Changesets: LimeSurvey

Yii 73085812

2012-02-17 14:35:01


Details Diff
Fixed issue 05811: Group Index isn't in right language Affected Issues
mod - application/helpers/SurveyRuntimeHelper.php Diff File

master 74e02c5d

2012-02-17 14:33:02

Thomas White

Details Diff
Fixed issue 05811: Group Index isn't in right language
Attach Issues:
mod - group.php Diff File

Yii d7a37c3b

2012-02-17 13:25:22


Details Diff
Fixed issue 05819: Survey with token activated. When users go back on an uncompleted survey, they get an error and cannot continue. Affected Issues
mod - application/helpers/SurveyRuntimeHelper.php Diff File
mod - application/helpers/frontend_helper.php Diff File

master 616222fa

2012-02-17 13:23:41

Thomas White

Details Diff
Fixed issue 05819: Survey with token activated. When users go back on an uncompleted survey, they get an error and cannot continue.
Attach Issues:
mod - group.php Diff File
mod - index.php Diff File

Yii 392ef9df

2012-02-17 12:30:39


Details Diff
Fixed issue 05818: Values passed on the URL do not get saved when the questions are hidden Affected Issues
mod - application/helpers/expressions/em_manager_helper.php Diff File
mod - application/helpers/frontend_helper.php Diff File

master 2bcbd199

2012-02-17 12:29:56

Thomas White

Details Diff
Fixed issue 05818: Values passed on the URL do not get saved when the questions are hidden
Attach Issues:
mod - classes/eval/LimeExpressionManager.php Diff File
mod - index.php Diff File

master 29bcb61f

2012-02-17 10:49:48

Thomas White

Details Diff
Fixed issue Warnings to upload/* directories do not exist
Dev placed blank index.html files into needed directories, since Git does support empty directories
Attach Issues:
add - upload/files/index.html Diff File
add - upload/labels/index.html Diff File
add - upload/surveys/index.html Diff File
add - upload/templates/index.html Diff File

master 06c29522

2012-02-17 09:34:38

Thomas White

Details Diff
Fixed issue Warning on question preview - undefined index 'type'
Fixed issue Performance - extra copies of $_SESSION['fieldmap'] being created
Attach Issues:
mod - admin/preview.php Diff File
mod - index.php Diff File

Yii 52fccc5d

2012-02-17 08:16:34


Details Diff
Fixed issue 05823: Confusing message to users for questions with regular expression validation Affected Issues
mod - application/helpers/expressions/em_manager_helper.php Diff File

master 2eec4a30

2012-02-17 08:14:58

Thomas White

Details Diff
Fixed issue 05823: Confusing message to users for questions with regular expression validation
Attach Issues:
mod - classes/eval/LimeExpressionManager.php Diff File

Yii c133add2

2012-02-16 11:35:22


Details Diff
Fixed issue 05813: Viewing statistics not possible
createFieldMap should always be called with "full" as second parameter instead of "short".
Affected Issues
mod - application/controllers/admin/browse.php Diff File
mod - application/controllers/admin/dataentry.php Diff File
mod - application/controllers/admin/export.php Diff File

Yii 5c1d519a

2012-02-16 10:32:08


Details Diff
Fixed issue 05825: Endless loop at installer Affected Issues
mod - application/controllers/InstallerController.php Diff File

Yii 28149c09

2012-02-16 10:30:36


Details Diff
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/Yii' into Yii
Attach Issues:
add - tmp/readme.txt Diff File
add - upload/labels/readme.txt Diff File
add - upload/readme.txt Diff File
add - upload/surveys/readme.txt Diff File
add - upload/templates/readme.txt Diff File
mod - application/controllers/admin/participantsaction.php Diff File
mod - application/controllers/admin/surveyadmin.php Diff File
mod - application/helpers/frontend_helper.php Diff File
mod - application/helpers/qanda_helper.php Diff File
mod - application/helpers/replacements_helper.php Diff File
mod - application/models/ParticipantAttributeNames.php Diff File
mod - application/views/admin/assessments_view.php Diff File
mod - application/views/admin/participants/attributeMapCSV_view.php Diff File
mod - application/views/admin/participants/attributeMapToken_view.php Diff File
mod - application/views/admin/survey/Question/answerOptions_view.php Diff File
mod - application/views/admin/survey/Question/subQuestion_view.php Diff File
mod - application/views/installer/dbconfig_view.php Diff File
mod - locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/ Diff File
mod - locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/de.po Diff File
mod - scripts/admin/attributeMapCSV.js Diff File
mod - scripts/admin/displayParticipant.js Diff File
mod - styles/admin/default/adminstyle.css Diff File

