Changesets: LimeSurvey

master ab1136de

2014-01-13 16:43:28


Details Diff
Fixed issue 08533: Button Load survey is inactive
Dev: move to Yii::app()->request->getParam and ii::app()->getConfig('move')
Affected Issues
mod - application/controllers/survey/index.php Diff File
mod - application/helpers/SurveyRuntimeHelper.php Diff File
mod - application/helpers/frontend_helper.php Diff File

master ea4ff583

2014-01-13 00:05:59

LimeSurvey Translations Bot

Details Diff
Updated translation: Greek by MikeConom, kiolalis
Updated translation: German (Informal) by Akaer, actxcellence
Updated translation: Chinese (Simplified) by yanglaw
Attach Issues:
mod - locale/_template/limesurvey.pot Diff File
mod - locale/de-informal/LC_MESSAGES/ Diff File
mod - locale/el/LC_MESSAGES/ Diff File
mod - locale/zh-Hans/LC_MESSAGES/ Diff File

master 09a2b11d

2014-01-12 23:05:04


Committer: mfaber Details Diff
Fixed issue 08531: Wrong date format for [code].shown (EM)

Dev: .shown used to work only if referred date question
Dev: was on the same page. Now also on following pages.
Affected Issues
mod - application/helpers/expressions/em_manager_helper.php Diff File

master dd7d2a6b

2014-01-12 09:25:30


Committer: mfaber Details Diff
Dev: date format in help message now matches question date format
Attach Issues:
mod - application/helpers/expressions/em_manager_helper.php Diff File

master f0d82f9b

2014-01-11 20:30:29


Committer: mfaber Details Diff
Fixed issue #8403: redundant em_javascript.js and dir

Dev: this one is old and was apperently not used...
Affected Issues
rm - application/libraries/ExpressionManager/js/em_javascript.js Diff File

master 30d63e8a

2014-01-10 20:23:32


Details Diff
Fixed issue 08495: Unecessary IDs in label select element
Dev Removed unecessary IDs in labelset changer option text
Dev Added "data-labelset-id" attribute to labelset changer options
Affected Issues
mod - application/views/admin/labels/labelsetsbar_view.php Diff File

master 022b1cdc

2014-01-10 17:56:33


Committer: mfaber Details Diff
Dev: better hiding of a hidden element (min/max date)

Dev: Thank Shnoulle!
Attach Issues:
mod - application/helpers/qanda_helper.php Diff File

master 31bad5ec

2014-01-10 17:44:53


Details Diff
Fixed issue #08527: Internal Server Error during registration
Dev: fix $iSurveyID
Affected Issues
mod - application/controllers/RegisterController.php Diff File

master 67ce0a2e

2014-01-10 15:59:20


Details Diff
Fixed issue 08476: there is no reason to wipe quote and dash characters from people names, in many countries this is a valid character and there is no XSS risk. Affected Issues
mod - application/helpers/sanitize_helper.php Diff File

master 0944d5f3

2014-01-10 08:40:21


Details Diff
Fixed issue : Navigator coutdown javascript broken without navbuttonsJqueryUi
Dev: Error: cannot call methods on button prior to initialization;
Attach Issues:
mod - scripts/navigator-countdown.js Diff File

master dcb01428

2014-01-09 22:56:13


Committer: mfaber Details Diff
Fixed issue 08484: expressions in min/max date referring to questions on same page

Dev: Expressions in adv. attribute min/maxdate also work for the date
Dev: if variables in the expression refer to questions on the same page.
Affected Issues
mod - application/helpers/qanda_helper.php Diff File

master f304ec9b

2014-01-09 22:50:41


Committer: mfaber Details Diff
New feature 08524: implements min/max date in EM

Dev: implements min/max date in EM (so dates are validated and
Dev: the correct help messages appear). Adv. attributes min/maxdate
Dev: in date/time question supports yyyy, yyyy-mm-dd,
Dev: questioncode (another date question) and expressions
Dev: (eg. date(Y-m-d H:i, strtotime(birthdate)+60*60*24*365*18).
Affected Issues
mod - application/helpers/expressions/em_manager_helper.php Diff File

master 19241720

2014-01-09 22:44:18


Committer: mfaber Details Diff
Fixed issue #7224: comparison of dates (partial fix)

