LimeSurvey: develop 52de2fa5

Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
sammousa sammousa develop 2015-10-02 09:34 develop 6c8ecf2d
Affected Issues  09865: Unable to use password authentication to DB with postgresql

Fixed issue 09865: Unable to use password authentication to DB with postgresql

mod - protected/controllers/FilesController.php Diff File
mod - protected/controllers/InstallerController.php Diff File
mod - protected/core/WebApplication.php Diff File
mod - protected/core/db/DbConnection.php Diff File
mod - protected/core/db/PgsqlSchema.php Diff File
mod - protected/models/installer/InstallerConfigForm.php Diff File
mod - protected/models/installer/PreCheck.php Diff File
mod - protected/views/global/menus.php Diff File
mod - protected/views/installer/precheck.php Diff File
mod - protected/views/layouts/installer.php Diff File
mod - protected/views/layouts/survey.php Diff File
mod - protected/views/surveys/publicSurveyList.php Diff File