Changesets: LimeSurvey

master b8141462

2004-10-02 02:45:04


Details Diff
Mods from C.Scott Ananian/Verified Voting: Add 'session_write_close()' before emitting header('Location: foo'),
as per suggestions at - related to autoreload function recently added.

git-svn-id: file:///Users/Shitiz/Downloads/lssvn/trunk/unstable@1227 b72ed6b6-b9f8-46b5-92b4-906544132732
Attach Issues:
mod - group.php Diff File
mod - index.php Diff File
mod - question.php Diff File
mod - survey.php Diff File

master f4d5b533

2004-10-02 01:32:53


Details Diff
Bugfixes/Code improvements provided by C.Scott Ananian/Verified Voting for additional robustness when exporting/importing tab delimited files with vvexport and vvimport. Changes deal with MS Excels oddities handling commas, and add extra functionality when importing, to allow re-using existing id's unless one already exists, in which case it will re-number the entry.

git-svn-id: file:///Users/Shitiz/Downloads/lssvn/trunk/unstable@1226 b72ed6b6-b9f8-46b5-92b4-906544132732
Attach Issues:
mod - admin/lang/english/messages.php Diff File
mod - admin/vvexport.php Diff File
mod - admin/vvimport.php Diff File

master d8e19d57

2004-10-02 00:18:04


Details Diff
"Button" image for new assessments tool

git-svn-id: file:///Users/Shitiz/Downloads/lssvn/trunk/unstable@1225 b72ed6b6-b9f8-46b5-92b4-906544132732
Attach Issues:
add - admin/images/assessments.gif Diff File

master 53e89423

2004-10-01 16:31:14


Details Diff
New "assessment.pstpl' template for assessments function. A copy of this should be placed in all template folders.

git-svn-id: file:///Users/Shitiz/Downloads/lssvn/trunk/unstable@1224 b72ed6b6-b9f8-46b5-92b4-906544132732
Attach Issues:
add - templates/default/assessment.pstpl Diff File

master 83be08ac

2004-10-01 00:38:03


Details Diff
New "random_order" question attribute - when attribute exists (with any value) the answers to the question are ordered randomly, each time the page is loaded.

git-svn-id: file:///Users/Shitiz/Downloads/lssvn/trunk/unstable@1223 b72ed6b6-b9f8-46b5-92b4-906544132732
Attach Issues:
mod - qanda.php Diff File

master b939b677

2004-09-30 23:48:45


Details Diff
New "hide_tip" question attribute - hides the tip (ie: "Please check all that apply") on a question by question basis. If the attribute exists for a question, then the tip doesn't display.

git-svn-id: file:///Users/Shitiz/Downloads/lssvn/trunk/unstable@1222 b72ed6b6-b9f8-46b5-92b4-906544132732
Attach Issues:
mod - qanda.php Diff File

master 7a2570f5

2004-09-30 23:18:58


Details Diff
New translation for new "assessment" feature

git-svn-id: file:///Users/Shitiz/Downloads/lssvn/trunk/unstable@1221 b72ed6b6-b9f8-46b5-92b4-906544132732
Attach Issues:
mod - lang/english.lang.php Diff File

master 89174c97

2004-09-30 20:29:39


Details Diff
New translations for new "autoreload" feature

git-svn-id: file:///Users/Shitiz/Downloads/lssvn/trunk/unstable@1220 b72ed6b6-b9f8-46b5-92b4-906544132732
Attach Issues:
mod - admin/lang/english/messages.php Diff File

master 8a27f6f0

2004-09-30 20:25:54


Details Diff
New "assessment" feature (with new file) - admin screens to allow assessments to be set by group or by whole survey. Also, new "autoreload" feature to allow screen to automatically load the "URL" setting for a survey after submitting the results. Note that you MUST run the checkfields.php script to create the necessary new table and fields.