Yii 5728ba6c

2012-02-16 10:29:17


Details Diff
Fixed issue 05825: Endless loop at installer Affected Issues
mod - application/controllers/InstallerController.php Diff File

Yii af8131fd

2012-02-16 05:35:38


Details Diff
Merge branch 'Yii' of into Yii
Attach Issues:
add - tmp/readme.txt Diff File
add - upload/labels/readme.txt Diff File
add - upload/readme.txt Diff File
add - upload/surveys/readme.txt Diff File
add - upload/templates/readme.txt Diff File

Yii f4e3bcee

2012-02-16 05:34:52


Details Diff
Fixed issue 05820 : Set to default template if template is missing
Dev: set to defaulttemplate and not to "default"
Dev: yii way i think : put the correction in models, not in view
Affected Issues
mod - application/controllers/admin/surveyadmin.php Diff File

master ef781eb9

2012-02-16 04:59:07

Denis Chenu

Details Diff
Fixed issue 05820 : Set to default template if template is missing
Dev: set to defaulttemplate and not to "default"
Attach Issues:
mod - admin/editsurveysettings.php Diff File

Yii 96cd7531

2012-02-16 04:23:05

Marcel Minke

Details Diff
added .txt file with a short note on folder permissions
Attach Issues:
add - upload/labels/readme.txt Diff File
add - upload/readme.txt Diff File
add - upload/surveys/readme.txt Diff File
add - upload/templates/readme.txt Diff File

Yii 86631533

2012-02-16 04:22:45

Marcel Minke

Details Diff
added .txt file with a short note on folder permissions
Attach Issues:
add - tmp/readme.txt Diff File

Yii 7398db90

2012-02-15 12:20:54


Details Diff
Fixed issue 05644: Assessments screen styling
Dev Fixed placement of tables and editor in Git Yii branch
Attach Issues:
mod - styles/admin/default/adminstyle.css Diff File

