View Issue Details

This bug affects 1 person(s).
IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
05943Bug reportsSurvey takingpublic2012-06-07 11:02
ReporterResearchOnBlogs Assigned ToTMSWhite  
Status closedResolutionfixed 
Product Version1.92+ 
Fixed in Version1.92+ 
Summary05943: exclusive option in multiple choice hide all other answer options

If you use the exclusive option in a multiple choice question type, and you choose this answer, all other options where hidden. If you re-check the box, all option are viewable again.

TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Files
diff5943_120419.diff (10,810 bytes)   
diff --git a/classes/expressions/LimeExpressionManager.php b/classes/expressions/LimeExpressionManager.php
index b049794..cc8ec14 100644
--- a/classes/expressions/LimeExpressionManager.php
+++ b/classes/expressions/LimeExpressionManager.php
@@ -3227,6 +3227,12 @@
                 if (!isset($this->subQrelInfo[$questionNum])) {
                     $this->subQrelInfo[$questionNum] = array();
+                // Set the hide mode according to the reason why it's hidden. TODO add attribute in each question with sub question.
+                if(strpos($type,'exclude_all_others')!==false){
+                    $hideMode='input';
+                }else{
+                    $hideMode='';
+                }
                 $this->subQrelInfo[$questionNum][$rowdivid] = array(
                     'qid' => $questionNum,
                     'eqn' => $eqn,
@@ -3240,6 +3246,7 @@
+                    'hideMode'=>$hideMode,
             return $result;
@@ -5508,11 +5515,11 @@
                         $rowdividList[$sq['rowdivid']] = $sq['result'];
                         //                    $relParts[] = "  // Apply " . $sq['type'] . ": " . $sq['eqn'] ."\n";
                         $relParts[] = "  if ( " . $sq['relevancejs'] . " ) {\n";
-                        $relParts[] = "    $('#javatbd" . $sq['rowdivid'] . "').show();\n";
+                        $relParts[] = "    $('#javatbd" . $sq['rowdivid'] . "').lsemShow('{$sq['hideMode']}');\n";
                         $relParts[] = "    if ($('#relevance" . $sq['rowdivid'] . "').val()!='1') { relChange" . $arg['qid'] . "=true; }\n";
                         $relParts[] = "    $('#relevance" . $sq['rowdivid'] . "').val('1');\n";
                         $relParts[] = "  }\n  else {\n";
-                        $relParts[] = "    $('#javatbd" . $sq['rowdivid'] . "').hide();\n";
+                        $relParts[] = "    $('#javatbd" . $sq['rowdivid'] . "').lsemHide('{$sq['hideMode']}');\n";
                         $relParts[] = "    if ($('#relevance" . $sq['rowdivid'] . "').val()=='1') { relChange" . $arg['qid'] . "=true; }\n";
                         $relParts[] = "    $('#relevance" . $sq['rowdivid'] . "').val('');\n";
                         switch ($sq['qtype'])
@@ -5687,14 +5694,14 @@
                     if ($arg['hidden']) {
                         $relParts[] = "  // This question should always be hidden\n";
-                        $relParts[] = "  $('#question" . $arg['qid'] . "').hide();\n";
+                        $relParts[] = "  $('#question" . $arg['qid'] . "').lsemHide();\n";
                         $relParts[] = "  $('#display" . $arg['qid'] . "').val('');\n";
                     else {
                         if (!($relevance == '' || $relevance == '1'))
                             // In such cases, PHP will make the question visible by default.  By not forcing a re-show(), template.js can hide questions with impunity
-                            $relParts[] = "  $('#question" . $arg['qid'] . "').show();\n";
+                            $relParts[] = "  $('#question" . $arg['qid'] . "').lsemShow();\n";
                             if ($arg['type'] == 'S')
                                 $relParts[] = "  if($('#question" . $arg['qid'] . " div[id^=\"gmap_canvas\"]').length > 0)\n";
@@ -5722,7 +5729,7 @@
                     if (!($relevance == '' || $relevance == '1'))
                         $relParts[] = "else {\n";
-                        $relParts[] = "  $('#question" . $arg['qid'] . "').hide();\n";
+                        $relParts[] = "  $('#question" . $arg['qid'] . "').lsemHide();\n";
                         $relParts[] = "  if ($('#relevance" . $arg['qid'] . "').val()=='1') { relChange" . $arg['qid'] . "=true; }\n";  // only propagate changes if changing from relevant to irrelevant
                         $relParts[] = "  $('#relevance" . $arg['qid'] . "').val('0');\n";
                         $relParts[] = "}\n";
diff --git a/config.php b/config.php
index bfcc6be..82b10b1 100644
--- a/config.php
+++ b/config.php
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
  * free or open source software licenses.
  * See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.
- * $Id$
+ * $Id: config.php 9651 2010-12-16 14:25:20Z c_schmitz $
@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@
 // Basic Setup
-$databasetype       =   'mysql';       // ADOdb database driver - valid values are mysql, mysqli, odbc_mssql, mssql_n, odbtp or postgres
+$databasetype       =   'mysqli';       // ADOdb database driver - valid values are mysql, mysqli, odbc_mssql, mssql_n, odbtp or postgres
                                        // mysql: Recommended driver for mysql
-                                       // mysqli: Slightly faster driver for mysql - not on all server systems available
+                                       // mysqli: Slightly faster driver for mysql - not on all server systems available 
                                        // odbc_mssql: MSSQL driver using ODBC with MS SQL Server
                                        // mssqlnative: Native SQL Server driver for SQL Server 2005+