git-svn-id: file:///Users/Shitiz/Downloads/lssvn/trunk/unstable@1219 b72ed6b6-b9f8-46b5-92b4-906544132732
Attach Issues:
add - admin/assessments.php Diff File
mod - admin/checkfields.php Diff File
mod - admin/database.php Diff File
mod - admin/dumpsurvey.php Diff File
mod - admin/html.php Diff File
mod - admin/importsurvey.php Diff File
mod - admin/templates.php Diff File

master eb8293c7

2004-09-30 20:21:45


Details Diff
Adds "assessment" feature, which allows you to build a list of "assessments" against the code responses to groups of questions, and the survey, then present an assessment at the end of the survey. Also adds handling for new "autoload" feature.

git-svn-id: file:///Users/Shitiz/Downloads/lssvn/trunk/unstable@1218 b72ed6b6-b9f8-46b5-92b4-906544132732
Attach Issues:
mod - group.php Diff File
mod - index.php Diff File
mod - qanda.php Diff File
mod - question.php Diff File
mod - survey.php Diff File

master 3e5f1a24

2004-09-27 16:33:18


Details Diff
Changes autonumber_start field in surveys table to "bigint" rather than "int" - necessary for saving larger length id numbers

git-svn-id: file:///Users/Shitiz/Downloads/lssvn/trunk/unstable@1217 b72ed6b6-b9f8-46b5-92b4-906544132732
Attach Issues:
mod - admin/checkfields.php Diff File

master ebc74a0d

2004-09-27 06:32:20


Details Diff
Removed stray debugging line

git-svn-id: file:///Users/Shitiz/Downloads/lssvn/trunk/unstable@1216 b72ed6b6-b9f8-46b5-92b4-906544132732
Attach Issues:
mod - admin/deactivate.php Diff File

master 00687427

2004-09-27 06:24:54


Details Diff
New config settings, $useidprefix and $idprefix, which allow users to set a prefix to the unique response id's in the responses tables. By default, this is not used. When $useidprefix is set to 1, will set the prefix, either the "server ip address" if $idprefix = 0 or, if the $idprefix is greater than 0, then it will use that id prefix. These settings are designed to allow surveys to have unique id's across multiple or replicated databases.

git-svn-id: file:///Users/Shitiz/Downloads/lssvn/trunk/unstable@1215 b72ed6b6-b9f8-46b5-92b4-906544132732
Attach Issues:
mod - admin/activate.php Diff File
mod - admin/deactivate.php Diff File

master a457f9a4

2004-09-25 19:25:51


Details Diff
Minor modifications/bugfixes to stop warnings appearing if some arrays aren't filled.

git-svn-id: file:///Users/Shitiz/Downloads/lssvn/trunk/unstable@1214 b72ed6b6-b9f8-46b5-92b4-906544132732
Attach Issues:
mod - admin/conditions.php Diff File

master 2514f9ae

2004-09-24 18:44:08


Details Diff
Adds new translations for forthcoming "assessment" feature, and new "warning" message for vvexport

git-svn-id: file:///Users/Shitiz/Downloads/lssvn/trunk/unstable@1213 b72ed6b6-b9f8-46b5-92b4-906544132732
Attach Issues:
mod - admin/lang/chinese/messages.php Diff File
mod - admin/lang/french/messages.php Diff File
mod - admin/lang/italian/messages.php Diff File
mod - admin/lang/spanish/messages.php Diff File

master e9770fe3

2004-09-24 18:38:08


Details Diff
Adds new translations for forthcoming "assessment" feature, and new "warning" message for vvexport

git-svn-id: file:///Users/Shitiz/Downloads/lssvn/trunk/unstable@1212 b72ed6b6-b9f8-46b5-92b4-906544132732
Attach Issues:
mod - admin/lang/english/messages.php Diff File

master a23cfae2

2004-09-24 18:37:30


Details Diff
Changes default export to "export without deactivating", and adds warning popup before export

git-svn-id: file:///Users/Shitiz/Downloads/lssvn/trunk/unstable@1211 b72ed6b6-b9f8-46b5-92b4-906544132732
Attach Issues:
mod - admin/vvexport.php Diff File

master 1a87d744

2004-09-24 16:49:49


Details Diff
Bugfix - statistics for ranking questions wasn't correctly extracing the answer number, which broke the statistics display for any answer number containing more than 1 character.

