LimeSurvey: Yii 55824b28

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
tpartner tpartner Yii 2011-09-05 09:21:46 Yii b99d4d44
Affected Issues  05401: large and huge free text max characters not respected on mouse-based paste events

Fixed issue 05401: large and huge free text max characters not respected on mouse-based paste events
Dev Added onchange event to textareas to fire textLimit()
Dev Moved function textLimit() to survey_runtime.js

git-svn-id: file:///Users/Shitiz/Downloads/lssvn/source/limesurvey_ci@10948 b72ed6b6-b9f8-46b5-92b4-906544132732

mod - application/helpers/qanda_helper.php Diff File
mod - scripts/survey_runtime.js Diff File