                                        // mssql_n: Experimental driver for MS SQL Server which handles UTF-8 charsets
@@ -34,28 +34,34 @@ $databasetype       =   'mysql';       // ADOdb database driver - valid values a
                                        // postgres: Standard postgres driver
 $databaselocation   =   'localhost';   // Network location of your Database - for odbc_mssql or mssqlnative use the mssql servername, not localhost or IP
-$databasename       =   'limesurvey';  // The name of the database that we will create
-$databaseuser       =   'root';        // The name of a user with rights to create db (or if db already exists, then rights within that db)
-$databasepass       =   '';            // Password of db user
+$databasename       =   'sondagespro_lssvn';  // The name of the database that we will create
+$databaseuser       =   'sondagespro';        // The name of a user with rights to create db (or if db already exists, then rights within that db)
+$databasepass       =   'u3BWRZdczah4GZ6m';            // Password of db user
 $dbprefix           =   'lime_';       // A global prefix that can be added to all LimeSurvey tables. Use this if you are sharing
-// a database with other applications. Suggested prefix is 'lime_'
+                                       // a database with other applications. Suggested prefix is 'lime_'
 // File Locations
-$rooturl            =   "http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}/limesurvey"; // The root web url for your limesurvey installation (without a trailing slash).
+// File Locations
+$rooturl            =   "http://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}"; // The root web url for your limesurvey installation (without a trailing slash).
 // The double quotes (") are important.
-$rootdir            =   dirname(__FILE__); // This is the physical disk location for your limesurvey installation. Normally you don't have to touch this
-// setting. If you use IIS then you MUST enter the complete rootdir e.g. : $rootDir='C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\limesurvey'!
-// Some IIS and OS/2 installations also require to use forward slashes
-// instead of backslashes, e.g.  $rootDir='C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/limesurvey'!
+$rootdir            =   dirname(__FILE__);  // This is the physical disk location for your limesurvey installation. Normally you don't have to touch this
+                                            // setting. If you use IIS then you MUST enter the complete rootdir e.g. : $rootDir='C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\limesurvey'!
+                                            // Some IIS and OS/2 installations also require to use forward slashes
+                                            // instead of backslashes, e.g.  $rootDir='C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/limesurvey'!
 // Installation Setup
-$defaultuser        =   'admin';           // This is the username when LimeSurvey is installed and the administration user is created on installation
-$defaultpass        =   'password';        // This is the password for the administration user when LimeSurvey is installed
+$defaultuser        =   'shnoulle';           // This is the username when LimeSurvey is installed and the administration user is created on installation
+$defaultpass        =   'motdepasse';        // This is the password for the administration user when LimeSurvey is installed
 // Debug Settings
-$debug              =   0;                 // Set this to 1 if you are looking for errors. If you still get no errors after enabling this
+$debug              =   3;                 // Set this to 1 if you are looking for errors. If you still get no errors after enabling this
                                            // then please check your error-logs - either in your hosting provider admin panel or in some /logs dir
                                            // on your webspace.
                                            // LimeSurvey developers: Set this to 3 to circumvent the restriction to remove the installation directory and full access to standard templates
                                            // or to change the password. If you set it to 3 then PHP STRICT warnings will be shown additionally.
+$demoModeOnly = false;
+$modrewrite         =   1;
diff --git a/scripts/em_javascript.js b/scripts/em_javascript.js
index 98004b9..7d96588 100644
--- a/scripts/em_javascript.js
+++ b/scripts/em_javascript.js
@@ -2495,4 +2495,21 @@ function time () {
     // *     example 1: timeStamp = time();
     // *     results 1: timeStamp > 1000000000 && timeStamp < 2000000000
     return Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000);
\ No newline at end of file
+// replace hide function by lsemHide
+jQuery.fn.lsemHide = function(hideMode) {
+    if(hideMode=='input'){
+        $(this).find('input').css('visibility','hidden');
+    }else{
+        $(this).hide();
+    }
+jQuery.fn.lsemShow = function(hideMode) {
+    if(hideMode=='input'){
+        $(this).show();
+        $(this).find('input').css('visibility','');
+    }else{
+        $(this).show();
+    }
diff --git a/scripts/survey_runtime.js b/scripts/survey_runtime.js
index 807133e..84f25d1 100644
--- a/scripts/survey_runtime.js
+++ b/scripts/survey_runtime.js
@@ -1001,3 +1001,4 @@ function textLimit(field, maxlen) {
 		document.getElementById(field).value = document.getElementById(field).value.substring(0, maxlen);
diff5943_120419.diff (10,810 bytes)   
Bug heat16
Complete LimeSurvey version number (& build)120311
I will donate to the project if issue is resolvedNo
Database type & version?
Server OS (if known)?
Webserver software & version (if known)?
PHP Version?