Dev: LEMval() now returns answers to date questions in yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM
Dev: format, independent of the date format that is chosen for the
Dev: or the particular survey. Thus, comparisons between different date
Dev: questions are possible (e.g. relevance or validation equations
Dev: "arrivaldate > departuredate") even when one question is in
Dev: and the other in mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM format
Dev: (same or previous page).
Dev: qanda_helper.php: min/max logic had to be changed accordingly
Dev: and is less complicated now.
Affected Issues
mod - application/helpers/qanda_helper.php Diff File
mod - scripts/expressions/em_javascript.js Diff File

master 5266d862

2014-01-09 22:30:20


Details Diff
Fixed issue 08518: Error during fresh installation on PostgreSQL/MSSQL and using a non-default table prefix Affected Issues
mod - installer/sql/create-mssql.sql Diff File
mod - installer/sql/create-pgsql.sql Diff File

master 7fd17124

2014-01-09 12:22:29


Details Diff
Release 2.05+ Build 140109
Attach Issues:
mod - docs/release_notes.txt Diff File

master 02e4947f

2014-01-09 12:17:36

LimeSurvey Translations Bot

Details Diff
Updated translation: Catalan by valdomir
Updated translation: German by actxcellence
Updated translation: Spanish (Spain) by valdomir
Updated translation: French (France) by arnaud21
Updated translation: Lithuanian by simasj
Updated translation: Latvian by vipgroup, marcic
Updated translation: Polish by elisa
Updated translation: Swedish by maxzomborszki
Updated translation: Tamil by apmuthu
Updated translation: Tagalog by lolskidoodles
Updated translation: Chinese (Simplified) by yanglaw
Attach Issues:
mod - locale/_template/limesurvey.pot Diff File
mod - locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/ Diff File
mod - locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/ Diff File
mod - locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/ Diff File
mod - locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/ Diff File
mod - locale/lt/LC_MESSAGES/ Diff File
mod - locale/lv/LC_MESSAGES/ Diff File
mod - locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/ Diff File
mod - locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/ Diff File
mod - locale/ta/LC_MESSAGES/ Diff File
mod - locale/zh-Hans/LC_MESSAGES/ Diff File

master 9756afcd

2014-01-09 10:54:02


Details Diff
Dev Forgot to add return statement to config.
Attach Issues:
mod - application/config/internal.php Diff File

master 80ee8ad3

2014-01-09 10:49:52


Details Diff
Dev Override added for defaultController setting. Removed unneeded config
from sample files.
Attach Issues:
mod - application/config/config-sample-dblib.php Diff File
mod - application/config/config-sample-mysql.php Diff File
mod - application/config/config-sample-pgsql.php Diff File
mod - application/config/config-sample-sqlsrv.php Diff File
mod - application/config/internal.php Diff File

master 001a6cc9

2014-01-09 10:24:04


Details Diff
Merge branch 'master' of
Attach Issues:
mod - application/helpers/SurveyRuntimeHelper.php Diff File
mod - application/helpers/replacements_helper.php Diff File

master 25da2e8c

2014-01-09 10:23:45


Details Diff
Fixed issue : #08523: Broken javascript with crsfToken
Dev: Move csrfToken to
Dev: $.ajaxSetup do the trick for all $.post and $.ajax
Dev: Didn't test participantPanel.js : don't found when we have this function
Affected Issues
mod - application/controllers/UploaderController.php Diff File
mod - application/extensions/LimeScript/LimeScript.php Diff File
mod - application/helpers/common_helper.php Diff File
mod - application/views/admin/endScripts_view.php Diff File
mod - scripts/admin/admin_core.js Diff File
mod - scripts/admin/answers.js Diff File
mod - scripts/admin/browse.js Diff File
mod - scripts/admin/participantPanel.js Diff File
mod - scripts/admin/subquestions.js Diff File

master 0730c831

2014-01-09 10:17:59


Details Diff
Fixed issue 08509: INSERTANS SPAN problem in end URL/page when using then all-in-one page presentation setting Affected Issues
mod - application/helpers/SurveyRuntimeHelper.php Diff File
mod - application/helpers/replacements_helper.php Diff File

master fcfac042

2014-01-09 08:05:27


Details Diff
Fixed issue 08520: Import participants from .csv fails Affected Issues
mod - application/models/Participant.php Diff File

master 95468bd8

2014-01-08 22:14:43


Details Diff
Dev Removed unused code for survey list.
Attach Issues:
mod - application/controllers/SurveysController.php Diff File

master c143d578

2014-01-08 22:02:32


Details Diff
Merge branch 'master' of
Attach Issues:
mod - application/controllers/admin/questions.php Diff File
mod - application/helpers/admin/import_helper.php Diff File
mod - scripts/admin/surveysettings.js Diff File
mod - scripts/numeric-slider.js Diff File

master 2a9fa991

2014-01-08 21:58:56


Details Diff
Dev Set correct default controller.
Attach Issues:
mod - application/config/internal.php Diff File
 First  Prev  1 2 3 ... 150 ... 300 ... 450 ... 600 ... 750 ... 900 ... 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 ... 1050 ... 1200 ... 1350 ... 1451 1452 1453  Next  Last