master aebca294

2012-02-15 08:05:20

Carsten Schmitz

Details Diff
Dev Fixed any pending issues in the master branch caused by the move from Subversion
Attach Issues:
mod - COPYRIGHT.php Diff File
mod - admin/access_denied.php Diff File
mod - admin/activate.php Diff File
mod - admin/admin.php Diff File
mod - admin/assessments.php Diff File
mod - admin/browse.php Diff File
mod - admin/cmdline_importsurvey.php Diff File
mod - admin/database.php Diff File
mod - admin/dataentry.php Diff File
mod - admin/deactivate.php Diff File
mod - admin/deletesurvey.php Diff File
mod - admin/dumpdb.php Diff File
mod - admin/dumpgroup.php Diff File
mod - admin/dumplabel.php Diff File
mod - admin/dumpquestion.php Diff File
mod - admin/exportresults.php Diff File
mod - admin/html.php Diff File
mod - admin/http_importsurvey.php Diff File
mod - admin/importgroup.php Diff File
mod - admin/importlabel.php Diff File
mod - admin/importoldresponses.php Diff File
mod - admin/importquestion.php Diff File
mod - admin/importsurvey.php Diff File
mod - admin/install/create-mysql.sql Diff File
mod - admin/install/createdb.php Diff File
mod - admin/install/index.php Diff File
mod - admin/install/phpinfo.php Diff File
mod - admin/integritycheck.php Diff File
mod - admin/labels.php Diff File
mod - admin/listcolumn.php Diff File
mod - admin/login_check.php Diff File
mod - admin/preview.php Diff File
mod - admin/printablesurvey.php Diff File
mod - admin/questionhandling.php Diff File
mod - admin/results.php Diff File
mod - admin/saved.php Diff File
mod - admin/sessioncontrol.php Diff File
mod - admin/statistics.php Diff File
mod - admin/styles/default/adminstyle.css Diff File
mod - admin/templates.php Diff File
mod - admin/tokens.php Diff File
mod - admin/usercontrol.php Diff File
mod - admin/userrighthandling.php Diff File
mod - admin/vvexport.php Diff File
mod - admin/vvimport.php Diff File
mod - classes/core/language.php Diff File
mod - classes/core/sanitize.php Diff File
mod - classes/core/surveytranslator.php Diff File
mod - classes/php-gettext/gettext.php Diff File
mod - common.php Diff File
mod - config-ldap.php Diff File
mod - config.php Diff File
mod - group.php Diff File
mod - index.php Diff File
mod - ldap-functions.php Diff File
mod - load.php Diff File
mod - locale/bs/LC_MESSAGES/bs.po Diff File
mod - locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/ca.po Diff File
mod - locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/cs.po Diff File
mod - locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/da.po Diff File
mod - locale/de-informal/LC_MESSAGES/de-informal.po Diff File
mod - locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/de.po Diff File
mod - locale/el/LC_MESSAGES/el.po Diff File
mod - locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/en.po Diff File
mod - locale/es-MX/LC_MESSAGES/es-MX.po Diff File
mod - locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/es.po Diff File
mod - locale/et/LC_MESSAGES/et.po Diff File
mod - locale/eu/LC_MESSAGES/eu.po Diff File
mod - locale/fi/LC_MESSAGES/fi.po Diff File
mod - locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/fr.po Diff File
mod - locale/gl/LC_MESSAGES/gl.po Diff File
mod - locale/hr/LC_MESSAGES/hr.po Diff File
mod - locale/hu/LC_MESSAGES/hu.po Diff File
mod - locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/it.po Diff File
mod - locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/ja.po Diff File
mod - locale/pt-BR/LC_MESSAGES/pt-BR.po Diff File
mod - locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/ru.po Diff File
mod - locale/sl/LC_MESSAGES/sl.po Diff File
mod - locale/sq/LC_MESSAGES/sq.po Diff File
mod - locale/sr/LC_MESSAGES/sr.po Diff File
mod - locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/sv.po Diff File
mod - locale/th/LC_MESSAGES/th.po Diff File
mod - locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/tr.po Diff File
mod - locale/zh-Hans/LC_MESSAGES/zh-Hans.po Diff File
mod - locale/zh-Hant-HK/LC_MESSAGES/zh-Hant-HK.po Diff File
mod - locale/zh-Hant-TW/LC_MESSAGES/zh-Hant-TW.po Diff File
mod - qanda.php Diff File
mod - question.php Diff File
mod - register.php Diff File
mod - save.php Diff File
mod - survey.php Diff File
mod - templates/basic/startpage.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/bluengrey/startpage.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/clear_logo/startpage.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/default/startpage.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/eirenicon/startpage.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/vallendar/startpage.pstpl Diff File
mod - verification.php Diff File

Yii 13ca0f3a

2012-02-15 07:25:09


Details Diff
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/Yii' into Yii
Attach Issues:
mod - application/views/admin/survey/Question/editQuestion_view.php Diff File

Yii efecaa4e

2012-02-15 07:23:46


Details Diff
Dev Fixed any pending issues in the Yii branch caused by the move from Subversion
Dev Updated Yii branch to latest subversion revision
Attach Issues:
mod - application/controllers/admin/participantsaction.php Diff File
mod - application/helpers/frontend_helper.php Diff File
mod - application/helpers/qanda_helper.php Diff File
mod - application/helpers/replacements_helper.php Diff File
mod - application/models/ParticipantAttributeNames.php Diff File
mod - application/views/admin/assessments_view.php Diff File
mod - application/views/admin/participants/attributeMapCSV_view.php Diff File
mod - application/views/admin/participants/attributeMapToken_view.php Diff File
mod - application/views/admin/survey/Question/answerOptions_view.php Diff File
mod - application/views/admin/survey/Question/subQuestion_view.php Diff File
mod - application/views/installer/dbconfig_view.php Diff File
mod - locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/ Diff File
mod - locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/de.po Diff File
mod - scripts/admin/attributeMapCSV.js Diff File
mod - scripts/admin/displayParticipant.js Diff File

master fa7fc0a1

2012-02-14 14:20:32

Thomas White

Details Diff
Updated dev branch to agree with 1.92 RC4 release
Fixes some previous merge attempts that failed to remove diff marks (so code did not run)

Below is the log of changes from the last two weeks. Some of these may duplicate the original SVN to Git conversion (and subsequent merge) efforts:

