View Issue Details

This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
19749Bug reportsImport/Exportpublic2024-09-16 12:19
ReporterDenisChenu Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Product Version6.6.x 
Summary19749: Unable to import LSA with invalid value in Response

Unsure on the invalid response and why it broke, but when you import it broke with a white page with debug=0 and a Exception with debug=2

Steps To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce

Try to import LSA included (done with 3.X on mSSQL i think, came from

Expected result

Survey is imported with response

Actual result

White page, no response imported

TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files
Bug heat2
Complete LimeSurvey version number (& build)6.6.2
I will donate to the project if issue is resolvedNo
Browsernot relevant
Database type & versionnot relevant
Server OS (if known)not relevant
Webserver software & version (if known)not relevant
PHP Versionnot relevant

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2024-09-16 12:19

developer   ~81030 (5,257 bytes)


2024-09-16 12:19

developer   ~81031


Error: Failed to insert data in response table<br />


2614                             } else {
2615                                 if (in_array($sFieldname, $DestinationFields)) {
2616                                     $aInsertData[$sFieldname] = '';
2617                                 }
2618                             }
2619                         }
2620                         try {
2621                             $iNewID = SurveyDynamic::model($iSurveyID)->insertRecords($aInsertData);
2622                             if (!$iNewID) {
2623                                 throw new Exception("Error, no entry id was returned.", 1);
2624                             }
2625                         } catch (Exception $e) {
2626                             throw new Exception(gT("Error") . ": Failed to insert data in response table<br />");
2627                         }
2628                         $results['responses']++;
2629                     }
2630                 }
2631             }
2632         }
2633         $oXMLReader->close();

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-09-16 12:19 DenisChenu New Issue
2024-09-16 12:19 DenisChenu File Added: survey_archive_MSSQL_compare.lsa
2024-09-16 12:19 DenisChenu Note Added: 81030
2024-09-16 12:19 DenisChenu File Added:
2024-09-16 12:19 DenisChenu Bug heat 0 => 2
2024-09-16 12:19 DenisChenu Note Added: 81031