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This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
10518Feature requestsTranslationpublic2016-02-23 20:43
Reporteruser14106Assigned To 
Status newResolutionopen 
Summary10518: Splitting translation into admin vs respondent categories

I am using LimeSurvey in a rather small country in terms of population. And in terms of using software I always try to use the sofware UI in english because in any case when you need to get some help from google - it is impossible to google for help in local language terms. Also for LimeSurvey I always prefer to use the Admin section in English and local language UI just puzzles me.

Now, it's a totally different story for the respondents. This is something that always should be fluent in local language.

Now I want to step in in translating, but I really would like to have a priority of keeping the respondent strings translated with top-quality and ASAP. Whereas the translations of Admin section is, to be honest simply "nice to have" for me.

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2016-02-18 20:32

reporter   ~35420

This is a good idea, because it allows translation to have the survey taker/respondent facing part of Limesurvey quickly up to date (usually simpler translations, short sentences anyway).

If the translation of the back-end takes a little longer, it is not that problematic as if we have untranslated strings presented to survey takers/respondents.



2016-02-19 10:48

developer   ~35427

Vanilla forum have 2 translation file and

@t6nnp6nn : yous speak fro Yii2 at forum . Can you look at Yii1 if we can have such system ?



2016-02-23 20:43


I'm not entirely sure if this is what you asked. But..

Yii1 has a pretty similar way of generating translation files from source.
An example of conf file here:

One can set the 'translator' option to change the default Yii::t translation function to something else. eg 'gT'. Tried to run that on Limesurvey, but Yii::t has Yii::t('category','message'), structure, so running that on Limesurvey and gT('message') will end up locating the LS message as categories.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-02-17 22:15 user14106 New Issue
2016-02-18 20:32 holch Note Added: 35420
2016-02-19 10:48 DenisChenu Note Added: 35427
2016-02-23 20:43 user14106 Note Added: 35613