LimeSurvey: master cd17447f

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
encuestabizdevgit encuestabizdevgit master 2021-07-20 22:00:44 master 6ea2c50b

Revert "Dev #T934: We DO NOT have to SHOW topbar on activate-deactivate and initialize participants screens"

This reverts commit 6ea2c50b4ffe57d3bb2c157e84bd2b1f4551f6c2.

mod - tests/functional/acceptance/15997-ip-anonymize/IpAddressAnonymizeTest.php Diff File
mod - third_party/composer/ClassLoader.php Diff File
mod - third_party/composer/InstalledVersions.php Diff File
mod - third_party/composer/autoload_classmap.php Diff File
mod - third_party/composer/autoload_files.php Diff File
mod - third_party/composer/autoload_namespaces.php Diff File
mod - third_party/composer/autoload_psr4.php Diff File
mod - third_party/composer/autoload_real.php Diff File
mod - third_party/composer/autoload_static.php Diff File
mod - third_party/composer/installed.php Diff File