LimeSurvey: 2.1 95474cc9

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
DenisChenu DenisChenu 2.1 2012-11-12 12:11:09 2.1 3180b685
Affected Issues  06845: PDF statistics don't get pdfdefaultfont and pdffontsize

Fixed issue 06845: PDF statistics don't get pdfdefaultfont and pdffontsize
Dev: just getconfig for pdfdefaultfont and pdffontsize
Dev: Add an 'auto' to set default font for pdf like graph.
Dev: TODO : test inclded PDF font for specific language, and set default config to auto
Dev: Is set to auto, pdf size don't include font file, maybe lighter pdf file
Dev: Conflicts: application/helpers/admin/statistics_helper.php

mod - application/helpers/admin/statistics_helper.php Diff File