View Issue Details

This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
19557Feature requestsUsability/user experiencepublic2024-05-10 14:59
ReporterDP Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary19557: Preview mode for different end devices

I would like to suggest implementing a feature that allows users/creators to switch between different device perspectives (tablets, tabtops, etc.) in the preview function. Currently, it is quite inconvenient to log in for a preview on different devices.

Since most people use their smartphones, such a feature would be helpful for the user/creator to ensure that the survey works and appears optimally for all who fill out the questionnaire.

Tagspreview, usability, users
Bug heat2
Story point estimate0
Users affected %100

Users monitoring this issue



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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-05-10 14:54 DP New Issue
2024-05-10 14:57 DP Issue Monitored: DP
2024-05-10 14:57 DP Bug heat 0 => 2
2024-05-10 14:57 DP Tag Attached: "preview"
2024-05-10 14:57 DP Tag Attached: preview
2024-05-10 14:58 DP Tag Detached: "preview"
2024-05-10 14:58 DP Tag Attached: usability
2024-05-10 14:59 DP Tag Attached: users