+Changes from 1.92RC3 (build 12204) to 1.92RC4 (build 12453) Feb 14, 2012
+#Updated language: German (maziminke)
++New Feature Each type of validation tip can be styled separately (so if a question fails validation checks, you can see whether it is because of wrong number of answers, wrong value range, wrong sum range, or wrong regex criteria). (tmswhite)
++New feature 05780 : information when there are no match label set (shnoulle)
++New feature : javascript question type selector and Editarea template can be desactivated by user (shnoulle)
+-Fix for bug 05779: When "Edit this response" the responses from Array (Numbers) question type are lost (maziminke)
+-Fix: Added missing information about a token being required for sending invitations. (maziminke)
+-Fixed issue 05772: Slider "total" and "remaining" values are not rounded (tmswhite)
+-Fixed PostgreSQL installation issues (c_schmitz)
+-Fixed casing for showxquestions field (c_schmitz)
+-Fixed casing on showxquestions field (c_schmitz)
+-Fixed issue 05694: Map needs to be reset when shown by conditions/EM (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 05768: In List with Comment type, if set to mandatory, the comment is also required (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 04948: "label for' tags for certain forms fields (ssachdeva)
+-Fixed issue 04948: "label for' tags for certain forms fields (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 05424: validation fails on mandatory comment field in list(radio) (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 05566: Survey and e-mails use different methods to include token data (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 05602: Graphs show wrong counts (ssachdeva)
+-Fixed issue #05679: Questions conditional upon previous questions do not appear until "Next" button is pressed (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 05690: Logic File does not show sub-question level default values (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 05696: Embedded JavaScript is fired when editing questions (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 05698: All question block have input-error class (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 05700: Cannot switch language to German-Informal (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 05702: Invalid question - probably missing sub-questions or language-specific settings for language en (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 05703: min_answers and max_answers for dual-scale are not correct (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 05704: Some missing Tips (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 05707: Users won't understand regular expression and equation-based validation tips (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 05708: Questions that fail validation criteria are colored red before user ever gets to it (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 05709: Validation tips not appearing for questions that have relevance equations (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 05711: Auto tab ordering no longer working (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue #05716: How should equations referencing always-hidden variables be handled? (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 05725: Server crash (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 05726: Notices when testing survey (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 05730: Error in citronade Question template: 'squid' and 'aid' not found in replacement.php (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 05732: Warning: htmlspecialchars() expects at most 3 parameters (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 05736: At question type selection some sample images are not shown completely (ssachdeva)
+-Fixed issue 05744: EM introduces in-line .css changes (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 05748: If export a survey, delete it, then re-import it, get multiple undefined index errors (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 05753: Wrong question index marks (white) when using timer (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 05755: Validation tips do not appear if hide_tip option is used, even if there are errors (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 05759: Default date based on token gives incorrect result (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 05761: values from non-hidden equations are not written the the database (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 05765: other_numbers_only advanced question option not working (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 05769: In multiple choice question with comment, it always shows 'please also fill in "other comment" field' (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 05771: ExprMgr_process_relevance_and_tailoring need more and more time after page reload (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 05773: Preview image for question type "equation" missing (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 05777: performance issue: lots of irrelevant javacript is called with each onchange event (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 05782: Mandatory date doesn't block the survey if empty (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 05785: in all-in-one survey mode, questions whose tailoring depends entirely on out-of-group variables is not happening (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 05803: cascading equation calculations not working (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 05804: Equation question type does not work in all templates (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 05805: some question types do not accept negative numbers (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 05589: Error messages when user deletes himself (c_schmitz)
+-Fixed issue 05592: Wrong answer mapping for dual scale matrix in detailed admin notification email (c_schmitz)
+-Fixed issue 05648: Quota list of questions is not sorted (c_schmitz)
