add _exportPrintableHtml to exports
add _exportPrintableHtml to exports - all languages
add _exportPrintableHtml to exports - include the printable css files
add _exportPrintableHtml to exports -get all template assets instead of just css
add _exportPrintableHtml to exports -PHPDoc
add _exportPrintableHtml to exports - add proper action exportprintables
add _exportPrintableHtml to exports -Add link to menu
add _exportPrintableHtml to exports -clean up
add _exportPrintableHtml to exports -clean up 2
add _exportPrintableHtml to exports - add survey title to filenames
add _exportPrintableHtml to exports - move in menu
add _exportPrintableHtml to exports - fix constants redefined in printablesurvey if looped
add _exportPrintableHtml to exports - remove survey title from zip contents : utf-8 special characters get nasty
add _exportPrintableHtml to exports - fix imports
add _exportPrintableHtml to exports Massive - add initial action
add _exportPrintableHtml to exports Massive - add working code
add _exportPrintableHtml to exports -remove checking if languages is empty
Remove unused $oTemplate
Fixed issue 12132: Survey List Status Filter 'Active and running' does not list expiring surveys
reverse - wrong branch?
reverse - wrong branch?
reverse - wrong branch?
Fixed issue 12132: Survey List Status Filter 'Active and running' does not list expiring surveys