git-svn-id: file:///Users/Shitiz/Downloads/lssvn/trunk/unstable@1210 b72ed6b6-b9f8-46b5-92b4-906544132732
Attach Issues:
mod - admin/statistics.php Diff File

master 5f422bd0

2004-09-23 22:46:26


Details Diff
Now both versions use question_attributes "display_columns" correctly

git-svn-id: file:///Users/Shitiz/Downloads/lssvn/trunk/unstable@1209 b72ed6b6-b9f8-46b5-92b4-906544132732
Attach Issues:
mod - admin/dataentry.php Diff File
mod - admin/printablesurvey.php Diff File

master 27d762ee

2004-09-23 21:51:01


Details Diff
Bugfix: Added question type "id" so that question_attributes would work when a survey is active

git-svn-id: file:///Users/Shitiz/Downloads/lssvn/trunk/unstable@1208 b72ed6b6-b9f8-46b5-92b4-906544132732
Attach Issues:
mod - admin/html.php Diff File

master a3c6f62d

2004-09-23 20:59:23


Details Diff
Updated to handle "display_columns" question attribute for List type and Multiple Choice type questions

git-svn-id: file:///Users/Shitiz/Downloads/lssvn/trunk/unstable@1207 b72ed6b6-b9f8-46b5-92b4-906544132732
Attach Issues:
mod - admin/printablesurvey.php Diff File

master e95f59e7

2004-09-22 20:54:41


Details Diff
Updated with str_replace changes provided by C.Scott Ananian from Verified Voting. Also added "autonumber_start" compliance when deactivating surveys.

git-svn-id: file:///Users/Shitiz/Downloads/lssvn/trunk/unstable@1206 b72ed6b6-b9f8-46b5-92b4-906544132732
Attach Issues:
mod - admin/vvexport.php Diff File
mod - admin/vvimport.php Diff File

master 4f83e21a

2004-09-22 20:53:21


Details Diff
New: when a survey is deactivated, stores the latest autonumbered id number in a new survey table field called "autonumber_start". When survey is reactivated, it sets the autonumbering for id's to start at the next one. Useful for managing a series of de-activated surveys, so the id numbers can be used to reference which version the response is to. Uses "ALTER [tablename] AUTONUMBER=[number]" to set the starting autonumber. Tested succesfully against both ISAM and InnoDB tables on MySQL ver 4.017. (Note: run checkfields.php to create new field before running)

git-svn-id: file:///Users/Shitiz/Downloads/lssvn/trunk/unstable@1205 b72ed6b6-b9f8-46b5-92b4-906544132732
Attach Issues:
mod - admin/activate.php Diff File
mod - admin/checkfields.php Diff File
mod - admin/deactivate.php Diff File

master d8ca8ec8

2004-09-21 20:07:15


Details Diff
Fixed bug (missing closing parenthisis at line 319)

git-svn-id: file:///Users/Shitiz/Downloads/lssvn/trunk/unstable@1204 b72ed6b6-b9f8-46b5-92b4-906544132732
Attach Issues:
mod - admin/printablesurvey.php Diff File

master d697c4a1

2004-09-19 21:36:27


Details Diff
Updated language files

git-svn-id: file:///Users/Shitiz/Downloads/lssvn/trunk/unstable@1203 b72ed6b6-b9f8-46b5-92b4-906544132732
Attach Issues:
mod - admin/lang/chinese/messages.php Diff File
mod - admin/lang/french/messages.php Diff File
mod - admin/lang/italian/messages.php Diff File
mod - admin/lang/spanish/messages.php Diff File
 First  Prev  1 2 3 ... 150 ... 300 ... 450 ... 600 ... 750 ... 900 ... 1050 ... 1200 ... 1350 ... 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 ... 1460 1461 1462  Next  Last