LimeSurvey: master c52068a1

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
Thibault Le Meur Thibault Le Meur master 2011-01-16 00:14:43 master e8a14471

Fixed issue: token checks for UsesLeft option.
Dev: I don't know why the 'Assoc' mode of AdoDB changed. The first cause might have other consequences.
Dev: CAUTION, I can't even manage to have a simple survey work. Everything in Survey at Runtime seems BROKEN for me.

git-svn-id: file:///Users/Shitiz/Downloads/lssvn/source/limesurvey@9695 b72ed6b6-b9f8-46b5-92b4-906544132732

mod - common_functions.php Diff File