+-Fixed issue 05656: Problem to differentiate between normal survey participation and test mode (c_schmitz)
+-Fixed issue 05658: Notices when importing survey (c_schmitz)
+-Fixed issue 05675: Warning when using wrong formatted validation (c_schmitz)
+-Fixed issue 05688: Quota answers not in base language (c_schmitz)
+-Fixed issue 05695: When creating a survey 'List survey publicly' defaults to Yes instead of Np (c_schmitz)
+-Fixed issue #5734: Problem upgrading from 1.72 to 1.91+ (c_schmitz)
+-Fixed issue 05739: Wrong percentage in graphs with List with Comments question types (c_schmitz)
+-Fixed issue 05749: Wrong date conversion when using certain date formats (c_schmitz)
+-Fixed issue 05751: Quick translation - assignment problem with dual matrix (c_schmitz)
+-Fixed issue 05756: Activate Survey screen always in base survey language (c_schmitz)
+-Fixed issue 05743 : Unactivated JS for star rating system / Section 508 issue (shnoulle)
+-Fixed issue: SQL error on translation (shnoulle)
+-Fixed issue EM unable to recognize nested curly braces or curly braces within strings within curly braces (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue LS stores entire fieldmap in session twice (so large memory consumption) (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue Typo prevents display of save message in basic template (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue Validation test survey shows all excluded options when first loaded, but they should start hidden. (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 05770: row-level missing mandatory annotations are not shown (tmswhite)
+-Fixed issue 05701: Exclusive option with more than one subquestion in multiple choice question doesn't work anymore (tmswhite)
Attach Issues:
add - admin/scripts/updateset.js Diff File
mod - COPYRIGHT.php Diff File
mod - LICENSE.php Diff File
mod - admin/access_denied.php Diff File
mod - admin/activate.php Diff File
mod - admin/activate_functions.php Diff File
mod - admin/admin.php Diff File
mod - admin/admin_functions.php Diff File
mod - admin/assessments.php Diff File
mod - admin/browse.php Diff File
mod - admin/classes/phpzip/ Diff File
mod - admin/classes/quexml/quexmlpdf.php Diff File
mod - admin/cmdline_importsurvey.php Diff File
mod - admin/conditionshandling.php Diff File
mod - admin/database.php Diff File
mod - admin/dataentry.php Diff File
mod - admin/deactivate.php Diff File
mod - admin/deletesurvey.php Diff File
mod - admin/dumpdb.php Diff File
mod - admin/dumpgroup.php Diff File
mod - admin/dumplabel.php Diff File
mod - admin/dumpquestion.php Diff File
mod - admin/editsurveysettings.php Diff File
mod - admin/export_data_functions.php Diff File
mod - admin/export_data_r.php Diff File
mod - admin/export_data_spss.php Diff File
mod - admin/export_resources_zip.php Diff File
mod - admin/export_structure_lsrc.php Diff File
mod - admin/export_structure_quexml.php Diff File
mod - admin/export_structure_xml.php Diff File
mod - admin/exportresults.php Diff File
mod - admin/fck_LimeReplacementFields.php Diff File
mod - admin/globalsettings.php Diff File
mod - admin/html.php Diff File
mod - admin/html_functions.php Diff File
mod - admin/htmleditor-functions.php Diff File
mod - admin/htmleditor-popup.php Diff File
mod - admin/http_importsurvey.php Diff File
mod - admin/import_functions.php Diff File
mod - admin/import_resources_zip.php Diff File
mod - admin/importgroup.php Diff File
mod - admin/importlabel.php Diff File
mod - admin/importoldresponses.php Diff File
mod - admin/importquestion.php Diff File
mod - admin/importsurvey.php Diff File
mod - admin/index.html Diff File
mod - admin/install/create-mssqlnative.sql Diff File
mod - admin/install/create-postgres.sql Diff File
mod - admin/install/createdb.php Diff File
mod - admin/install/index.php Diff File
mod - admin/install/phpinfo.php Diff File
mod - admin/integritycheck.php Diff File
mod - admin/iterate_survey.php Diff File
mod - admin/labels.php Diff File
mod - admin/listcolumn.php Diff File
mod - admin/login_check.php Diff File
mod - admin/login_check_cas.php Diff File
mod - admin/preview.php Diff File
mod - admin/printablesurvey.php Diff File
mod - admin/questiongrouphandling.php Diff File
mod - admin/questionhandling.php Diff File
mod - admin/quexmlsurvey.php Diff File
mod - admin/quota.php Diff File
mod - admin/remotecontrol/lsrc.client.php Diff File
mod - admin/remotecontrol/lsrc.config.php Diff File
mod - admin/remotecontrol/lsrc.helper.php Diff File
mod - admin/remotecontrol/lsrc.server.php Diff File
mod - admin/remotecontrol/lsrc.testclient.php Diff File
mod - admin/resetsurveylogic.php Diff File
mod - admin/results.php Diff File
mod - admin/saved.php Diff File
mod - admin/scripts/admin_core.js Diff File
mod - admin/scripts/answers.js Diff File
mod - admin/scripts/browse.js Diff File
mod - admin/scripts/globalsettings.js Diff File
mod - admin/scripts/labels.js Diff File
mod - admin/scripts/listsurvey.js Diff File
mod - admin/scripts/printablesurvey.js Diff File
mod - admin/scripts/quotas.js Diff File
mod - admin/scripts/saved.js Diff File
mod - admin/scripts/subquestions.js Diff File
mod - admin/scripts/surveysecurity.js Diff File
mod - admin/scripts/surveysettings.js Diff File
mod - admin/scripts/surveytoolbar.js Diff File
mod - admin/scripts/templates.js Diff File
mod - admin/scripts/users.js Diff File
mod - admin/sessioncontrol.php Diff File
mod - admin/statistics.php Diff File
mod - admin/statistics_function.php Diff File
mod - admin/styles/default/adminstyle.css Diff File
mod - admin/templates.php Diff File
mod - admin/tokens.php Diff File
mod - admin/translate.php Diff File
mod - admin/translate_functions.php Diff File
mod - admin/update/updater.php Diff File
mod - admin/update/upgrade-mysql.php Diff File
mod - admin/update/upgrade-postgres.php Diff File
mod - admin/usercontrol.php Diff File
mod - admin/userrighthandling.php Diff File
mod - admin/vvexport.php Diff File
mod - admin/vvimport.php Diff File
mod - classes/core/language.php Diff File
mod - classes/core/sanitize.php Diff File
mod - classes/core/surveytranslator.php Diff File
