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This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
16913Feature requestsImport/Exportpublic2024-09-05 14:00
Reporterriqcles Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary16913: Mass import survey LSA / LSS

I had to export several hundred questions (1100), on the list of surveys (in lss or lsa).
No problem, you can export several at once (or on several pages).

On the other hand, I had to re-import more than 400 surveys, and they have to be done one part one. :unsure:

Is it possible to develop the same possibility for the import? :)

When you develop the mass export can you also plan a mass import? (not only for surveys , but for other functionalities (ex: models)

Thank you.

Additional Information

I noticed that when restoring an active survey , which contains backups, the backup table is not updated and users cannot resume the saved quiz.
For this detail, we consider it in the feature request, or do I make a bug?

I had to do this for example to restore access to the user.

INSERT INTO public.lime_saved_control (
scid, sid, srid, identifier, access_code, email, ip, saved_thisstep, status, saved_date, refurl)
VALUES ('10890', '524553', '40', 'FANCHE', 'a6d928652acfc9577b2bd411068f9f3c7693a1537f2433c4bc8326b2230fcf9e', '', '', '5', 'S', '202046', '5', 'S', '202046', '14:51:1 ');

But if I take the case of an administrator who does not have access to the database, this action is impossible.

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Bug heat2
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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2020-12-15 12:02 riqcles New Issue
2024-09-05 14:00 2BITS_PL Issue Monitored: 2BITS_PL
2024-09-05 14:00 2BITS_PL Bug heat 0 => 2