LimeSurvey: answers_html 4a2a1c49

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
DenisChenu DenisChenu answers_html 2016-10-03 10:21 answers_html 8766abcb

Dev : Array number + array text basic system
Dev: Array number : some js moved to external or to jquery

mod - application/helpers/qanda_helper.php Diff File
mod - application/views/survey/questions/arrays/multiflexi/rows/cells/answer_td.php Diff File
mod - application/views/survey/questions/arrays/multiflexi/rows/cells/answer_td_checkboxes.php Diff File
add - scripts/array-number-checkbox.js Diff File
mod - scripts/expressions/em_javascript.js Diff File
mod - templates/base_awesome/css/awesome-bootstrap-checkbox/awesome-bootstrap-checkbox.css Diff File
mod - templates/base_awesome/css/template-core.css Diff File
mod - templates/default/css/template-core.css Diff File