mod - classes/eval/LimeExpressionManager.php Diff File
mod - classes/eval/em_javascript.js Diff File
mod - classes/eval/test/survey_logic_file.php Diff File
mod - classes/eval/test/test.php Diff File
mod - common.php Diff File
mod - common_functions.php Diff File
mod - config-defaults.php Diff File
mod - config-ldap.php Diff File
mod - docs/demosurveys/limesurvey2_sample_survey_english.lss Diff File
mod - docs/license.txt Diff File
mod - docs/manual.html Diff File
mod - group.php Diff File
mod - images/copyright.txt Diff File
mod - index.php Diff File
mod - ldap-functions.php Diff File
mod - load.php Diff File
mod - locale/de-informal/LC_MESSAGES/de-informal.po Diff File
mod - locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/de.po Diff File
mod - optout.php Diff File
mod - printanswers.php Diff File
mod - qanda.php Diff File
mod - register.php Diff File
mod - replacements.php Diff File
mod - robots.txt Diff File
mod - save.php Diff File
mod - scripts/jquery/lime-slider.js Diff File
mod - statistics_user.php Diff File
mod - templates/basic/assessment.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/basic/clearall.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/basic/completed.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/basic/endgroup.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/basic/endpage.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/basic/groupdescription.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/basic/load.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/basic/navigator.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/basic/privacy.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/basic/question.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/basic/readme.txt Diff File
mod - templates/basic/register.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/basic/save.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/basic/startgroup.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/basic/startpage.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/basic/survey.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/basic/welcome.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/bluengrey/assessment.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/bluengrey/clearall.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/bluengrey/completed.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/bluengrey/endpage.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/bluengrey/groupdescription.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/bluengrey/load.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/bluengrey/navigator.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/bluengrey/privacy.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/bluengrey/question.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/bluengrey/register.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/bluengrey/save.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/bluengrey/startgroup.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/bluengrey/startpage.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/bluengrey/survey.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/bluengrey/welcome.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/citronade/template.css Diff File
mod - templates/eirenicon/assessment.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/eirenicon/clearall.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/eirenicon/completed.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/eirenicon/endgroup.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/eirenicon/endpage.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/eirenicon/groupdescription.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/eirenicon/load.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/eirenicon/navigator.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/eirenicon/privacy.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/eirenicon/question.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/eirenicon/readme.txt Diff File
mod - templates/eirenicon/register.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/eirenicon/save.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/eirenicon/startgroup.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/eirenicon/startpage.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/eirenicon/survey.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/eirenicon/welcome.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/vallendar/assessment.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/vallendar/clearall.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/vallendar/completed.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/vallendar/endgroup.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/vallendar/endpage.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/vallendar/groupdescription.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/vallendar/load.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/vallendar/navigator.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/vallendar/privacy.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/vallendar/question.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/vallendar/readme.txt Diff File
mod - templates/vallendar/register.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/vallendar/save.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/vallendar/startgroup.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/vallendar/startpage.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/vallendar/survey.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/vallendar/welcome.pstpl Diff File
mod - tmp/readme.txt Diff File
mod - uploader.php Diff File
mod - verification.php Diff File

Yii 81935c17

2012-02-14 13:10:23


Details Diff
Added missing breaks in html.
Attach Issues:
mod - application/views/admin/survey/Question/editQuestion_view.php Diff File
 First  Prev  1 2 3 ... 150 ... 300 ... 450 ... 600 ... 750 ... 900 ... 1050 ... 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 ... 1200 ... 1350 ... 1452 1453 1454  Next  Last