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This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
19941Feature requestsUser / Groups / Rolespublic2025-01-24 19:08
Reporterriqcles Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary19941: User management : Expiry date/time

in user management, you can set an expiration date and time for an account.

This is great for managing "ghost" accounts.

However, when it is active, on the expiration date:
the user cannot log in: he just gets a message: incorrect name or password
after several errors, he must wait 10 minutes to try again to log in

the problem is:
he did not receive an email warning him of the expiration date (when creating an account, there is no such indication)
The limesurvey administrator, with his hundreds of accounts, does not know (if he does not keep a list of accounts outside of LimeSurvey) which accounts have an expiration date.

Indeed, during a migration, the old accounts do not have a date.

What would be needed:

  1. In the user account creation message, information on the expiration date
  2. Sending an email for example 15 days before the expiration date, to the user and the admin, to be informed
  3. In the list of users, for the admin, additional columns to see the expiration dates
  4. Still in this list, the possibility of selecting several users and modifying the expiration dates
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2025-01-24 19:08 riqcles New Issue