Users monitoring this issue





2012-03-22 12:23

reporter   ~18042

This is how it is designed to work - acts like array_filter. However, since some users are finding this confusing, we're checking whether we can replicate the old behavior and still support cascading relevance properly.



2012-03-22 23:54

administrator   ~18049

My suggestion: Enhance the EM logic to 'If it a EM behaviour has effect (relevancy) on the very same question it was originating from then only visually disable (instead of hiding) the related inputs?

That would follow a logical strict rule and maintain usability.



2012-03-23 17:19

developer   ~18069

<q>That would follow a logical strict rule and maintain usability. </q>

Same for array_filter ?

Seem very difficult no ?

Maybe :
advanced setting : select "hide" OR "disabled" for EM_logic default to hide.



2012-03-23 17:26

reporter   ~18070

Having that sort of advanced option might be easier. That way I could keep the relevance processing intact, but instead of calling .show(), or .hide(), I'd call
// Disable #x
$('#x').attr('disabled', true);
// Enable #x
$('#x').attr('disabled', false);



2012-03-24 06:47

reporter   ~18075

Actually, using disabled looks very strange when used for array_filter and array_filter exclude. So, will need to refactor code to separate exclusive option out of array filter processing and let just exclusive options utilize the "disabled" approach.



2012-03-25 11:58

developer   ~18083

With advanced setting:

and relevanceTrue(setting){
if (setting==disabled){
$(this).attr('disabled', 'disabled');
if (setting==...){


Something like that maybe.



2012-03-26 18:34

administrator   ~18089

The 'Advanced question settings' option sounds fine.



2012-04-13 16:34

reporter   ~18351

Denis - I like your approach discussed here -



2012-04-13 17:57

developer   ~18354

Last edited: 2012-04-13 18:58

Tom: did i have "why" subquestion are hidden in LimeExpressionManager .

Something like 'hide_attribute_exclude' or 'hide_attribute_arrayfilter' or ....

Or a way to find it.


PS: sorry .... $qattr :)



2012-04-14 13:28

developer   ~18356

Last edited: 2012-04-14 13:30

Not only javascript solution,

Need too to review return_array_filter_strings too.

I don't see a good solution actually.

Actual working draft joined in diff.

Alternate solution:
addClass('emHide hideBy{$type}'), the we can do it in return_array_filter_strings.
But, then there are template compatibilty problem.



2012-04-19 12:56

developer   ~18431

Update the patch for April 19 Git version.
Add a testing survey

Actually : work with javascript only, not with Previous button (or reload survey).

I'm not sure for patching ...

1st: need patch to return_array_filter_strings function (qanda.php) : need more SESSION information, add a $_SESSION['relevanceStatus'][$rowname]['why'] ? Empty or not set by default. Review totally ExpressionManager Class to have the reason of hide reason (think need a lot of work ;) ).

2nd : remove exclude_all_others/exclude_all_others_auto from ExpressionManager and do it only in Javascript and do_multiplechoice function.

