LimeSurvey: answers_html e85bb86a

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
DenisChenu DenisChenu answers_html 2016-10-31 03:01 answers_html 99271b45
Affected Issues  11829: Privacy message must use view

Fixed issue 11829: Privacy message must use view
Dev: move 'This survey is anonymous' to title : it must be title
Dev: why not add the second sentence only of token is set ?

mod - application/helpers/replacements_helper.php Diff File
add - application/views/survey/system/privacy/heading.php Diff File
add - application/views/survey/system/privacy/message.php Diff File
mod - templates/default/views/privacy.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/devel/pstpl/privacy.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/flatmodern/views/privacy.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/lumen/pstpl/clearall.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/lumen/pstpl/privacy.pstpl Diff File