LimeSurvey: master d69915c1

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
githubLewis LouisGac master 2018-07-09 12:59 master 0501b31b
Affected Issues  13821: When importing a survey I receive a "Failed to Insert [3]" error message

Fixed issue 13821: When importing a survey I receive a "Failed to Insert [3]" error message (#1090)

Dev: This issue is caused by a change in the sql pdo driver
Dev: without this fix, new ids aren't returned from tables with identity columns in mssql
Dev: This causes questions not to save correctly (import, new etc)
Dev: This fix is from the yii 1.19-dev label, commit:
Dev: Commit 7b768c304289ede574768de68939224d1180e2b1

mod - framework/db/schema/mssql/CMssqlSqlsrvPdoAdapter.php Diff File