I don't see the good solution.



2012-05-09 21:40

updater   ~18648

I think we should separate the array filter code and the exclusive option code. Array filter works great the way it is, but the exclusive option should only disable other options so you still see what alternative answer options exist. This is the original behavior and our long term users expect it to work this way and it also makes more sense that way. The new design for the exclusive option is also irritating because you can't say if previously chosen answers are saved if you switch to the exclusive option (tested: they are not stored which is fine).



2012-05-09 22:56

developer   ~18649


Thanks Mazi, work on option 2 then :)




2012-05-11 13:38

reporter   ~18698


I think there is an easier solution that guarantees continued support for cascading relevance without the need for patching qanda or adding more SESSION details. I have some free time today if you want me to take a stab at this.



2012-05-11 13:42

developer   ~18699

Last edited: 2012-05-11 13:43

My actual option is to remove exclude_all_others and exclude_all_others_auto from Expression Manager ...

Then Go go !

Thank you !

[Edit : The -> Then]



2012-05-15 01:00

reporter   ~18752

Still working on it.

Wasn't too hard to get it working for single questions, or even cascaded ones. What's hard is undoing it in the following situation:

Q1: A-J + NA. exclude_all_others = "NA"
Q2: A-J. array_filter = Q1, and exclude_all_others = "E"
Q3: A-J. array_filter = Q2

With current status, initial filtering works fine. However, if I click "E" in Q1 so that I can see it in Q2 (plus B-G so I can see other options), then click "E" in Q2 (that properly causes the rest of Q2 to be disabled). However, if I unclick E in Q1, E in Q2 should be irrelevant, so all of the questions disabled by E should be re-enabled, and all downstream questions should be properly parsed.

Not sure if anyone would ever do this, but this highlights the fact that it isn't a trivial fix.



2012-05-15 17:43

reporter   ~18759

Fix committed to master branch:



2012-05-15 18:55

reporter   ~18764

Fix committed to Yii branch:



2012-05-17 10:27

administrator   ~18814

New 1.92+ version released.



2012-06-05 08:19

reporter   ~19070

Fix committed to master branch:



2012-06-05 08:19

reporter   ~19071

Fix committed to Yii branch:



2012-06-07 02:38

reporter   ~19088

When revisit (prev) a question that has array_filter_exclude disabled sub-questions, they are hidden rather than disabled.



2012-06-07 03:52

reporter   ~19089

Fix committed to master branch:



2012-06-07 03:52

reporter   ~19090

Fix committed to Yii branch:



2012-06-07 11:02

administrator   ~19093

New 1.91+ build released.

Related Changesets

LimeSurvey: master ff03709d

2012-05-15 10:42


Details Diff
Fixed issue 05943: exclusive option in multiple choice hide all other answer options
Dev tested to confirm that this works for (a) multiple exclude_all_other options, and (b) cascading array_filter(_exclude) so that if an exclude_all_others row becomes irrelevant, the non-excluded options become re-enabled
Affected Issues
mod - classes/expressions/LimeExpressionManager.php Diff File
mod - qanda.php Diff File

LimeSurvey: Yii c16bb49d

2012-05-15 11:53


Details Diff
Fixed issue 05943: exclusive option in multiple choice hide all other answer options Affected Issues
mod - application/helpers/expressions/em_manager_helper.php Diff File
mod - application/helpers/qanda_helper.php Diff File

LimeSurvey: master 36794a55

2012-06-05 01:16


Details Diff
Fixed issue 05943: exclusive option in multiple choice hide all other answer options
Dev Author can choose between having array_filter(_exclude) hide vs. disable the filtered values
Affected Issues
mod - classes/expressions/LimeExpressionManager.php Diff File
mod - common_functions.php Diff File

LimeSurvey: Yii 33de9732

2012-06-05 01:18


Details Diff
Fixed issue 05943: exclusive option in multiple choice hide all other answer options
Dev Author can choose between having array_filter(_exclude) hide vs. disable the filtered values
Affected Issues
mod - application/helpers/common_helper.php Diff File
mod - application/helpers/expressions/em_manager_helper.php Diff File

LimeSurvey: master 9f53eade

2012-06-06 20:49


Details Diff
Fixed issue 05943: exclusive option in multiple choice hide all other answer options
Dev Upon revisiting a question, sub-questions that should have been disabled were being hidden instead
Affected Issues
mod - qanda.php Diff File

