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This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
09718Feature requestsOtherpublic2016-01-29 16:18
Reporterhtwsaar Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary09718: add option for pause during sending of invitation emails.

Sending of more than ~100 emails often leads to error messages by the email server, as well known.

Different waiting options could solve that issue, very easily.

Additional Information

Like described in the manual part of email settings concerning $maxemails it sometimes is a big problem to send more than 100 (or maybe ~180) email invitations at the same time.
Due to some email server settings the connection will shut down after 30 sec or after more than a specific number of transmitted emails per connection.

Example error: SERVER -> CLIENT: 421 4.3.2 Connection rate limit exceeded

A solution would be to set a pause time of 60 sec i.e. in addition to the $maxemails (i.e. 100).

Limesurvey would send 100 invitations in a row and close connection, would wait for 60 sec and would send another 100 invitations, etc.

That way there would be no need for the survey user / administrator to manually send 100 invitations, wait a bit, send another 100 invitations, ... wasting time in front of a screen.

Another possibility would be to send each invitation one by one and wait 1 sec (i.e.) in between.

Third alternative could be that limesurvy acknowledges the error code 421 (see above) and resumes sending after 30 (i.e.) sec.

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-06-25 16:42 htwsaar New Issue
2016-01-29 16:18 Steki Issue Monitored: Steki