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This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
07754Bug reportsRemoteControlpublic2014-05-20 15:22
Reporterallinonesoftware Assigned Totrougakoss  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version2.00+ 
Fixed in Version2.00+ 
Summary07754: Retrieving list of participants with additional token information

I'm trying to get a list of all participants for a single survey with information about the response status, email invititation status and language.

It seems that this can't be done in a single request, so I retrieve a full list of participants via list_participants and then do a separate request to get_participant_properties per participant.

The request to get_participant_properties takes about 0.2 seconds (on average). This seems rather slow, because the list_participants call only takes 0.15 seconds (on average).

Steps To Reproduce

Call list_participants with start 0 and limit 1000

Call per retrieved participant get_participant_properties with aTokenProperties set to array('emailstatus','completed','language','sent')

TagsNo tags attached.
Bug heat8
Complete LimeSurvey version number (& build)130325
I will donate to the project if issue is resolvedNo
Database type & versionMySQL 5.1.41
Server OS (if known)Ubuntu 10,04
Webserver software & version (if known)Apache 2.2.14
PHP Version5.3.2


related to 08996 closedc_schmitz Error 500 to get list_participants by API 

Users monitoring this issue





2013-04-10 10:20

updater   ~24931

If you want to query data of just 50 participants, then this will take ~10 seconds which makes this API function unusable for medium size number of participants.

Trougakoss, do you have any idea why this is so slow?

Can this be fixed easily or should we better aim for an alternative solution which might be a new function returning all token entries with their related data so we can prevent using a loop with lots of single queries?



2013-04-11 16:59

updater   ~24941

@Trougakoss, the user who has reported that problem is willed to donate to Limesurvey (or you) if this could be fixed soon.

If you think this is a no fix and should be solved by a new function, please let us know.




2013-04-12 08:42

reporter   ~24949

The first think that comes in mind is that we might enhance list_participants to provide with more data than just [tid,token,fistname,lastname,email] (language, remindersent, remindercount, completed, as long as it exists in the token table).

As for the speed of the get_participant_properties, you state that it takes 0.2 seconds, which is more or less the same as the list participants. If you accumulate the time for 50 queries, it is expected to take a long time. I do not think that it was intended to perform that many queries.

So i will look into enhancing list-participants, as soon as possible , if there is no better idea



2013-04-15 22:03

updater   ~24959

Spiros, please close this ticket once the new function was added to the Limesurvey core.

Thanks for your great work!



2013-04-17 11:10

reporter   ~24974

Fix committed to master branch:



2013-04-23 16:30

administrator   ~25089

2.00+ Build 130424 release

Related Changesets

LimeSurvey: master f2e0962d

2013-04-16 21:42


Details Diff
Fixed issue 07754: Retrieving list of participants with additional token information Affected Issues
mod - application/controllers/admin/remotecontrol.php Diff File

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2013-04-10 06:52 allinonesoftware New Issue
2013-04-10 10:17 Mazi Assigned To => trougakoss
2013-04-10 10:17 Mazi Status new => assigned
2013-04-10 10:17 Mazi Issue Monitored: c_schmitz
2013-04-10 10:20 Mazi Note Added: 24931
2013-04-11 16:59 Mazi Note Added: 24941
2013-04-12 08:42 trougakoss Note Added: 24949
2013-04-15 22:03 Mazi Note Added: 24959
2013-04-17 11:10 trougakoss Changeset attached => LimeSurvey master f2e0962d
2013-04-17 11:10 trougakoss Note Added: 24974
2013-04-17 11:10 trougakoss Resolution open => fixed
2013-04-22 10:32 c_schmitz Status assigned => resolved
2013-04-22 10:32 c_schmitz Fixed in Version => 2.00+
2013-04-23 16:30 c_schmitz Note Added: 25089
2013-04-23 16:30 c_schmitz Status resolved => closed
2014-05-20 15:22 c_schmitz Relationship added related to 08996
2021-08-03 02:38 guest Bug heat 6 => 8