LimeSurvey: Yii 27afbda5

2012-06-06 20:51


Details Diff
Fixed issue 05943: exclusive option in multiple choice hide all other answer options
Dev Upon revisiting a question, sub-questions that should have been disabled were being hidden instead
Affected Issues
mod - application/helpers/qanda_helper.php Diff File

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2012-03-22 11:58 ResearchOnBlogs New Issue
2012-03-22 12:23 TMSWhite Note Added: 18042
2012-03-22 23:54 c_schmitz Note Added: 18049
2012-03-23 16:27 c_schmitz Assigned To => DenisChenu
2012-03-23 16:27 c_schmitz Status new => assigned
2012-03-23 16:27 c_schmitz Assigned To DenisChenu => TMSWhite
2012-03-23 17:19 DenisChenu Note Added: 18069
2012-03-23 17:26 TMSWhite Note Added: 18070
2012-03-24 06:47 TMSWhite Note Added: 18075
2012-03-25 11:58 DenisChenu Note Added: 18083
2012-03-26 18:34 c_schmitz Note Added: 18089
2012-04-13 16:33 TMSWhite Assigned To TMSWhite => DenisChenu
2012-04-13 16:34 TMSWhite Note Added: 18351
2012-04-13 17:57 DenisChenu Note Added: 18354
2012-04-13 18:58 DenisChenu Note Edited: 18354
2012-04-14 13:26 DenisChenu File Added: diff5943.diff
2012-04-14 13:27 DenisChenu File Deleted: diff5943.diff
2012-04-14 13:28 DenisChenu File Added: diff5943.diff
2012-04-14 13:28 DenisChenu Note Added: 18356
2012-04-14 13:30 DenisChenu Note Edited: 18356
2012-04-19 12:43 DenisChenu File Added: diff5943_120419.diff
2012-04-19 12:44 DenisChenu File Deleted: diff5943.diff
2012-04-19 12:44 DenisChenu File Added: limesurvey_survey_58796.lss
2012-04-19 12:56 DenisChenu Note Added: 18431
2012-04-19 12:56 DenisChenu Issue Monitored: c_schmitz
2012-05-09 21:40 Mazi Note Added: 18648
2012-05-09 22:56 DenisChenu Note Added: 18649
2012-05-11 13:38 TMSWhite Note Added: 18698
2012-05-11 13:42 DenisChenu Note Added: 18699
2012-05-11 13:43 DenisChenu Assigned To DenisChenu => TMSWhite
2012-05-11 13:43 DenisChenu Note Edited: 18699
2012-05-15 01:00 TMSWhite Note Added: 18752
2012-05-15 17:43 TMSWhite Changeset attached => LimeSurvey master ff03709d
2012-05-15 17:43 TMSWhite Note Added: 18759
2012-05-15 17:43 TMSWhite Resolution open => fixed
2012-05-15 18:55 TMSWhite Changeset attached => LimeSurvey Yii c16bb49d
2012-05-15 18:55 TMSWhite Note Added: 18764
2012-05-15 18:55 TMSWhite Status assigned => resolved
2012-05-15 18:55 TMSWhite Fixed in Version => 1.92+
2012-05-17 10:27 c_schmitz Note Added: 18814
2012-05-17 10:27 c_schmitz Status resolved => closed
2012-06-05 08:19 TMSWhite Changeset attached => LimeSurvey master 36794a55
2012-06-05 08:19 TMSWhite Note Added: 19070
2012-06-05 08:19 TMSWhite Changeset attached => LimeSurvey Yii 33de9732
2012-06-05 08:19 TMSWhite Note Added: 19071
2012-06-07 02:38 TMSWhite Note Added: 19088
2012-06-07 02:38 TMSWhite Status closed => feedback
2012-06-07 02:38 TMSWhite Resolution fixed => reopened
2012-06-07 03:52 TMSWhite Changeset attached => LimeSurvey master 9f53eade
2012-06-07 03:52 TMSWhite Note Added: 19089
2012-06-07 03:52 TMSWhite Changeset attached => LimeSurvey Yii 27afbda5
2012-06-07 03:52 TMSWhite Note Added: 19090
2012-06-07 03:53 TMSWhite Status feedback => resolved
2012-06-07 03:53 TMSWhite Resolution reopened => fixed
2012-06-07 11:02 c_schmitz Note Added: 19093
2012-06-07 11:02 c_schmitz Status resolved => closed
2021-08-03 05:34 guest Bug heat 14 => 16