View Issue Details

This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
06062Bug reportsSurvey editingpublic2012-05-10 20:50
ReporterNickko Assigned Totpartner  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version1.92+ 
Fixed in Version2.00RC1 
Summary06062: Language selector is missing on survey without description nor welcome message

Language selector is missing on survey without description nor welcome message

Steps To Reproduce

Create a survey without description nor welcome message.
Test it and you will not see the language selector.
Add a description : the language selector appear.

TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files
temls.png (17,607 bytes)   
temls.png (17,607 bytes)   
Bug heat6
Complete LimeSurvey version number (& build)120501
I will donate to the project if issue is resolvedNo
Database type & versionMySQL 5
Server OS (if known)Linux (1&1)
Webserver software & version (if known)Apache (1&1)
PHP VersionPHP 5

Users monitoring this issue

There are no users monitoring this issue.




2012-05-04 14:33

administrator   ~18576

Tony, It seems to me like the language selector is missing on the welcome page always (provided you have more than one language, of course). Can you check on this? I think it is a template issue.



2012-05-04 18:01

partner   ~18581

Fix committed to master branch:



2012-05-04 18:12

updater   ~18582

Thank's Carsten and Tony



2012-05-04 18:31

partner   ~18583

Fix committed to Yii branch:



2012-05-04 18:34

partner   ~18584

Fixed in 1.92 and 2.x

Related Changesets

LimeSurvey: master 5d4a4785

2012-05-04 11:01


Details Diff
Fixed issue 06062: Language selector is missing on survey without description nor welcome message
Dev added language selector to welcome page
Affected Issues
mod - templates/bluengrey/template.css Diff File
mod - templates/bluengrey/welcome.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/clear_logo/template.css Diff File
mod - templates/clear_logo/welcome.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/default/template.css Diff File
mod - templates/default/welcome.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/eirenicon/template.css Diff File
mod - templates/eirenicon/welcome.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/limespired/template.css Diff File
mod - templates/limespired/welcome.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/mint_idea/template.css Diff File
mod - templates/mint_idea/welcome.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/sherpa/template.css Diff File
mod - templates/sherpa/welcome.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/vallendar/template.css Diff File
mod - templates/vallendar/welcome.pstpl Diff File

LimeSurvey: Yii 024383e9

2012-05-04 11:30


Details Diff
Fixed issue 06062: Language selector is missing on survey without description nor welcome message
Dev added language selector to welcome page
Affected Issues
mod - templates/bluengrey/template.css Diff File
mod - templates/bluengrey/welcome.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/clear_logo/template.css Diff File
mod - templates/clear_logo/welcome.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/default/template.css Diff File
mod - templates/default/welcome.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/eirenicon/template.css Diff File
mod - templates/eirenicon/welcome.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/limespired/template.css Diff File
mod - templates/limespired/welcome.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/mint_idea/template.css Diff File
mod - templates/mint_idea/welcome.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/sherpa/template.css Diff File
mod - templates/sherpa/welcome.pstpl Diff File
mod - templates/vallendar/template.css Diff File
mod - templates/vallendar/welcome.pstpl Diff File

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-05-03 17:46 Nickko New Issue
2012-05-03 17:46 Nickko File Added: temls.png
2012-05-03 20:05 c_schmitz Assigned To => c_schmitz
2012-05-03 20:05 c_schmitz Status new => assigned
2012-05-04 14:33 c_schmitz Assigned To c_schmitz => tpartner
2012-05-04 14:33 c_schmitz Note Added: 18576
2012-05-04 18:01 tpartner Changeset attached => LimeSurvey master 5d4a4785
2012-05-04 18:01 tpartner Note Added: 18581
2012-05-04 18:01 tpartner Resolution open => fixed
2012-05-04 18:12 Nickko Note Added: 18582
2012-05-04 18:31 tpartner Changeset attached => LimeSurvey Yii 024383e9
2012-05-04 18:31 tpartner Note Added: 18583
2012-05-04 18:34 tpartner Note Added: 18584
2012-05-04 18:34 tpartner Status assigned => resolved
2012-05-10 20:50 c_schmitz Status resolved => closed
2012-05-10 20:50 c_schmitz Fixed in Version => 2.00RC1
2019-11-01 17:25 c_schmitz Category Survey design => Survey editing