View Issue Details

This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
08224Bug reportsSurvey takingpublic2015-08-04 12:12
Reportermfaber Assigned Tomfaber  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2.00+ 
Target Version2.05 RCFixed in Version2.05+ 
Summary08224: incompletely filled out dates (dropdown mode) are recorded as missing

When a date question is used in dropdown mode and it is not set to mandatory, particpants can incompletely fill out the question (e.g. only give day and year, skipping month) and proceed.
Answer (date) is not recorded at all (missing).

Better behaviour would be if the question has to either be filled in correctly (ALL boxes are filled) or left blank (hey, it's not mandatory).

Need to add better validation. Also for date-picker (see related issue).
At the same time we need to allow for only e.g. giving month and year if the mask is set to ask for only that.....

TagsNo tags attached.
Bug heat8
Complete LimeSurvey version number (& build)131002
I will donate to the project if issue is resolvedNo
Database type & versionMySQL 5.0.10
Server OS (if known)Win7
Webserver software & version (if known)Apache/2.4.3 (Win32)
PHP VersionPhP 5.4.7


related to 07976 closedmfaber Bug reports Require valid dates be entered. 
related to 08226 closedmfaber Feature requests date/time question: allow for masks such as yyyy-mm 
related to 08214 closedmfaber Feature requests Add a timepicker to date question 
related to 09643 closedDenisChenu Bug reports Date/Time question with drop down values fails validation when only one value is selected and MySQL is not the database 

Users monitoring this issue

mfaber, bquiller




2013-11-20 00:05

reporter   ~27245

note to self: implementation in date.js doesn't make much sense. Need to add (very basic) validation of date/time values to EM.



2014-01-18 16:41

administrator   ~27989

Is this still necessary considering your latest changes?



2014-01-19 01:24

reporter   ~28002

Yes, it's not yet resolved. Cannot really handle it as a date validation...rather need to check whether all or no fields (if question is not mandatory) have been filled.



2014-02-17 00:05

reporter   ~28787

Fix committed to master branch:



2014-02-26 13:32

administrator   ~28953

2.05+ Build 140226 released

Related Changesets

LimeSurvey: master 20459419

2014-02-16 23:25


Committer: mfaber

Details Diff
Fixed issue 08224: Incomplete dates (dropdown mode) are recorded as missing

Dev: Validate, reset fields and add warning message on submit.
Dev: EM used but no standard procedure because
Dev: dropdown date boxes are not subquestions.
Affected Issues
mod - application/helpers/expressions/em_manager_helper.php Diff File
mod - application/helpers/qanda_helper.php Diff File
mod - scripts/date.js Diff File
mod - scripts/expressions/em_javascript.js Diff File

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2013-10-02 17:07 mfaber New Issue
2013-10-02 17:10 mfaber Relationship added related to 07976
2013-10-02 17:16 mfaber Relationship added related to 08226
2013-10-02 17:17 mfaber Issue Monitored: mfaber
2013-10-02 17:24 mfaber Relationship added related to 08214
2013-10-02 21:22 mfaber Assigned To => mfaber
2013-10-02 21:22 mfaber Status new => assigned
2013-11-20 00:05 mfaber Note Added: 27245
2014-01-18 16:41 c_schmitz Note Added: 27989
2014-01-19 01:24 mfaber Note Added: 28002
2014-01-29 09:43 bquiller Issue Monitored: bquiller
2014-02-17 00:05 mfaber Changeset attached => LimeSurvey master 20459419
2014-02-17 00:05 mfaber Note Added: 28787
2014-02-17 00:05 mfaber Resolution open => fixed
2014-02-17 00:06 mfaber Reproducibility have not tried => always
2014-02-17 00:06 mfaber Status assigned => resolved
2014-02-17 00:06 mfaber Fixed in Version => 2.05+
2014-02-26 13:32 c_schmitz Note Added: 28953
2014-02-26 13:32 c_schmitz Status resolved => closed
2015-08-04 12:12 c_schmitz Relationship added related to 09643
2021-08-02 17:39 guest Bug heat 4 => 8