: 33601
2015-11-21 17:31 DenisChenu Note Edited: 33601
2019-11-01 17:25 c_schmitz Category Survey design => Survey editing