LimeSurvey: master 73544427

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
MiroslavRepka GitHub master 2021-06-30 09:57:52 master 2e126394

Dev Migrate CI pipeline from TravisCI to Github Actions (#1935)

  • Migrate CI pipeline from TravisCI to Github Actions

Creating new directory .github/workflows with file main.yml
which specifies the CI pipeline ran by Github Actions.

The workflow will run tests for 2 version of PHP in parallel.
Expected completion time is between 7min to 10min. The output of
the tests can be found in Actions tab in Github GUI. The tests are
triggered by every push and pull requests on all branches.

Co-authored-by: Miroslav Repka <>

add - .github/workflows/main.yml Diff File
rm - .travis.yml Diff File
mod - application/config/config-sample-mysql.php Diff File
add - tests/CI-pipeline/github-actions-apache Diff File
mod - tests/functional/acceptance/15246-fixed-em-function/FixedFunctionExpressionPluginTest.php Diff File
mod - tests/functional/backend/InstallationControllerTest.php Diff File
mod - tests/functional/backend/ThemeControllerTest.php Diff File
rm - tests/travis/travis-ci-apache Diff File